OSMFJ/ODbL/License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

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(訳注:これはLWG議長のMichael Collinsonによって2011/4/13にtalk@openstreetmap.orgに投稿された「OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement」の日本語試訳です。間違いの直接修正を歓迎します。)

This is to let you know the license change process is moving to Phase 3 [1] very shortly. When we are sure of the date we will make a formal announcement on this and other lists.

これはライセンス変更プロセスが近日中にフェーズ3 [1] に移行することをお知らせするものです。日程が確定したらここ(訳注:talk@openstreetmap.org)と他のMLで公式なアナウンスを行います。

If you are a contributor who registered on or after 12th May 2010 or who has taken part in our voluntary re-licensing program, this does not affect you.


If you were a contributor before this date and have not accepted yet, you will be asked to accept or decline the new terms. You can find background information about this on the main wiki page [2]. If you use an off-line editor like JOSM, you will need to manually login to click the buttons. Even if you choose to decline the new terms, you will still be able to continue editing.


If you are a user of OpenStreetMap data, this does not affect you. OpenStreetMap data continues to be licensed only under CC-BY-SA and this will continue until we reach a critical mass of acceptance of the new license.


You can see up-to-date OpenStreetMap ODbL acceptance by region at any time by going to http://odbl.de . See "world" for the global picture.

地域ごとの最新のODbL承認状況は、いつでも http://odbl.de に行けば見ることができます。世界中の状況を見る場合は"world"をご覧ください。

As part of the process, the legal wording of the Contributor Terms has been improved [3] on the basis of community feedback received and to make them more friendly to individual contributors. The human-readable version of the Contributor Terms is unchanged [4].


Michael Collinson License Working Group

[1] More about Phase 3:


(日本語) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Open_Database_License/Implementation_Plan

[2] "Find out more about OpenStreetMap's upcoming license change" link:

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org or directly at http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/We_Are_Changing_The_License

(日本語) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:ODbL/We_Are_Changing_The_License

[3] The revised contributor terms showing exactly what has been changed:


(日本語) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSMFJ/ODbL/Contributor_Terms

[4] The human-readable version of the Contributor Terms remains the same:


(日本語) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSMFJ/ODbL/Contributor_Terms_Summary