Humanitarian OSM Team/Working groups/Community

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This Humanitarian Open Mapping Community Working Group works to engage and foster the growth of the global HOT community. Recognizing that this is a large and open-ended task, the group will need to decide upon targeted actions, and deliver improvements in small steps. An improved community is one which works together better, and which fosters and supports the growth of local groups around the world. Where necessary it may develop policies to be adopted by HOT in pursuit of these goals. The Community Working Group priorities are to encourage community participation for a more inclusive community.

The Community Working Group facilitates webinars and other relevant events. Group members are expected to share ideas for community webinars, reach out to potential speakers, draft communication materials (e.g. title and description of webinars, e-mails, etc.), and discuss community related concerns.

Review our full Terms of Reference here.

Get Involved


We meet every Tuesday at either 09:00 or 17:00 utc on Jitsi(the time rotates to make the working group more accessible - check the Working Group Calendar for details) and the meetings notes are available, here.

Meetings begin with introductions to new participants, community shout outs and a review of the open action items. Agenda is then defined by the participants present in the meeting - please feel free to add your items to the agenda for discussion. The meeting chair position rotates and the next chair is selected at the end of each meeting.


The community working group organizes regular community webinars - for details of past and future webinars, go to Humanitarian OSM Team/Working groups/Community/Webinars.

OSM-related International Women's Day 2021 events.

We also documented some of our learnings from our past webinars. Other groups organizing community events are more than welcome to use and / or contribute!

In 2022, we have initiated the Mentorship Program.


The Community Working Group uses several tools to keep track and communicate our activities:

Archive notes

'HOT Community Calls' (not necessarily 'official' meetings):

Past meetings:

  • /2015-01-10 - TOR, Conflict Resolution process, 2014 Community Thank You Message
  • /2014-10-11 - Finalising TOR bullet points and deciding on a task tracking approach
  • /2014-09-20 - Discussing the scope of the group and drafting TOR doc
  • /2014-03-15 - A "HOT Saturdays" community sprint laying the groundwork for this group

HOT Community Working group

The following are archived notes from Community Meetings (early 2014):

Type 1- Connectors/Teachers Priority : training and mentorship programme to cross-train new leaders Reason: more leaders, less burnout

Type 2- Mappers

  • Outreach to share about learnosm and how to get involve into HOT
  • Clean up general communications on wiki and websites to provide a clear path to Get Involved
  • Research Communities to outreach to (see below):

Type 3 - Partners/Mission Supporters

  • need policy and guidance on how to mutual communication with partners, a W3 ( who does what when)
  • there are some items in membership code of conduct.

Type 4 - Techies

  • Setting process for how to get devs involved in the tech working group (more outreach, clear tasks)
  • promote the tools we have developed

Type 5 - Business of Mapping

  • Talking points for the membership on how to talk with partners and potential funders (note -process is to hand off to ED)
  • outreach strategy to get these folks involved and/or supporting HOT

Lead Persons

Walter Mayeku (09:00 UTC meeting)

Slack: Walter Mayeku

OSM: Walter Mayeku

Benedicta Ohene-Amadi (17:00 UTC meeting)

Slack: Benedicta

OSM: Ohene123