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This site won't be edited anymore. It's here only as archive. --SimonZ 20:36, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

7th March 2008

Now PHProute is multilingual. It evaluate the "Accept-Language" header sent by browser of visitor and decide which language set should be loaded. Current language sets are german and english. More informations later...

1st March 2008 (2nd Entry)

After some changes in the source code, the result is shown on slippy map. ATM it use the Google Maps API for visualisation. Maybe we change this to OpenLayers if somebody help us and send us a working page with working vector layer. If you want to help us with OpenLayers, contact me ( via eMail steffen [at] gaming-inc [-DOT-] de (sorry for encrypted addy but I don't want spam) or ICQ 105587737.

Some Screenshots and a small video follow next days. 17:32, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

1st March 2008

After some hard work on our code the code working now. Now it is possible to search for cities and streets within city limits and do routing between two nodes (using search results!). Now we have to realize the map view, which is under heavy development. Sadly the performance of this script is really bad. Here some quotes from log file:

 Logfile from 2008-03-01T02:43:03+01:00

Creating Bounding Box:
52.2399608 - 52.3799608
10.446797 - 10.586797

Found 6492 routable nodes in BBox
Split time: 21 seconds

Begin Routing...
Start node:	137668542 (10.516797, 52.3099608)
End node:	30222638 (10.5193552, 52.3025197)

Next Nodes:
ID: 30222613   -   Weight: 0.7
ID: 132402836   -   Weight: 0.7

1. Loop
Distance to end node: 0.0163683647182
Created 2 new routes.

2. Loop
Distance to end node: 0.0559101137473
Created 3 new routes.


110. Loop
Distance to end node: 3.87283109
Created 2 new routes.

111. Loop
  ==> ROUTE FOUND <==
Time needed: 33 seconds

If you see, the most time is needed for caching all routable nodes within the bounding box. There is a lot of potential for gaining seconds. This is our next big development complex we are working on after slippy map. 17:32, 1 March 2008 (UTC)