OSMbin (file format)/version 0.9

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This is version 0.9 of the OSMbin(file format)

The format consists of multiple files:


This file consists of all attribute-keys in UTF8-encoding, delimited by "\n". The first key gets the ID Short.MIN_VALUE + 1 = -32767.

Java-code of a reference-implementation


These are flat-files containing one attribute-value that is longer then 64 characters each. extattr/n{NODEID}.txt for nodes, w for ways and r for relations.

This is going to change in future versions of this file-format since each file usually allocates between 512byte and 8Kb depending on the settings of the file-system.

Java-code of a reference-implementation


This file stores fixed-size records of nodes.

Java-code of a reference-implementation

Layout of a record:

  • nodeID [4 byte signed long]
  • latitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • longitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • attrID1 [2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue1 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes), padded to 32 characters with appended spaces ' ']
  • wayID1 [4 byte signed long]
  • wayID2 [4 byte signed long]
  • wayID3 [4 byte signed long]
  • the nodeID Integer.MIN_VALUE (0x80000000) is used to denote an unused record
  • this nodeID is authorative. If there is disagreement with the .idx or .id2 -files, then the .idx or .id2 -files are incorrect and need to be re-generated.
  • if attrValue starts with a '\n' the following 4 bytes store a binary-offset into a file nodes.atr
  • attrID == 0 is reserved for an empty tag-slot.
  • the wayID Integer.MIN_VALUE marks an unused entry
  • the sort-order of attributes and ways is application-dependend. No assumptions are to be made. However it is advised to store important attributes like 'highway' first.
  • if the record has not enough size for all attributes or ways, the next record is used (this is marked by the next record having the same nodeID).
  • if this situation arised while updating the node and the next record is not free, the node is moved to a new location in this file.
  • if there is a discrepancy between wayIDs here and the nodeIDs in the ways-file. The ways-file is authorative and this entry must be corrected.


reference implementation

This file stores an index of node-ID to record-number in nodes.obm.

We use an unbalanced tree of order 16. The record-format is as follows:


  • recordNumber[32bit] of (current value>>4)
  • recordNumber[32bit] of (current value>>4+1)


  • recordNumber[32bit] of (current value>>4+15)


  • record-number of indexed OSM-Object 1 [32bit]
  • record-number of indexed OSM-Object 2 [32bit]


  • record-number of indexed OSM-Object 16 [32bit]


  • for the empty recordNumner the value Integer.MIN_VALUE is used.
  • a record consisting of only Integer.MIN_VALUE marks the empty record
  • A record is a leaf if and only if it has the depth of 32/4+1.
  • The root-node has the recordNumber of 0 and is thus stored at the beginning of the file.


reference implementation

  • We use a KD-Tree as an AB-Tree here.
  • Each tree-node stores one node like in a KD-Tree
  • Each tree-node with an even depth (root=depth 0=even) stores children with the same or lower latitude as a left child an with a larger latitude as a right child.
  • Each tree-node with an odd depth stores children with the same or lower longitude as a left child an with a larger longitude as a right child.
  • If the tree is empty, it has not even a root-node.
  • There is no separation of inner nodes vs. leaf-nodes.
  • We have fixed-size records
  • Latitude and Longitude of Long.MIN_VALUE denote an empty record.


  • 4 byte latitude of the center
  • 4 byte longitude of the center
  • 2 byte - recordNumber in nodex.osm stored in this tree-node
  • 2 byte - recordNumber in nodex.id2 of left child or Integer.MIN_VALUE
  • 2 byte - recordNumber in nodex.id2 of right child or Integer.MIN_VALUE


This file stores fixed-size records of ways.

