User:Emka/new OSB/Stats

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monthly statistics for OpenStreetBugs activity listing amount of bugs which were created or closed in each month


data file

#month  new     closed
2009-07 3265    5372
2009-06 4739    6562
2009-05 5345    6744
2009-04 5379    5771
2009-03 4650    5153
2009-02 4461    4371
2009-01 4380    5085
2008-12 3765    3409
2008-11 4249    3584
2008-10 3812    2868
2008-09 3573    3055
2008-08 5218    3924
2008-07 5370    3409
2008-06 1568    697
2008-05 0       0

plot file

#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist


set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m"
set format x "%b"

set key top left

set ylabel "number of bugs"
set xlabel "month"

set title "OpenStreetBugs activity"

set terminal svg
set output 'osb-monthly.svg'
p 'osb-monthly.dat' u 1:2 w linespoints title 'new',\
 'osb-monthly.dat' u 1:3 w linespoints title 'closed'

set terminal wxt