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Anfrage an von 2012-12-10

Geachte heer / mevrouw,

U heeft recent een melding gedaan bij de Landelijke Informatielijn van Rijkswaterstaat. Hartelijk dank hiervoor.

Uw melding thank you for this great website! I noticed, some german terms are missing at the map-server's layer selector. You might find this helpfull: ExceptionalNavigationalStructure - Kunstwerkcomplexen - Wasserbauwerk Berth - Ligplaats - Liegeplatz High Voltage Line - Hoogspanningslijn - Hochspannungsleitung Lock - Sluis - Schleuse Route - Vaarroute - Routen CarDropoff - Autoafzetplaats - Lösch- und Ladeplatz PKW Trailer slipway - Trailerhelling - Slipanlage Ferry landing point - Veersteiger -Fähranleger Service harbour - Diensthaven - Servicehafen NWB harbour - NWB-haven - NWB-Hafen Bunker station - Bunkerstation - Tankstelle Fairway - Vaarweg - Wasserstrasse Fishing harbour - Vishaven - Fischereihafen Kilometermark - Kilometermarkering - Kilometrierung PushTowAnchorage - Formatieplaats duweenheden - Liegeplatz Schubschifffahrt Tourist harbour - Jachthaven - Yachthafen Waiting area - Wachtgebied - Wartebereich VIN harbour VIN-haven - VIN-Hafen Bridge - Brug - Brücke I also have a question regarding the rights of use: I would like to include some information from at the following websites: Will this be allowed by your policies?

Onze reactie Thank you for your detailed inquiry. We will start working on translations along 2013 to get the website in better order. We have no problems with you purblishing data from

We would like to inform you that it will not be handy to use the deeplink of the file, because the deeplinks are related to documents themselves and if the document is being replaced it will have a new deeplink code. Therefore it is advised to download the document and publish the latest version on your portals.

Wij vertrouwen erop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Dhr.S.S. M. L. I. Rijkswaterstaat

Anfrage an Servicedesk von 2013-01-15

Dear Sir or Madam,

as a volunteer, I support the worlds largest open-source geographic database

I am espacialy interested in improving the quality of navigable inland waterways. A great help would be a file, containing bridge and lock data: - coordinates - name - type/category - horizontal-clearance - horizontal-clearance-open - horizontal-clearance-closed - vertical-clearance - operating-times - communication (phone/VHF-channel)

Most of this is available at (Vaarwegen in Nederland, Bedieningstijden bruggen en sluizen...), but without coords and -as being .pdf- not perfectly computer-readable for further processing.

I could not find much information on licensing: Data on seems to be under Public-Domain. Is this true for all of your 'VIN' data?

Thank you for your help!

Have a nice day, Dirk

Antwort vom 2013-02-18: 1301-287 dienst VIN Vaarwaterkenmerken in NL

Geachte heer E.,

Hierbij de bestanden Vaarwegen in Nederland, Bedieningstijden bruggen en sluizen.

Met vriendelijke groet, De Servicedesk Data Data-ICT-Dienst Rijkswaterstaat