GroundTruth Standard Garmin Types

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This page contains tables for mapping Garmin map element type names into type ID's. It is used by GroundTruth's rendering rules.


Filling the missing data

These tables currently hold only a small fraction of all available types. The idea is for any user of GroundTruth to help fill the missing types. Possible sources of information could be:

  • Online TYP Editor - Nov 2014: This TYP editor is no longer available. Use TYPViewer or TYPWiz to edit TYP files. TYPViewer is free, relatively easy to use, and does contain a table of Garmin type codes. Whether they are complete and up to date, I cannot say.
  • cGPSmapper's mapping files.
  • Mkgmap's mapping files.
  • Experimenting - simply use an undefined type ID, make or import an icon, give it a name, and use it in your rules. Then check what your unit (or Mapsource) displays as a name for this type.

Data correctness

Please make sure the information is correct. Also be careful not to enter erroneous stuff into tables, since it can cause GroundTruth to fail when parsing them - this will mean that you'll be making life difficult to other users.


Also: please try to sort the mappings in alphabetical order, to make things more readable.

Thanks from GroundTruth's author!

Definition room for areas, lines and POIs

Areas and Lines don't matter. You can use anything what you want by adding a typfile. Only POI matter, because otherwise they show up in the wrong category for the search function. For lines you can use 0x00 (I think maybe cgpsmapper accepts no 0x00 but only 0x01 and up) to 0x2b (line types 0x2c to 0x3f are shown on gps unit, but not in Mapsource)- or use non standard types in RGN,2,3,4 of format 0x????? and give a definition for them in the typfile POI of 0x????? are however not searchable for. For areas you can use 0x00 to 0x3f AFAIK.~~

I'm not sure about lines not mattering, I think I read somewhere that only certain line types are used by Garmin for routing? --Breki 18:51, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
Yip situation is different once it comes to routing. (I'ld suspect only 0x01 to 0x0a or 0x0b are routable. Oh 0x20-0x25 are reserved for contourlines and can't be used for other lines). Because of that, based on your use profile (i.e. on a mtb you don't want to route on highways or trunk roads) you should switch around a bit.--Extremecarver 23:15, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
According to cgpsmapper's RGNtype.txt: "Routable types are: 0x01 - 0x13, 0x16, 0x1a, 0x1b" --FedericoCozzi 07:31, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

Standard Garmin types


Type Name Type ID
Airport 2F04
Amusement/Theme park 2C01
Attraction 2C00
Bank 2F06
Bar 4600
Beach 6604
Bed & Breakfast inn 2B02
Bench 6605
Bowling 2D07
Bridge 6401
Building 6402
Bus station 2F08
Camping 4800
Camping/RV-Park 2B03
Car Repair 2F03
Cemetery 6403
Casino 2D04
Church 6404
Cinema 2D03
Civil 6405
City (Capital) 1
City (Large) 2
City (Medium) 5
City (Small) 8
Cove 6507
Crossing 6406
Drinking Water 5000
Elevation spot 6300
Exit 2000
Falls 6508
Fast food 2A07
First aid station 4B00
Fishing spot 4100
Forest 660A
Fuel/Gas 2F01
Geyser 6509
Golf Course 2D05
Ground transportation 2F08
Harbor 650B
Hospital 3002
Hotel/Motel 2B01
House 6100
Ice skating 2D08
Information 4C00
Label 2800
Landmark 2C04
Library 2C03
Lodging 2B00
Marina 2F09
Mile marker 5A00
Mine 640C
Museum 2C02
Parking Area 2F0B
Pharmacy 2E05
Picnic area 4A00
Place of Worship 2C0B
Police Station 3001
Post office 2F05
Mailbox 640F
Rapids 650E
Region name (no Point, big) 1400
Region name (no Point, middle) 1E00
Region name (no Point, small) 2800
Restroom 2F0C
Scenic area 5200
School 2C05
Shopping Center 2E04
Shop 2E01
Shower 4F00
Stadium 2C08
Summit 6616
Swimming pool 2D09
Telephone 5100
Tower 6411
Trailhead 6412
Tunnel 6413
Well 6414
Winery 2C0A
Zoo/Aquarium 2C07


Type Name Type ID
Airport 07
Airport runway 0E
Blue-Unknown 29
Cemetery 1A
City 01
City park 17
Flat 53
Glacier 4D
Golf 18
Hospital 0B
Industrial 0C
Intermittent River/Lake 4C
Lake 3C
Marina 09
Military base 04
Ocean 28
Orchard 4E
Parking 05
River 46
Scrub 4F
Sea 32
Shopping Center 08
Small Lake 41
Sports complex 19
Tundra 52
University 0A
Wetland 51
Woods 50


Type Name Type ID
Airport Runway 27
Alley 07
Arterial Road-medium 04
Arterial Road-thick 05
Boundary-continent 1d
Boundary-political 1c
Depth-contour-medium 24
Depth-contour-thick 25
Depth-contour-thin 23
Ferry1 1a
Ferry2 1b
Intermittent-river 26
Intl. Boundary 1e
Land-contour-medium 21
Land-contour-thick 22
Land-contour-thin 20
Major HWY Connector-thick 0b
Major HWY thick 01
Major Trail 0f
Marine boundary 2a
Marine hazard 2b
Path 16
Pedestrian Area 0d
Pipeline 28
Power line 29
Principal HWY-medium 03
Principal HWY-thick 02
Railroad 14
Ramp high-speed 09
Ramp low-speed 08
Residential 06
River 1f
Road 00
Road-thin 06
Roundabout 0c
Shoreline 15
Steep track 13
Stream-thin 18
Time zone 19
Trail 16
Unpaved Road-thin 0a