Layout of a record:

  • wayID [4 byte signed long]
  • minLatitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • minLongitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • maxLatitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • maxLongitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • attrID1 [2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue1 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes)]
  • attrID12[2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue2 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes)]
  • attrID3 [2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue3 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes)]
  • attrID4 [2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue4 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes)]
  • attrID5 [2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue5 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes)]
  • attrID6 [2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue6 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes)]
  • nodeID1 [4 byte signed long]
  • nodeID2 [4 byte signed long]
  • nodeID3 [4 byte signed long]
  • nodeID4 [4 byte signed long]
  • nodeID5 [4 byte signed long]
  • nodeID6 [4 byte signed long]
  • nodeID7 [4 byte signed long]
  • nodeID8 [4 byte signed long]
  • the wayID Long.MIN_VALUE is used to denote an unused record
  • this wayID is authorative. If there is disagreement with the .idx or .id2 -files, then the .idx or .id2 -files are incorrect and need to be re-generated.
  • if attrValue starts with a '\n' the following 4 bytes are a binary-offset into ways.atr
  • the nodeID Long.MIN_VALUE marks an unused entry
  • the sort-order of attributes and ways is application-dependend. No assumptions are to be made. However it is advised to store important attributes like 'highway' first.
  • if the record has not enough size for all attributes or ways, the next record is used (this is marked by the next record having the same wayID).
  • if this situation arised while updating the node and the next record is not free, the node is moved to a new location in this file.
  • if there is a discrepancy between nodeIDs here and the wayID in the nodes-file. The this file is authorative and this entry of the node must be corrected.


This file stores attribute-values too long to fit into record.

It consists of variable-size records with the following format:

  • [2 byte] length of the value-field n
  • [2 byte] wayID of Integer.MIN_VALUE for an empty record
  • [n bytes] value - String as UTF8


This file stores an index of way-ID to record-number in ways.obm.

The structure is analog to nodes.idx .


This file stores fixed-size records of relations.

Layout of a record:

  • relationID [4 byte signed long]
  • minLatitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • minLongitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • maxLatitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • maxLongitude [4 byte signed long as used in OSM]
  • attrID1 [2 byte short integer]
  • attrValue1 [32 character string in 16-bit Unicode big-endian (64 bytes)]
  • elementID1 [4 byte signed long]
  • elementType1 [4 byte signed long] (orginal of the v0.5-EntityType -enum)
  • roleID1 [4 byte signed long] (stored like an attribute-name in attrnames.txt)
  • elementID2 [4 byte signed long]
  • elementType2 [4 byte signed long]
  • roleID2 [4 byte signed long] (stored like an attribute-name in attrnames.txt)
  • elementID3 [4 byte signed long]
  • elementType3 [4 byte signed long]
  • roleID3 [4 byte signed long] (stored like an attribute-name in attrnames.txt)
  • elementID4 [4 byte signed long]
  • elementType4 [4 byte signed long]
  • roleID4 [4 byte signed long] (stored like an attribute-name in attrnames.txt)


  • the relationID Long.MIN_VALUE marks an unused entry
  • the elementID Long.MIN_VALUE is used to denote an unused record
  • this relationID is authorative. If there is disagreement with the .idx or .id2 -files, then the .idx -file is incorrect and need to be re-generated.
  • if attrValue starts with a '\n' is denotes a file-name in extattr/ to be reat. e.g. "\n02384" is "./extattr/02384.txt"
  • the sort-order of attributes and ways is application-dependend. No assumptions are to be made. However it is advised to store important attributes like 'highway' first.
  • if the record has not enough size for all attributes or ways, the next record is used (this is marked by the next record having the same relationID ).
  • if this situation arised while updating the node and the next record is not free, the node is moved to a new location in this file.


This file stores an index of relation-ID to record-number in ways.obm.

The structure is analog to nodes.idx .

statistics (state of Baden Würtemberg)

The following statistics where taken using an extract of the state of Baden Wuertemberg


