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Veränderte Version

Spielwiese von nkbre.

Original: URL of the rules to use in Kosmos:


This page contains a set of Kosmos rendering rules to highlight the maxspeed values.

  1. use transparent landuse areas
  2. colorize maxspeed vales from green (lowest) to red (highest)
  3. thin grey lines for all highways with no maxspeed value
  4. show speed values on zoom 14 and higher


Option Value Comment
MinKosmosVersion 2.1 Minimal version of Kosmos needed to use these rules
LandBackgroundColor #F8F8F8
SeaColor #B5D6F1

Land Areas

Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
Coastline way natural=coastline Polyline (MinZoom=1, Color=#8BCCE5, Width=11:1;17:5, Curved=true)
Wood area natural=wood Polygon (Color=#7099DB9C)
Scrub area natural=scrub Polygon (Color=#7099EE9C)
Fell area natural=fell Polygon (Color=#70CDDB69)
Farm area landuse=farm Polygon (Color=#70F6EEB7)
Farmland area landuse=farmland Polygon (Color=#70F6EEB7)
Farmyard area landuse=farmyard Polygon (Color=#70FFFFCC)
Residential area landuse=residential Polygon (Color=#70DCDCDC)
Industrial area landuse=industrial Polygon (Color=#70FEADB8)
Commercial area landuse=commercial Polygon (Color=#70EFC8C8)
Retail area landuse=retail Polygon (Color=#70F0DADA)
Reservoir area landuse=reservoir Polygon (Color=#70B5D0D0)
Basin area landuse=basin Polygon (Color=#70B5D0D0)
Forest area landuse=forest Polygon (Color=#70CFECA8)
Cemetery area landuse=cemetery Polygon (Color=#70A9CAAE, BackgroundColor=#7075AC7D, HatchStyle=DashedVertical)
Allotments area landuse=allotments Polygon (Color=#70CC9900)
VillageGreen area landuse=village_green Polygon (Color=#7099FF99)
Grass area landuse=grass Polygon (Color=#7099FF99)
Common area landuse=common Polygon (Color=#7099FF99)
Park area leisure=park Polygon (Color=#70C7F1A3)
Pitch area leisure=pitch Polygon (Color=#708AD2AE)
GolfCourse area leisure=golf_course Polygon (Color=#707CCC7C)
Sport area sport=* Polygon (Color=#708AD2AE)
ParkingArea area amenity=parking Polygon (Color=#70FFFF99)
School area amenity=school Polygon (Color=#70F0F0D8)

Water Features

Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
Water area natural=water Polygon (Color=lightblue)
Marsh area natural=marsh Polygon (Color=blue, BackgroundColor=#00000000, BorderColor=blue, BorderWidth=1:1;12:1;15:3, HatchStyle=DashedHorizontal)
Wetland area natural=wetland Polygon (Color=blue, BackgroundColor=#00000000, BorderColor=blue, BorderWidth=1:1;12:1;15:3, HatchStyle=DashedHorizontal)
River way waterway=river Polyline (MinZoom=5, Color=lightblue, Width=5:1;10:2;17:14, Curved=true)
Drain way waterway=drain Polyline (MinZoom=13, Color=lightblue, Width=13:1;17:6, Curved=true)
Stream way waterway=stream Polyline (MinZoom=13, Color=lightblue, Width=13:1;17:6, Curved=true)
Canal way waterway=canal Polyline (MinZoom=5, Color=lightblue, Width=5:1;10:1;17:10, Curved=true)
Riverbank area waterway=riverbank Polygon (Color=lightblue)
Land area natural=land Polygon (Color=white)


Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
Living Street area way highway=living_street Polyline (Color=#0000ff, BorderColor=#FF0000, Width=3)
Highway area way highway=* Polyline (Color=gray, BorderColor=gray, Width=1) Text (MinZoom=14, Color=black, TagToUse=maxspeed, FontName=Arial, FontStyle=regular, FontSize=11:6;17:9) EliminateSeams
.Cycleway highway=cycleway Polyline (Color=blue, BorderColor=blue, DashStyle=Dash)
.Footway highway=footway Polyline (Color=#00FF00, BorderColor=#00FF00, DashStyle=Dash)
.Path highway=path Polyline (Color=#00CCAA, BorderColor=#00CCAA, DashStyle=Dash)
. 10 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 11 Polyline (Color=#006600, BorderColor=#006600, Width=3)
. 20 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 21 Polyline (Color=#00CC00, BorderColor=#00CC00, Width=3)
. 30 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 31 Polyline (Color=#00FF00, BorderColor=#00FF00, Width=3)
. 40 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 41 Polyline (Color=#CCFF66, BorderColor=#CCFF66, Width=3)
. 50 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 51 Polyline (Color=#FFFF33, BorderColor=#FFFF33, Width=3)
. 60 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 61 Polyline (Color=#FFCC66, BorderColor=#FFCC66, Width=3)
. 70 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 71 Polyline (Color=#FFCC00, BorderColor=#FFCC00, Width=3)
. 80 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 81 Polyline (Color=#FF9999, BorderColor=#FF9999, Width=3)
. 100 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 101 Polyline (Color=#FF9933, BorderColor=#FF9933, Width=3)
. 120 IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") < 121 Polyline (Color=#FF6633, BorderColor=#FF6633, Width=3)
. xxx IsTaggedWith(e,"maxspeed") AND ValueNum(e,"maxspeed") > 121 Polyline (Color=#FF0000, BorderColor=#FF0000, Width=3)

Other Ways

Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
Rail way railway=* Polyline (MinZoom=14, Color=gray, BorderColor=gray,DashStyle=DashDot, Width=1) EliminateSeams
Border way boundary=administrative
.level2 admin_level=2 Polyline (MinZoom=1, Color=red, DashStyle=DashDot, Width=2)
.level4 admin_level=4 Polyline (MinZoom=10, Color=red, DashStyle=DashDot, Width=2)
.level8 admin_level=8 Polyline (MinZoom=12, Color=red, DashStyle=Dot, Width=2))
.* Polyline (MinZoom=12, Color=red, DashStyle=DashDot, Width=2)
Runway way aeroway=runway Polyline (MinZoom=14, Color=#BBBBCC, Width=11:1;17:30)
Taxiway way aeroway=taxiway Polyline (MinZoom=14, Color=#BBBBCC, Width=12:1;17:10)


Rule Name Targets Selector Template Options Comment
PlaceCountry node place=country Text (MinZoom=3, MaxZoom=7, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=3:7;7:20, OutlineColor=white)
PlaceCity node place=city Text (MinZoom=7, MaxZoom=14, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=7:10;17:30, OutlineColor=white, OutlineWidth=20%)
PlaceTown node place=town Text (MinZoom=10, MaxZoom=15, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=10:10;17:25, OutlineColor=white)
PlaceVillage node place=village Text (MinZoom=13, MaxZoom=16, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=13:10;17:20, OutlineColor=white)
PlaceIsland node place=island Text (MinZoom=12, MaxZoom=16, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=12:10;17:20, OutlineColor=white)
PlaceSuburb node place=suburb Text (MinZoom=12, MaxZoom=16, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=12:10;17:20, OutlineColor=white)
PlaceHamlet node place=hamlet Text (MinZoom=14, MaxZoom=17, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=14:8;17:14, OutlineColor=white)
PlaceLocality node place=locality Text (MinZoom=14, MaxZoom=17, Color=black, TagToUse=name, FontName=Trebuchet MS, FontStyle=bold, FontSize=14:8;17:14, OutlineColor=white)