Bicycle parking Cyklokoalicia import

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Bicycle parking from Cyklokoalícia - import

Cyklokoalícia is a non-profit advocacy expert group that aims to improve bicycle infrastructure in Bratislava and all over Slovakia.


In March, 20th 2017 we have received a e-mail approving us to use of their bicycle stand database (60 items). They sent us a CSV database dump by e-mail.

Input data

CSV dump contains these columns:

  • standId - number
  • standName - short description in capital leters
  • standDescription - place description, sometimes contains details, mostly in english, some in slovak
  • standPhoto - http link to image on
  • serviceTag - empty
  • placeName - same value as standName
  • longitude, latitude - a decimal number describing the coordinates of position

Coordinates will be used for placing the bicycle parking node, or to find existing one in OSM database. standName, standDescription and standPhoto will be used for finding more precise placing of the object. standPhoto will be used to define type of the bicycle stand.

Tag ref:cyklokoalicia will be filled out with value "<standId> <standName>" (ie. "11 DREAM")


Import process is about adding a bicycle-rental network and bicycle stands. There will be added node "amenity=bicycle_rental" (see details below) and if there is a real bicycle-stand on the place there will be added another node "amenity=bicycle_parking" (see details below).

Coordinates will be used to place these nodes or to find existing bicycle stand in the OSM database. Fields standName, standDescription a standPhoto will be used to clarify the location. standPhoto will be used to define bicycle stand type. According to photos some of these stands are not real stands but railings with locked bikes. Many of these stands may be already in the OSM database and because of that the import has to be human-verified. If bicycle stand is a railing it depends on human doing the import if he adds details bicycle_parking=informal + barrier=fence + fence_type=railing and similar.

Node bicycle_rental:

  • amenity="bicycle_rental"
  • network="WhiteBikes Bratislava"
  • name=WhiteBikes - <meno> (for example WhiteBikes - KARADZICOVA)
  • ref=<cislo> (for example 69)
  • operator=WhiteBikes
  • website=
  • ref:whitebikes_image=<url>

Node bicycle_parking:

  • amenity=bicycle_parking
  • bicycle_parking=* (according to photo and description)
  • ref:cyklokoalicia = "WhiteBikes - <standId> <standName>" (for example "WhiteBikes - 11 DREAM").
  • note = <detaily> if dump contains some important details

Import steps:

  • adapt CSV columns into format suitable for import
  • convert CSV dump to OSM file with help of script , it will create nodes for bike rental
  • positions of the stands from dump will be compared with positions of stands in OSM and there will be added missing attributes or new stands in JOSM

Dedicated user

Import and updates will be done under new user cyklokoalicia_bot. This account's password will be handed to OSM users from the community who are willing to help with the task.

Changesets will be marked with these tags:

  • source = cyklokoalicia
  • comment = cyklokoalicia_import (by <OSM_user_doing_the_import>)

Performed changes

User was used for import of the changes on June 2017 by user MiroJanosik. I have made a summary sheet with list of stands and informations about import action on them. Stands were tagged according scheme defined here on wiki. Into sheet I have added information if the description and photo matches defined position. Position of some of the stands differs by 50 meters, and they were placed on real position on map instead the position defined by whitebikes. Import feedback was sent to whitebikes.

2018-09-28 - user MiroJanosik updated whitebikes data in OSM according to WhiteBikes database. He wrote down steps how this was performed (by comparing old and new database outputs), these steps are in his own mailbox.

2019-09-18 - user Marek-Marek renamed stands from "<NAME>" to "WhiteBikes - <NAME>", and from now on this will be used also in automated edits.