MIMU OSM Contact

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From --Capiscuas 09:14, 16 April 2012 (BST) ,

Dear Mr. Nway,

It has arrived to my understanding that you are the current GIS manager for the MIMU organization in Myanmar, my name is Ivan Garcia, I currently live in Bangkok and I volunteer for an open source global project for GIS mapping called OpenStreetMap (OSM), a non profit organization that aim to provide free and open maps for the world, maybe you have heard about it, you can see a live version at : www.openstreetmap.org

The enquiry of this email is no other that kindly ask you what are the current terms of the use of the GIS data gathered by MIMU and hosted at: http://themimu.info/GIS/GIS_Shape_Files/

Also I would like to mention that our project has a Humanitarian Team ( http://hot.openstreetmap.org/ ) that could truly benefit of the use of such maps being incorporated into the OSM database.

I've also read your Terms and Conditions link on your MIMU website: http://themimu.info/Terms_Conditions/index.php while I'm not sure if that applies to also the mentioned GIS data over there, if that is the case we wouldn't be allowed to import the GIS data.

If MIMU would agree to let the GIS data be used in OSM, this one would have to have an expressly open data license, like for example Public Domain PDDL. http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1-0/ or Creative Commons license.

I'll be glad to answer any kind of questions you may have concerning our enquiry.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Answer by Nway Aung:

Regarding you request to use our GIS data for your project, the Terms and Conditions in our website is covered to all our products.