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Wivenhoe, Colchester(Essex District)

latitude: 51.8582, longitude: 0.9653
Browse map of Wivenhoe 51°51′29.52″ N, 0°57′55.08″ E
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Wivenhoe is a town in Colchester(Essex District) at latitude 51°51′29.52″ North, longitude 0°57′55.08″ East.


Most of the roads are mapped. A few closes need revisiting to clarify the data. Currently missing are the new housing developments in the south of Wivenhoe adjacent to the station and in the Cook's Shipyard area.

Update July 2008: While the weather's been nice my cohorts and I have been jogging and cycling around town collecting tracklogs both of roads we missed last time for one reason or another and of paths that we can use to extrapolate the land use boundaries.

Update March 2012: added parish boundary relation relation 2080038


  • Keep an eye on Cook's Shipyard; are houses still being built?

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