
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
(Redirected from Talk:Finland:Helsinki)
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Page source

This was originally in English, but I'm translating mostly from Finnish.
Tämä oli alunperin englanniksi mutta kääntänen suurimmalta osalta suomeksi.

Alv 09:28, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

Open Knowledge Festival

Open Knowledge Festival ( ) is coming to Helsinki in September 2012. Could be a good one for some OpenStreetMap representation. Do you list Helsinki events on this page anywhere? -- Harry Wood 16:13, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

We don't have any events, we go out and map :). On a more serious note, we just had the first meeting in about two years, and the third ever live meet. It was mainly about who wants to import and what from the Finnish NLS topographic database, but this was mentioned and people behind it somehow represented in the meeting. It seems the page is unreasonably outdated, so I'll try to squeeze in a note. We do have our "local" (empty) calendar on the Fi:Main Page, so I'll stick it in there, too. Alv 17:03, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

Hakamäentie luokitus

Mielestäni Hakamäentien luokituksen välillä Mannerheimintien tunneli - Mäkelänkadun risteys pitäisi olla trunk, kuten kehällä ja itäväylällä. Melko moottoritiemäinen väylä kuitenkin on eritasoliittymineen, eikä liikennevaloja ole. Nilakka (talk) 07:29, 12 December 2017 (UTC)