Number of records in obm-file: 2820069 = 163564002 bytes
Lengt of each record in obm-file: 58
Slots for tags per record: 1
Slots for ways per record: 3
Number of free records: 51904 =3010432 byte
blocks of 0 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 1 empty recUnformatierten Text hier einfügenords: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 2 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 3 or more empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
nodes using 0 records: 0
nodes using 1 records: 2521253
nodes using 2 records: 47114
nodes using 3 records: 20865
nodes using 4 records: 9311
nodes using 5 records: 2927
nodes using 6 records: 495
nodes using 7 records: 222
nodes using 8 records: 149
nodes using 9 records: 248
nodes using 10 records: 140
nodes using 11 records: 913
nodes using 12 records: 10
nodes using 13 records: 2
nodes using 14 records: 2
nodes using 15 records: 6
nodes using 16 records: 39
nodes using 17 or more records: 1234
nodes with 0 tags: 1603585
nodes with 1 tags: 926640
nodes with 2 tags: 38268
nodes with 3 tags: 20766
nodes with 4 tags: 9303
nodes with 5 tags: 2917
nodes with 6 tags: 487
nodes with 7 tags: 222
nodes with 8 tags: 149
nodes with 9 tags: 248
nodes with 10 tags: 140
nodes with 11 tags: 913
nodes with 12 tags: 10
nodes with 13 tags: 2
nodes with 14 tags: 2
nodes with 15 tags: 6
nodes with 16 tags: 39
nodes with 17 tags: 55
nodes with 18 tags: 28
nodes with 19 tags: 22
nodes with 20 tags: 156
nodes with 21 tags: 659
nodes with 22 tags: 284
nodes with 23 or more tags: 30
nodes with 0 ways: 194280
nodes with 1 ways: 2003608
nodes with 2 ways: 344125
nodes with 3 ways: 53417
nodes with 4 ways: 8106
nodes with 5 ways: 1045
nodes with 6 ways: 224
nodes with 7 or more ways: 126
records with 0 empty slots for tags: 1163262
records with 1 empty slots for tags: 1604903
records with 0 empty slots for ways: 63332
records with 1 empty slots for ways: 345191
records with 2 empty slots for ways: 2011807
records with 3 empty slots for ways: 347835
tag-values of 0 characters: 5720 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 1 characters: 6167 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 2 characters: 8438 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 3 characters: 11952 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 4 characters: 897800 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 5 characters: 20412 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 6 characters: 9350 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 7 characters: 15630 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 8 characters: 19207 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 9 characters: 17109 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 10 characters: 14518 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 11 characters: 8971 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 12 characters: 7525 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 13 characters: 14576 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 14 characters: 12643 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of 15 characters: 62523 of 1163262 tag-values total
tag-values of more then 16 characters stored externaly: 30721


