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The City of Melbourne has provided open data detailing 63617 address points


This import will gradually add address points throughout the City of Melbourne, merged with existing data.


Imports will be performed after local community revision of both the data set and the actual data contained into OSM.

Import Data


Address format


Import Type

The dataset will be imported incrementally via JOSM, preferably street by street.

Quality of the data

The data appears to be very granular, and already roughly aligned to OSM naming conventions.

One key difference to existing data is the placement of address nodes as close as possible to the nearest highway, ie not dissimilar to a 'letter box' placement. This may be slightly different to existing building geometry which places address notes further back from street level.

Sample of data:

At the moment, address data includes every point at the level of individual land parcels, as opposed to aggregated addresses ("1-3 Example Street"). Where an existing aggregated address exists, this would be used in favour of individual plots (it more closely reflects what would is on the ground)

Data Preparation

Several steps have to be executed in order to obtain data consistency thus reducing the amount of QA work to be done post import.

Current format


address_pn=131 Nicholson Street  Carlton
str_name=Nicholson Street
  • Removal of: source_id, suburb_id, add_comp (contains name like attributes), lat/long, east/northing, gisid, address_pn
  • Mapping of street_no => addr:housenumber, str_name => addr:street, suburb => addr:city

Transformed example:

  <node id='-37587' action='modify' visible='true' lat='-37.81682006247' lon='144.98764945281'>
    <tag k='addr:city' v='East Melbourne' />
    <tag k='addr:housenumber' v='65' />
    <tag k='addr:street' v='Wellington Parade' />

Data Integration

The following Overpass query will be used to download the existing house numbers into a new osm file:

  <query into="<Name of the City>" type="area">
    <has-kv k="admin_level" v="8"/>
    <has-kv k="name" v="<Name of the City>"/>
    <query type="node">
      <area-query from="<Name of the City>"/>
      <has-kv k="addr:housenumber"/>
    <query type="way">
      <area-query from="<Name of the City>" />
      <has-kv k="addr:housenumber"/>
    <query type="way">
      <area-query from="<Name of the City>" />
      <has-kv k="addr:interpolation"/>
    <recurse type="down"/>
  <print mode="meta" />

All existing address nodes will be kept. Missing tags listed in #Tagging Plan will be added wherein necessary. JOSM's Conflation plugin will be used to conflate the existing data with the new dataset.

In case of import problem the changeset will be reverted using the JOSM Reverter Plugin.

Tagging Plan

The following tags will be used on each address node:

Changeset Tags

Dedicated upload account


Team Approach


  • will be used to track progress
  • Given manual review in JOSM per street, the post import QA should be minimal
  • Mapillary imagery will be used where possible to spot check address data, in combination with on the ground survey of small areas by the local community