2015 Illapel, Chile earthquake

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USGS Earthquake Map records 102 earthquakes with magnitude 4.5+ from 2015-09-16 to 2015-09-19 13:09 UTC

The 2015 Chile Illapel earthquake occurred in Chile on September 16 at 19:54 (local time). Magnitude 8.3 The epicentre was off the coast near Ilapel. At least 5 people died in the quake itself. A tsunami alert was originally issued but since partly lifted. wikipedia:2015 Illapel earthquake has more.

View on OpenStreetMap (epicentre marked)

Using the map

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Improving the map

OpenStreetMap is a editable map, so we can improve it if there's anything missing/wrong (Beginners' guide). This is particularly useful if you have any local knowledge or you can survey things on-the-ground (names of streets etc)

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team may mount a crisis mapping response. The OSM Tasking Manager has already been set up some jobs:

Chile Task Manager projects (Last checked 2015-10-18)
  Job No.      Location What to map Task Mapping Status Task Validation Status
#1198 Coquimbo roads, buildings, residential areas, open areas Completed In Progress (80%)
#1204 Canela, Canela Baja y Canela Alta roads, buildings, residential areas, open areas Completed In Progress (26%)
#1205 Los Vilos roads, buildings, residential areas, open areas Completed In Progress (86%)
#1199 Illapel roads, buildings, residential areas, open areas Archived
#1201 Tongoy roads, buildings, residential areas, open areas Archived