Number of records in obm-file: 1040156 = 114417160 bytes
Lengt of each record in obm-file: 110
Slots for tags per record: 1
Slots for nodes per record: 14
Number of free records: 3318 =364980 byte
blocks of 0 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 1 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 2 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 3 or more empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
ways using 0 records: 0
ways using 1 records: 27303
ways using 2 records: 99561
ways using 3 records: 113948
ways using 4 records: 52777
ways using 5 records: 23176
ways using 6 records: 9174
ways using 7 records: 5064
ways using 8 records: 1862
ways using 9 records: 1061
ways using 10 records: 568
ways using 11 records: 260
ways using 12 records: 171
ways using 13 records: 88
ways using 14 records: 77
ways using 15 records: 50
ways using 16 records: 39
ways using 17 or more records: 333
ways with 0 tags: 1228
ways with 1 tags: 28795
ways with 2 tags: 102272
ways with 3 tags: 114284
ways with 4 tags: 51199
ways with 5 tags: 21945
ways with 6 tags: 8327
ways with 7 tags: 4505
ways with 8 tags: 1505
ways with 9 tags: 821
ways with 10 tags: 395
ways with 11 tags: 130
ways with 12 tags: 59
ways with 13 tags: 17
ways with 14 tags: 21
ways with 15 tags: 2
ways with 16 tags: 8
ways with 17 tags: 0
ways with 18 tags: 0
ways with 19 tags: 0
ways with 20 tags: 0
ways with 21 tags: 0
ways with 22 tags: 0
ways with 23 or more tags: 0
ways with 0 nodes: 1
ways with 1 nodes: 312
ways with 2 nodes: 80950
ways with 3 nodes: 39950
ways with 4 nodes: 30174
ways with 5 nodes: 36665
ways with 6 nodes: 20506
ways with 7 nodes: 17795
ways with 8 nodes: 13726
ways with 9 nodes: 12372
ways with 10 nodes: 9739
ways with 11 nodes: 8449
ways with 12 nodes: 6981
ways with 13 nodes: 6187
ways with 14 nodes: 5078
ways with 15 nodes: 4477
ways with 16 nodes: 3701
ways with 17 nodes: 3321
ways with 18 nodes: 2935
ways with 19 nodes: 2472
ways with 20 nodes: 2260
ways with 21 nodes: 2035
ways with 22 nodes: 1807
ways with 23 nodes: 1619
ways with 24 nodes: 1433
ways with 25 nodes: 1316
ways with 26 nodes: 1179
ways with 27 nodes: 1115
ways with 28 nodes: 1023
ways with 29 nodes: 906
ways with 30 nodes: 832
ways with 31 nodes: 758
ways with 32 nodes: 701
ways with 33 nodes: 650
ways with 34 nodes: 565
ways with 35 nodes: 572
ways with 36 nodes: 507
ways with 37 nodes: 518
ways with 38 nodes: 453
ways with 39 nodes: 427
ways with 40 nodes: 358
ways with 41 nodes: 336
ways with 42 nodes: 335
ways with 43 nodes: 347
ways with 44 nodes: 304
ways with 45 nodes: 288
ways with 46 nodes: 261
ways with 47 nodes: 241
ways with 48 nodes: 230
ways with 49 nodes: 217
ways with 50 nodes: 231
ways with 51 nodes: 221
ways with 52 nodes: 197
ways with 53 nodes: 185
ways with 54 nodes: 198
ways with 55 nodes: 173
ways with 56 nodes: 156
ways with 57 nodes: 140
ways with 58 nodes: 140
ways with 59 nodes: 150
ways with 60 nodes: 137
ways with 61 nodes: 137
ways with 62 nodes: 113
ways with 63 nodes: 134
ways with 64 nodes: 116
ways with 65 nodes: 103
ways with 66 nodes: 102
ways with 67 nodes: 103
ways with 68 nodes: 90
ways with 69 nodes: 122
ways with 70 nodes: 89
ways with 71 nodes: 88
ways with 72 nodes: 92
ways with 73 nodes: 93
ways with 74 nodes: 73
ways with 75 nodes: 67
ways with 76 nodes: 83
ways with 77 nodes: 61
ways with 78 nodes: 73
ways with 79 nodes: 50
ways with 80 nodes: 53
ways with 81 nodes: 61
ways with 82 nodes: 46
ways with 83 nodes: 56
ways with 84 nodes: 50
ways with 85 nodes: 52
ways with 86 nodes: 47
ways with 87 nodes: 32
ways with 88 nodes: 42
ways with 89 nodes: 41
ways with 90 nodes: 45
ways with 91 nodes: 47
ways with 92 nodes: 47
ways with 93 nodes: 48
ways with 94 nodes: 39
ways with 95 nodes: 35
ways with 96 nodes: 47
ways with 97 nodes: 35
ways with 98 nodes: 27
ways with 99 nodes: 28
ways with 100 nodes: 30
ways with 101 nodes: 36
ways with 102 nodes: 32
ways with 103 nodes: 30
ways with 104 nodes: 26
ways with 105 nodes: 32
ways with 106 nodes: 14
ways with 107 nodes: 27
ways with 108 nodes: 24
ways with 109 nodes: 23
ways with 110 nodes: 20
ways with 111 nodes: 19
ways with 112 nodes: 21
ways with 113 nodes: 22
ways with 114 nodes: 22
ways with 115 nodes: 14
ways with 116 nodes: 19
ways with 117 nodes: 13
ways with 118 nodes: 12
ways with 119 nodes: 18
ways with 120 nodes: 19
ways with 121 nodes: 24
ways with 122 nodes: 17
ways with 123 nodes: 15
ways with 124 nodes: 19
ways with 125 nodes: 18
ways with 126 nodes: 13
ways with 127 or more nodes: 955
records with 0 empty slots for tags: 998399
records with 1 empty slots for tags: 38439
records with 0 empty slots for nodes: 101497
records with 1 empty slots for nodes: 8122
records with 2 empty slots for nodes: 9011
records with 3 empty slots for nodes: 10671
records with 4 empty slots for nodes: 12128
records with 5 empty slots for nodes: 15046
records with 6 empty slots for nodes: 16597
records with 7 empty slots for nodes: 20984
records with 8 empty slots for nodes: 23910
records with 9 empty slots for nodes: 40383
records with 10 empty slots for nodes: 34440
records with 11 empty slots for nodes: 44707
records with 12 empty slots for nodes: 86204
records with 13 empty slots for nodes: 6459
records with 14 empty slots for nodes: 606679
tag-values of 0 characters: 4 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 1 characters: 28209 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 2 characters: 54670 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 3 characters: 76044 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 4 characters: 124071 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 5 characters: 100687 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 6 characters: 79114 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 7 characters: 75381 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 8 characters: 29081 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 9 characters: 27482 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 10 characters: 26972 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 11 characters: 125281 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 12 characters: 40871 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 13 characters: 75431 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 14 characters: 67937 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 15 characters: 21392 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of 16 characters: 0 of 998399 tag-values total
tag-values of more then 16 characters stored externaly: 45772

