Sample driving instructions/se SE

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These are Swedish translations of the texts in Sample driving instructions.


This section contains the basic English phrases. The bold names identify the phrase, so that its translations can be found.

Please keep the structure intact to allow automatic parsing of this wiki-page.

destination_reached "Du har nått din destination." You have reached your destination.

destination_reached_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) har du nått din destination." In 50 meters you have reached your destination.

turn_around "Om möjligt, gör en U-sväng!" Please turn around when possible!

turn_around_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit): gör en U-sväng!" In 200 meters turn around!

turn_DIRECTION "Sväng (direction)!" Please turn left!

turn_DIRECTION_SIGNPOST "Sväng (direction) mot (destinations)!" Please turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

turn_DIRECTION_NAME "Sväng (direction) in på (streetname)!" Please turn left into 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) sväng (direction)!" In 2Km turn left!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_NAME "Om (distance) (unit) sväng (direction) in på (streetname)!" In 2Km turn left into 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_SIGNPOST "Om (distance) (unit) sväng (direction) mot (destinations)!" In 2Km turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

take_EXIT "Ta (numbers)!" Please take the first exit!

take_SIGNPOST "Ta avfarten mot (destinations)!" Please take the exit towards CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_SIGNPOST "Ta (numbers) mot (destinations)!" Please take the first exit towards CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Ta (numbers), håll sedan (direction) mot (destinations)!" Please take the first exit, then keep left towards CityA!

take_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Ta avfarten, håll sedan (direction) mot (destinations)!" Please take the exit, then keep left towards CityA!

enter_roundabout "Kör in i rondellen!" Please enter the roundabout!

enter_roundabout_EXIT "Kör in i rondellen och ta sedan (numbers)!" Please enter the roundabout. Then take the second exit!

enter_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) kör in i rondellen och ta sedan (numbers)!" In 1.2 Km enter the roundabout. Then take the second exit!

over_roundabout_EXIT "Kör rakt fram i rondellen, (numbers)." Please cross the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) kör rakt fram i rondellen, (numbers)." In 1.2 Km cross the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT "Sväng (direction) i rondellen, (numbers)." Please turn left in the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT_DISTANCE "Om (distance) (unit) sväng (direction) i rondellen, (numbers)." In 1.2 Km turn left in the roundabout, third exit.

follow_NAME "Följ (name)!"

follow_NAME_DISTANCE "Följ (name) i (distance) (unit)!"



direction/left "vänster"

direction/right "höger"

direction/left/hard "direkt vänster"

direction/right/hard "direkt höger"

direction/left/slight "svagt vänster"

direction/right/slight "svagt höger"

direction/straightforward "rakt fram"


numbers/first_exit "första avfarten"

numbers/second_exit "andra avfarten"

numbers/third_exit "tredje avfarten"

numbers/fourth_exit "fjärde avfarten"

numbers/fifths_exit "femte avfarten"


time/day/singular "dag"

time/day/plural "dagar"

time/hour/singular "timme"

time/hour/plural "timmar"

time/minute/singular "minut"

time/minute/plural "minuter"

time/second/singular "sekund"

time/second/plural "sekunder"


units/kph "km/h"

units/ms "m/s"

units/km "km"

units/m "meter"


places/start "start"

places/destination/singular "destination"

places/destination/plural "destinationer"

places/home "hem"

places/poi "POI"

places/poi/trainstation "järnvägsstation"

places/poi/toilet "toalett"

places/poi/phone "telefon"

places/poi/gas "bensinstation"


metric/fastest "snabbaste vägen"

metric/shortest "kortaste vägen"

metric/fuelefficient "bränslesnålaste vägen"

common labels

labels/search "Sök"

labels/vehicle "Kör"

labels/fullscreen "Fullskärm"

labels/exit "exit"

labels/comport "com-port"

labels/baudrate "baud rate"

labels/time "tid"

labels/destination_time "ETA"

labels/route_me "beräkna rutt"

labels/help "hjälp"

labels/abort "avbryt"

labels/ok "OK"

labels/map "karta"

labels/open_map "ladda karta"

labels/import_map "importera karta"

labels/download_map "ladda ner karta"


See also: