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If you don't wan't the whole osm data to be printed that is contained in the file – no problem. As long as you have installed osmosis and this can be invoked from the current directory by command line. Just specify the name of a place or a node id and mapweaver will look for such a place. Upon success it will invoke osmosis to extract the needed data. By default a width and height of 4km (2*2km radius) is set. But of course it can be overridden. If you want to speed up the search process you can provide a placefile in osm format which only contains places. Can be created with osmosis.

-place=TEXT (Place to draw automatically; quotation marks can be used if necessary; node id can be given alternatively; OSMOSIS REQUIRED!) 
-lonrad=FLOAT (radius for place width in km, DEFAULT=2) 
-latrad=FLOAT (radius for place width in km, DEFAULT=2) 
-placefile=<TEXT> (file in which to look for places; can be produced with osmosis; speeds up search process) 

Program will print used OSMOSIS string to STDOUT for later use...