statistics (city of hamburg)

The following statistics where taken using an extract of the city of hamburg.


They indicate an optimum of:

  • 1 tag-slot per record
  • 3 way-slots per record

under the assumption of

  • 66 byte per tag-record
  • 4 byte per way-slot
  • 6 byte of header-data
Number of records in obm-file: 220011 = 64243212 bytes
Lengt of each record in obm-file: 292
Slots for tags per record: 4
Slots for ways per record: 4
Number of free records: 10463 =3055196 byte
blocks of 0 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 1 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 2 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 3 or more empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
nodes using 0 records: 0
nodes using 1 records: 207490
nodes using 2 records: 690
nodes using 3 records: 105
nodes using 4 records: 63
nodes using 5 records: 41
nodes using 6 records: 3
nodes using 7 records: 1
nodes using 8 records: 0
nodes using 9 records: 0
nodes using 10 records: 0
nodes using 11 records: 0
nodes using 12 records: 0
nodes using 13 records: 0
nodes using 14 records: 0
nodes using 15 records: 0
nodes using 16 records: 0
nodes using 17 or more records: 0
nodes with 0 tags: 129092
nodes with 1 tags: 70971
nodes with 2 tags: 3865
nodes with 3 tags: 2152
nodes with 4 tags: 1532
nodes with 5 tags: 367
nodes with 6 tags: 133
nodes with 7 tags: 46
nodes with 8 tags: 23
nodes with 9 tags: 9
nodes with 10 tags: 2
nodes with 11 tags: 94
nodes with 12 tags: 0
nodes with 13 tags: 0
nodes with 14 tags: 0
nodes with 15 tags: 3
nodes with 16 tags: 60
nodes with 17 tags: 37
nodes with 18 tags: 1
nodes with 19 tags: 1
nodes with 20 tags: 2
nodes with 21 tags: 3
nodes with 22 tags: 0
nodes with 23 or more tags: 1
nodes with 0 ways: 6383
nodes with 1 ways: 154951
nodes with 2 ways: 40240
nodes with 3 ways: 5743
nodes with 4 ways: 956
nodes with 5 ways: 107
nodes with 6 ways: 12
nodes with 7 or more ways: 2
records with 0 empty slots for tags: 2770
records with 1 empty slots for tags: 2296
records with 2 empty slots for tags: 4001
records with 3 empty slots for tags: 71388
records with 4 empty slots for tags: 129093
records with 0 empty slots for ways: 1077
records with 1 empty slots for ways: 5745
records with 2 empty slots for ways: 40252
records with 3 empty slots for ways: 155058
records with 4 empty slots for ways: 7416
tag-values of 0 characters: 84 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 1 characters: 523 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 2 characters: 1057 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 3 characters: 1393 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 4 characters: 69934 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 5 characters: 2903 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 6 characters: 716 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 7 characters: 1807 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 8 characters: 2134 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 9 characters: 1532 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 10 characters: 1001 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 11 characters: 786 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 12 characters: 461 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 13 characters: 1882 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 14 characters: 2471 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 15 characters: 4021 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 16 characters: 590 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 17 characters: 1072 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 18 characters: 244 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 19 characters: 1165 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 20 characters: 373 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 21 characters: 86 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 22 characters: 133 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 23 characters: 75 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 24 characters: 63 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 25 characters: 74 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 26 characters: 37 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 27 characters: 93 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 28 characters: 26 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 29 characters: 51 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 30 characters: 21 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of 31 characters: 22 of 97358 tag-values total
tag-values of more then 32 characters stored externaly: 528


