Talk:CanVec: Buildings and structures (BS)

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*** these are the items that have been changed &/or need discussion.  These changes are listed here, because 
users have already converted & uploaded features to OSM which might need changing.

*** items that need discussion have the FIXME = tag on it.

see :: CanVec:_Buildings_and_structures_(BS)

POINT Mf node.png LINE way AREA area

CanVec Feature Generic Code Geometry Attribute Value Attribute Description Attribute Code OSM Tag(s)
FIXME = 05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Satellite-tracking station - ( Station de détection de satellites ) A building containing receiving devices to record information from satellites. 2010300;2010302 canvec has it as building=yes; note=Satellite-tracking station

Formerly listed as man_made=ground_station Perhaps it should be this instead, although it IS a proposed feature? --acrosscanadatrails 04:05, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

FIXME = 45- Navigational aid - (Repère de navigation) 1250009 Mf node.png Navigation beacon - ( Balise de navigation ) A non-lighted structure. 1250010 canvec has it as man_made=beacon

Formerly sea_mark=day_beacon this should be fine, but could this be added as a second tag? --acrosscanadatrails 04:40, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

FIXME = 05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Religious building - ( Établissement religieux ) A building serving as a place of worship or residence for Christian or non-Christian religious order. Religious building includes: convent, church, non-Christian place of worship, Monastery. 2010390;2010392 CanVec has it as building=yes; amenity=place_of_worship, just for nodes perhaps it should be just amenity=place_of_worship? --acrosscanadatrails 04:40, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Change OK 05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Parliament building - ( Édifice parlementaire ) A building in which the elected or appointed members of provincial or federal governments meet and enact laws. 2010260;2010262 canvec has it as building=yes; note=Parliament building, formerly listed as building=parliament, the change is needed because the name indicates what it is --acrosscanadatrails 05:48, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Change OK 75- Tower - (Tour) 2530009 Mf node.png Fire - ( Feu ) A tower used to watch for and report forest fire. 2530040 Formerly listed as man_made=fire_tower, canvec has it listed as man_made=tower; tower:type=observation, the change is good because the towers in the dataset might not always be fire watch towers, so 'observation' does the same thing. --acrosscanadatrails 05:48, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
FIXME = 05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Police station - ( Poste de police ) The main offices of a local or regional police force, including the RCMP. 2010270;2010272 canvec has it listed as building=yes; amenity=police, should it not be just amenity=police since it's 'assumed' in the definition, it doesn't need to be listed (for the node), but for rendering an area, this is a 2nd attribute so this is needed.? --acrosscanadatrails 05:48, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Change OK 73- Tank - (Citerne) 2080009 Mf node.png Unknown, unknown - ( Inconnu, inconnu ) A cylindrical structure used to store liquids. 2080010 formerly listed as man_made=storage; building=liquid_storage_tank,

CanVec has it listed as man_made=storage_tank; content=water, perhaps it should be just man_made=water_tower since the definition is the same? --acrosscanadatrails 06:51, 2 June 2010 (UTC) However, since the content is unknown and might not actually be a tower, man_made=storage_tank would be a better option. --acrosscanadatrails 20:19, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

FIXME = 09- Chimney - (Cheminée) 2060009 Mf node.png Burner - ( Brûleur ) A permanent structure used for the disposal of wood waste products by burning. 2060020 man_made=chimney


CanVec has it listed as man_made=chimney; note=Wood burner, should it be chimney:type=wood_burner instead? --acrosscanadatrails 06:10, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

Change OK - 05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Sportsplex - ( Centre sportif ) A building providing facilities for various sporting and recreational activities. 2010330;2010332 formerly listed as leisure=sports_center; sport=multi, CanVec has it listed as building=yes; leisure=sports_center, the change is needed, as this is actually a building, but the sport is unknown, but might not be multi-use, this can be added by local mappers --acrosscanadatrails 06:51, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
FIXME = 09- Chimney - (Cheminée) 2060009 Mf node.png Flare stack - ( Torche ) A chimney-like structure used to burn off exhaust gases. 2060040 originally listed as man_made=chimney;type=flare_stack CanVec lists it as

man_made=chimney; note=Flare stack, perhaps it should be chimney:type=flare_stack instead?--acrosscanadatrails 06:51, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

