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To include elevation contours in your rebuild, follow these steps :

  • Convert the elevation data to osm contours. Srtm2osm works well for areas smaller than 40,000 km^2, provided you have a Windows machine with 256 MB RAM. The perl script there also works, but the areas can only be a few hundred km^2.
  • You can use the merge utilities provided with these programs. Or you can use a bash script to do the merging on the fly and change the tags at the same time. For example :
 ( bzcat mycountry.osm.bz2 | grep -v '</osm>'
   sed -e 's/"ele"/"name"/' srtm.osm | egrep -v '<?xml|<osm' ) |
 ./gosmore rebuild
  • Add appropriate rules to elemstyles.xml :
               <condition k="contour" v="elevation"/>
               <line width="1" realwidth="1" colour="#a0a060"/>
  • If you use graduated contours, add these rules BEFORE the contour=elevation rule :
               <condition k="contour_ext" v="elevation_major"/>
               <line width="1" realwidth="1" colour="#a0a060"/>
               <condition k="contour_ext" v="elevation_minor"/>
               <line width="1" realwidth="1" colour="#a0a060"/>