Humanitarian OSM Team/Communications

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The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team performs communications both within itself and to the outside world. While we are a mostly volunteer organization having a strategy around our communications helps ensure we are able to act as a reliable and skilled organization. This guide is intended to help with those ideas.

Internal Communications

Internal communications methods are aimed at the HOT team. Remember however close partners tend to monitor these locations as well, the more clear the communication is the more effective we can all be together.

Humanitarian OSM Team section of the OpenStreetMap Wiki
A place for coordination the internal aspects of an activation, internal structural operations and other communications which might not be ready for the whole world yet.
HOT Mailing List
Location for discussion, updates from projects and events that would be of interest to HOT's membership.
Working group meetings and real-time discussion occur there. This channel is not logged however and that needs to be kept in mind.
Medium for reaching out directly to individuals at partner organizations.
Open Atrium
Tool for tracking projects. Portions of it are private and others public depending on the group.

External Communications

External public communications are aimed at a wide audience. When utilizing those communications it is important to remember the audience may not be technical and will not likely be familiar with our acronyms and jargon. website
Main outward communication about projects. Updates area acts as a form of blog. Those who need an account should talk to Kate Chapman. In updates it is important to link to reference websites and also fully explain technical terms and provide context to the post.
@hotosm Twitter Account
Short current information about activities. For projects/activations consider using a hashtag, so communications can easily be grouped. Members should consider having their own personal Twitter account to communicate as well.
Facebook Page
Information about ongoing activities in the organization. Can be a good place to post pictures and video. Utilizing the Facebook page requires a Facebook account. Individuals working closely with local partners in countries such as Haiti and Indonesia should consider utilizing their Facebook account for more direct communication with those individuals.
Direct discussion with partners. Consider if someone else would have already emailed that partner before you email. Protocols are being developed currently on the Activation Working groups.