They indicate an optimum of:

  • 1 tag-slot per record
  • 14 node-slots per record

under the assumption of

  • 66 byte per tag-record
  • 4 byte per node-slot
  • 20 byte of header-data
Number of records in obm-file: 60006 = 26882688 bytes
Lengt of each record in obm-file: 448
Slots for tags per record: 6
Slots for nodes per record: 8
Number of free records: 3951 =1770048 byte
blocks of 0 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 1 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 2 empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
blocks of 3 or more empty records: 0 (last count includes all larger blocks)
ways using 0 records: 0
ways using 1 records: 31503
ways using 2 records: 7033
ways using 3 records: 1534
ways using 4 records: 521
ways using 5 records: 215
ways using 6 records: 107
ways using 7 records: 67
ways using 8 records: 26
ways using 9 records: 31
ways using 10 records: 16
ways using 11 records: 12
ways using 12 records: 10
ways using 13 records: 10
ways using 14 records: 3
ways using 15 records: 2
ways using 16 records: 3
ways using 17 or more records: 16
ways with 0 tags: 41
ways with 1 tags: 2237
ways with 2 tags: 13571
ways with 3 tags: 7666
ways with 4 tags: 9614
ways with 5 tags: 4749
ways with 6 tags: 1938
ways with 7 tags: 815
ways with 8 tags: 269
ways with 9 tags: 110
ways with 10 tags: 44
ways with 11 tags: 22
ways with 12 tags: 12
ways with 13 tags: 8
ways with 14 tags: 3
ways with 15 tags: 5
ways with 16 tags: 5
ways with 17 tags: 0
ways with 18 tags: 1
ways with 19 tags: 0
ways with 20 tags: 0
ways with 21 tags: 0
ways with 22 tags: 0
ways with 23 or more tags: 0
ways with 0 nodes: 1
ways with 1 nodes: 124
ways with 2 nodes: 11584
ways with 3 nodes: 5064
ways with 4 nodes: 3603
ways with 5 nodes: 6126
ways with 6 nodes: 2374
ways with 7 nodes: 2228
ways with 8 nodes: 1491
ways with 9 nodes: 1608
ways with 10 nodes: 957
ways with 11 nodes: 884
ways with 12 nodes: 682
ways with 13 nodes: 645
ways with 14 nodes: 446
ways with 15 or more nodes: 3293
records with 0 empty slots for tags: 3267
records with 1 empty slots for tags: 4771
records with 2 empty slots for tags: 9663
records with 3 empty slots for tags: 7781
records with 4 empty slots for tags: 13843
records with 5 empty slots for tags: 3060
records with 6 empty slots for tags: 13670
records with 0 empty slots for nodes: 15837
records with 1 empty slots for nodes: 2902
records with 2 empty slots for nodes: 3077
records with 3 empty slots for nodes: 7070
records with 4 empty slots for nodes: 4585
records with 5 empty slots for nodes: 6336
records with 6 empty slots for nodes: 12929
records with 7 empty slots for nodes: 2206
records with 8 empty slots for nodes: 1113
tag-values of 0 characters: 0 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 1 characters: 2889 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 2 characters: 5539 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 3 characters: 14733 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 4 characters: 14469 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 5 characters: 17411 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 6 characters: 3002 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 7 characters: 14631 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 8 characters: 2653 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 9 characters: 3502 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 10 characters: 3900 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 11 characters: 12401 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 12 characters: 5357 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 13 characters: 14228 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 14 characters: 13196 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 15 characters: 2224 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 16 characters: 1101 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 17 characters: 937 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 18 characters: 818 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 19 characters: 665 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 20 characters: 448 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 21 characters: 430 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 22 characters: 393 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 23 characters: 221 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 24 characters: 168 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 25 characters: 118 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 26 characters: 80 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 27 characters: 75 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 28 characters: 49 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 29 characters: 43 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 30 characters: 39 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 31 characters: 15 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of 32 characters: 0 of 136198 tag-values total
tag-values of more then 32 characters stored externaly: 463