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Eine Übersicht über alle erfassten Kameras in Bremen Stadt.

Alle Links hier sind mittels OSM-Query-to-map erstellt.

Tag Link Beschreibung
surveillance=* Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Generelle Übersicht über alle erfassten Kameras in Bremen Stadt
surveillance=indoor Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Kammeras die innerhalb von Gebäuden die z.B. das aufklären von Diebstählen unterstützen sollen.
surveillance=outdoor Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Kammeras die ausserhalb von Gebäuden zur Überwachungen aufgestellt sind.
surveillance=public Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Zur Überwachung vom Straßenverkehr und ähnliches.
surveillance=webcam Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Zur Überwachung vom Straßenverkehr und ähnliches.
surveillance=yes Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Eine genauere Bestimmung des Verwendungszweckes ist von Nöten.

Und hier noch einige alternative verfahren wie Kameras markiert werden können. Diese Tags sind nicht falsch, allerdings wäre es nicht schlecht sie die obrige Struktur anzupassen.

Tag Stadt Bremen Link Weltweit Link Beschreibung
highway=speed_camera Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Staarenkästen in Bremen Stadt. (Sollten wohl idealerweise auch mit einem surveillance=* getagt werden, welches ist aber noch zu bestimmen.
man_made=surveillance Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Eine genauere Bestimmung des Verwendungszweckes ist von Nöten. (Alternatives Tag mit weniger Details)
contact:webcam=* Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Webcams in Bremen Stadt. (Alternatives Tag mit weniger Details)
uri:webcam=* Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Webcams in Bremen Stadt. (Alternatives Tag mit weniger Details)
url:webcam=* Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Webcams in Bremen Stadt. (Alternatives Tag mit weniger Details)
website:webcam=* Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Webcams in Bremen Stadt. (Alternatives Tag mit weniger Details)
webcam=* Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Due to changes in Query-to-map this Template does not work anymore. You can use Template:Osm-query2. Please replace or delete this use of Osm-query template. [ dead link ] Webcams in Bremen Stadt. (Alternatives Tag mit weniger Details)