User talk:Balingup

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Messages for User:Balingup :

collecting temperature, CO2 and Sulphates, VOC's

You were requesting comments on this idea. I've put the details on your user page User:Balingup (Talk:Wiki is the wrong place for that by the way. You probably want to use other Contact channels. I'll remove your message shortly)

I think the idea sounds interesting, but you wouldn't want to devise a tagging scheme for use with OpenStreetMap's database. I would say this is an example of a dataset which should be maintained in a separate database on a dedicated website. You would devise systems for editing this data as layer presented alongside the OpenStreetMap data. It's kind of similar to "crime mapping" which has been discussed in the past. The similarity is in the way the data is sort of in large blobby overlay areas, rather than anything which would fit nicely into OSM alongside our streetmap data. We dont yet have a concept of layers in the core OSM database. It would be great to develop systems which manage these kinds of overlay layers, and the maintenance of parallel geo databases, unfortunately I can't point you to any progress in this direction yet, but if you're a developer... get stuck in!

...and as I say, you could request for comments about your idea on the forum or the mailing list (see Contact)

-- Harry Wood 14:05, 14 May 2009 (UTC)