PBF Perl Parser

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In order to parse PBF files in Perl, you'll need two modules from CPAN:

  • Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic [1]
  • Compress::Zlib from the IO::Compress suite [2]

And you also need to install protobuf libraries for your OS. See this GitHub issue for details.

Then you need to load the two ProtoBuf prototype files from an OSM source, for instance :


Finally, this skeleton script should help you get started

use strict; use warnings;
use Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic;
use Compress::Zlib 'uncompress';

# fileformat.proto, osmformat.proto from https://github.com/openstreetmap/OSM-binary/tree/master/osmpbf
my $dynamic = Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic->new;
$dynamic->load_string('fileformat.proto', read_file('fileformat.proto'));
$dynamic->load_string('osmformat.proto', read_file('osmformat.proto'));
    package => 'OSMPBF', prefix => 'OSMPBF',
    options => {qw'accessor_style single_accessor'}

open my $fh, '<', my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $file_sz = (stat($file))[7];
binmode $fh;
my $readed = 0;
while (read($fh, my $data, 4) == 4) {
    $readed += 4;
    my $sz = unpack "N", $data;
    die "cannot read $sz bytes" unless read($fh, my $data, $sz) == $sz;
    $readed += $sz;
    my $blobheader = OSMPBF::BlobHeader->decode($data);
    $sz = $blobheader->datasize;
    die "cannot read $sz bytes" unless read($fh, $data, $sz) == $sz;
    $readed += $sz;
    my $ratio = $readed / $file_sz * 100;
    my $blob = OSMPBF::Blob->decode($data);
    if ($blob->has_raw) {
        $data = $blob->raw;
    } elsif ($blob->has_zlib_data) {
        die "cannot uncompress block" unless defined($data = uncompress($blob->zlib_data));
    } else {
        die "unknown compression type";
    printf "buffer is %d bytes - header announced %d bytes, processed: %.3f%%\n", length($data), $blob->raw_size, $ratio;
    if ($blobheader->type eq 'OSMData') {
        my $primitive = OSMPBF::PrimitiveBlock->decode($data);
    } elsif ($blobheader->type eq 'OSMHeader') {
        my $headerblock = OSMPBF::HeaderBlock->decode($data);

sub read_file { open my $fh, '<', $_[0]; local $/; scalar <$fh> }

See also