OSM Inspector/Views/plan.at

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The plan.at view in OSM Inspector shows problems related to the plan.at import.


In Austria lots of data from plan.at was imported. Several non-standard tags were used and there are some specific issues that come up again and again. More information about the import and how to fix things is at WikiProject_Austria/plan.at.

Data sources

All data in this view is derived from OSM data.

Only data for Austria is available in this view.


The Fixmes layer shows all ways tagged with fixme=*check import*. These tags were added when the ways were imported and should be removed once the way has been checked.

Some ways (mostly highways, landuse, and waterways) have been imported with unusual tags of the form highway=plan.at:* or highway:plan.at=* or similar. They don't show up on the OSM map, but the names do show up. They have been dubbed ghost highways, landuse areas, or waterways. The layers Geister-Highways, Geister-Landuse, and Geister-Waterways show those ways.

In addition there are some layers for special tags associated with the import:

ref=0 shows highways with tag ref=0 from the import. This is probably wrong and should be corrected. (All occurances have been fixed.)

at:maxspeed shows highways with a tag at:maxspeed=*. The normal maxspeed=* should probably be used.

is_in=... shows ways with an is_in=* tag where the value begins with three dots (...). Something is missing here.

When importing unnamed highways, lakes, etc. often generic names such as Teich or Weg were used. The layer Gattungsname highlights those cases.

What you can do with this view to improve OSM data

Have a look on this page: WikiProject_Austria/plan.at/WieDamitUmgehen


See also