AGIV CRAB Import/Free open data licence Flanders

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Free open data license Flanders v1.0 (18th of March 2013)


This license includes the conditions for the reuse of datasets in possession of an agency which are made free available as ‘open data’. By using the rights granted under this license in respect to the data (‘the product’), the licensee accepts the terms of the License.

Article 1. Interpretation

Unless stated otherwise, the words or terms used in this license have the same significance as in the Decree of 27 April 2007, regarding the reuse of information of the government.

Article 2. Definitions

Product: the administrative document that is made available by the licensor to the licensee under this license. Administrative documents which are containing personal information are not covered by the definition of product in this license.

Licensor: the agency as referred to in Article 2 of the Decree of 27 April 2007 concerning the reuse of data of the government, which holds the intellectual property rights to the product and which has the authority to make the data under this license available.

Supplier: the natural person, legal person or their group of them to whom the licensor granted the right to distribute the Product and makes the Product available for reuse.

Licensee: every natural person, legal person or group of them that will get the right to use the Product under this license.

Article 3. Object of the license

The Licensee gets the non-exclusive, worldwide right to reuse the product for any legitimate purpose, including the reproduction, distribute, publishing, adaptation and commercial exploitation of the product.

Article 4. Obligations of the licensee

The licensee commits to comply the terms of the license.

The licensee commits to attribute the source by every reuse of the product as specified by the licensor. In the absence of such a specification, the licensee shall indicate the name of the licensor and, if possible, the date or year of the product. Where it is not reasonable practical to include all the citations because of the combination of works of different sources or licensors, the following indication shall be entered: "Contains information of the government obtained under the Free Open Data License Flanders v. 1.0".

The licensee commits to avoid any illegal reuse of the product. He commits to not giving the impression that he is acting on behalf of the licensor or that his reuse has any official status or was approved by the licensor.

The licensee commits in the reuse of the work not to make an infringement on the relevant legislation concerning the protection of personal data, or any other legal provision.

Article 5. Intellectual property rights

The licensor reserves all intellectual property rights to the product, except the rights which are explicit granted to the licensee in this license.

The licensee keeps all intellectual property rights to the works he creates based on the product, without prejudice to the obligations regarding the reuse of the product in these works, as described in this license.

Article 6. Price

The access to, the supply and the reuse of the product are free of charge.

Article 7. End of license

The license is valid for an indefinite duration. It will automatically terminate if the licensee fails to comply the terms of the license.

Article 8. Liability

The product was originally created for specific purposes within the public task of the licensor and the licensor does not guarantee that the product is suitable for other purposes.

The licensor or the supplier delivers the product in the state as it is and is not responsible for the damages incurred by the licensee and / or third parties as a result of the reuse of the product under the terms of this license.

Article 9. Applicable law and appeal procedure

The Belgian law is applicable. Disputes about the content or implementation of this license must be submitted to the Appellate Body on Open Government and Reuse of governmental information, under the conditions laid down in the decree on the re-use of information of the government.

Information about the license

This license was written by the Flemish government to stimulate the reuse of administrative documents as open data. It is designed in such a way that it is compatible with other open licenses that include attribution as condition, such as the English Open Government Licence, the French Licence Ouverte, the Creative Commons Attribution license or the Open Data Commons Attribution license.

This is version 1.0 of the free Open Data License. When the Flemish government deems it necessary, it may offer a new version of the license.

The original license text (in Dutch):

Information about attribution

The license states that attribution is required. Attribution however can be done by mentioning the data-source in a source-list similar to the list on this wiki at Potential_Datasources#Belgium. Guidelines for this attribution can be found here (in Dutch):