NVS Bus stop Import 2009

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Import of busstops in Schwerin/Germany Dec 2009

The Nahverkehr Schwerin GmbH provided us an CSV list of the following scheme:

Langname;X-Koordinate;Y-Koordinate;behindertengerecht;Langname Tarifgebiet

To get OSM XML Matthias wrote a small quick&dirty Java tool basing upon JDOM and Ostermiller CSVparser libs. It reformats the output and filters for NOT TRAM stations and for bulk stations (no lat. lon.) and generates a XML document. It has to convert the given WGS84 coordinates to match the OSM decimal form. It has been added with changeset 3428913.

Key Value Element Comment
source NVS Mf node.png
note Mf node.png provided driving direction
wheelchair Mf node.png support for disabled persons

So we got 339 stations that we will add to the bus routes for Öpnvkarte.