Change OK 48- Parabolic antenna - (Antenne parabolique) 2000009 Mf node.png Radar - ( Radar ) Antenna used to transmit and receive radar signals. 2000010 formerly man_made=beacon, CanVec lists it as man_made=tower; note=Radar parabolic antenna, this is fine as there is no tag for it, & these can be changed locally --acrosscanadatrails 08:59, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Change OK 73- Tank - (Citerne) 2080009 Mf node.png area Vertical, unknown - ( Verticale, inconnu ) A cylindrical structure used to store liquids. 2080050;2080052 Origionally man_made=tower, CanVec uses man_made=storage_tank this change is fine as this feature isn't necessarly a tower --acrosscanadatrails
Change OK 55- Pipeline (Sewage/liquid waste) - (Pipeline (Eaux d'égout/déchets liquides)) 2310009 way Sewage/liquid waste, aboveground - ( Eaux d'égout/déchets liquides, au-dessus du sol ) A cylindrical conduit used to convey liquids. 2310011 Origionally tagged as man_made=pipeline; location=aboveground; sewage=yes; liquid_waste=yes, CanVec uses just man_made=pipeline, this makes sence as the contents might be unknown & above ground is the default --acrosscanadatrails
FIXME = 05 - Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Fire station - ( Poste de pompiers ) A building housing fire-fighting equipment. 2010130;2010132 listed as amenity=fire_station, only the area needs to have the building=yes tag. --acrosscanadatrails
Change OK 84- Wall/Fence - (Mur/clôture) 2240009 way Fence - ( Clôture ) A barrier made of wire, rails or other relatively light material used to enclose or divide an area. 2240011 origionally barrier=fence, CanVec has it as barrier=wall, as the source data could have it as a wall. --acrosscanadatrails 12:03, 4 June 2010 (UTC)

*** these are the items are currently being removed because the duplicate page exists, which holds the conversions 
 that are being done by canvec directly to make .osm files, the differences are described on the Talk:CanVec:_Buildings_and_structures_(BS)

see :: CanVec:_Buildings_and_structures_(BS) see :: Talk:CanVec: Buildings and structures (BS) for the discrepancy list.

POINT Mf node.png LINE way AREA area

CanVec Feature Generic Code Geometry Attribute Value Attribute Description Attribute Code OSM Tag(s)
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Armoury - ( Manège militaire ) A building used by the militia. 2010030;2010032 military=armoury FIXME
67- Silo - (Silo) 2440009 Mf node.png Silo - ( Silo ) An upright, cylindrical structure 20 meters or more in height used for storing silage. 2440010 man_made=silo



05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Community centre - ( Centre communautaire ) A public building in which community gatherings and/or sporting activities are held. 2010080;2010082 amenity=arts_centre
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Customs post - ( Poste de douane ) A structure near or at an international boundary where travellers and vehicles crossing the border are inspected. 2010100;2010102 amenity=customs
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Electric power station - ( Poste électrique ) A building where electricity is generated. 2010120;2010122 power=generator
75- Tower - (Tour) 2530009 Mf node.png Control - ( Contrôle ) A structure at an airport from which air and ground traffic are Controlled. 2530020 aeroway=control_tower
73- Tank - (Citerne) 2080009 Mf node.png area Vertical, water - ( Verticale, eau ) A cylindrical structure used to store liquids. 2080040;2080042 man_made=water_tower
78- Transmission line - (Ligne de transmission) 2230009 way Telephone, other - ( Téléphone, autre ) Communication cables or wires supported by poles. 2230011 power=line


05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Other - ( Autre ) A residential, public, or commercial building with a function other than those listed herein. If the "Other" building is not residential, public, or commercial, its size must be greater than 10 meters X 10 meters. In the case of farm complexes, such a building must be greater than 30 meters. 2010250;2010252 *building=yes

only include area & do not include Mf node.png

05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Railway station - ( Gare ) A building along a railway where the train stops to load and unload passengers or freight. 2010280;2010282 railway=station
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Arena - ( Aréna ) An enclosed, large surface used for sporting activities. 2010020;2010022 leisure=arena


05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Unknown - ( Inconnu ) Impossible to determine the building function from the data Source. 2010010;2010012 building=yes
82- Underground reservoir - (Réservoir souterrain) 2380009 Mf node.png area Underground reservoir - ( Réservoir souterrain ) An underground or artificially covered basin for storing drinking water. 2380010;2380012 landuse=reservoir
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Courthouse - ( Palais de justice ) A public building housing the judicial courts. 2010090;2010092 amenity=courthouse
86- Well - (Puits) 2350009 Mf node.png Petroleum - ( Pétrole ) A well on land or offshore for the extraction of oil or natural gas. 2350030 man_made=petroleum_well
09- Chimney - (Cheminée) 2060009 Mf node.png Industrial - ( Industrielle ) A chimney used by industries or institutional buildings, excluding flare stacks and burners. 2060030 man_made=chimney
86- Well - (Puits) 2350009 Mf node.png Water - ( Eau ) A well dug or drilled in the earth down to the water table to provide a high rate of flow to supply water to a municipality or located in arid areas. 2350020 man_made=water_well
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Highway service centre - ( Centre de services autoroutiers ) A building beside and directly accessible from the highway, providing automotive sevices and restaurant facilities. 2010170;2010172 highway=services
75- Tower - (Tour) 2530009 Mf node.png Communication - ( Communication ) A tower used in the transmission and the reception of radio Waves. 2530010 man_made=communications_tower
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 area Industrial building - ( Établissement industriel ) A building for manufacturing products, processing or preserving raw materials, or producing energy outlets. Represented by "Building : other" if its area is less than 30 meters. Industrial building includes: steel mill, shipyard, cement plant, factory, sawmill, lumber mill, plant, automobile plant, chemical plant, water treatment plant, filtration plant, sewage treatment plant, pulp/paper mill, fish processing plant, petroleum refinery. 2010382 landuse=industrial
45- Navigational aid - (Repère de navigation) 1250009 Mf node.png Unknown - ( Inconnu ) Impossible to determine the navigational aid type from the data source. 1250030 man_made=beacon
75- Tower - (Tour) 2530009 Mf node.png Lookout - ( Observation ) A tower used for viewing a natural or developed scene. 2530050 tourism=viewpoint


05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 area Gas and oil facilities building - ( Édifice d'installations gaz et pétrole ) A building or structure dedicated to in the production or distribution of chemical products represented by the entity "Gas and Oil Facilities" if its area is less than 30 meters. 2010242 *building=yes



make feature proposal

05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Penal building - ( Établissement d'incarcération ) A facility for confining or rehabilitating of persons convicted of breaking the law. Penal facilities includes: correctionnal institute, reformatory, penitentiary. 2010400;2010402 amenity=prison
73- Tank - (Citerne) 2080009 Mf node.png area Vertical, other - ( Verticale, autre ) A cylindrical structure used to store liquids. 2080030;2080032 man_made=tower
73- Tank - (Citerne) 2080009 Mf node.png area Horizontal, unknown - ( Horizontale, inconnu ) A cylindrical structure used to store liquids. 2080020;2080022 *man_made=storge

type=liquid_storage_tank man_made=storage_tank make feature proposal

05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 area Mf node.png Medical centre - ( Centre médical ) Replaces a full service hospital in satellite communities or other areas without hospital services. 2010200;2010202 amenity=doctors
75- Tower - (Tour) 2530009 Mf node.png Clearance - ( De dégagement ) A tower used to support cables over water or a road. 2530030 tower=clearance
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Municipal hall - ( Salle municipale ) Where the main offices of a municipal administration are Located. 2010210;2010212 amenity=townhall
48- Parabolic antenna - (Antenne parabolique) 2000009 Mf node.png Radio telescope - ( Radiotélescope ) Antenna used for radioastronomy. 2000020 man_made=beacon


05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Coast guard station - ( Station de la garde côtière ) A building housing the Coast Guard administrative offices. 2010070;2010072 *amenity=coast_guard

proposed feature

05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area City hall - ( Hôtel de ville ) A building where the principal offices of a city administration are located. 2010060;2010062 amenity=townhall
84- Wall/Fence - (Mur/clôture) 2240009 way Wall - ( Mur ) A vertical structure constructed to enclosed or divide an area. 2240021 barrier=fence
05- Building - (Bâtiment) 2010009 Mf node.png area Educational building - ( Établissement d'enseignement ) An institution for elementary, secondary, or post-secondary education. Educational building contains: college, school, seminary, university. 2010420;2010422 amenity=school




