Zh-hant:Humanitarian OSM Tags/Humanitarian Data Model

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These are elements currently being reconciled with field teams - Nicolas Chavent is leading this effort. -DruidSmith 00:20, 30 January 2010 (UTC)


HDM transportation objects are based on the UN Spatial Data Infrastructure for Transport (UNSDIT) [[1]]. The below humanitarian transportation framework is a subset of the UNSDIT tailored to match Haiti operational requirements based on direct field needs assessments and experiences gained in past humanitarian responses.


Highway/ Road Keys and values proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
FunctionalClass values This maps to highway=*. OSM tags are richer than the hum data model (UNSDIT_Roads-FeatureClass) which loca/ urban and private values got enhanced highway=* 1
FunctionalClass=Primary highway=primary 1
FunctionalClass=Secondary highway=secondary 1
FunctionalClass=Tertiary highway=tertiary 1
FunctionalClass=Local/Urban_unspecified highway=? 1
FunctionalClass=Local/Urban_residential highway=residential 1
FunctionalClass=Local/Urban_service highway=service 1
FunctionalClass=Local/Urban_primary_junction highway=primary_junction 1
FunctionalClass=Local/Urban_secondary_junction highway=secondary_junction 1
FunctionalClass=Local/Urban_mini_roundabout highway=mini_roundabout 1
FunctionalClass=Local/Urban_turning_circle Tag:highway=turning_circle 1
FunctionalClass=Private_unspecified highway=? 1
FunctionalClass=Track highway=track 1
FunctionalClass=Trail highway=footway 1
FunctionalClass=Unspecified highway=unclassified 1
Operational_Status Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Practicability Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Practicability 1
Geometry_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Source 1
Attribute_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Source 1
Note Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Official_Road_Name Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Route_Name Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
SurfaceType Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Surface 2
SurfaceCondition Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Surface 2
UID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID
UUID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID


Obstacle Keys and values proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category

ObstacleType=* This maps to barrier=* for which humanitarian values have to be created barrier:obstacle_type=*
ObstacleType=bridge_damage Barrier:obstacle_type=bridge_damage 1
ObstacleType=road_damage Barrier:obstacle_type=road_damage 1
ObstacleType=landslide_mudslide Barrier:obstacle_type=landslide_mudslide 1
ObstacleType=debris Barrier:obstacle_type=debris 1
ObstacleType=checkpoint Barrier:obstacle_type=checkpoint 1
ObstacleType=roadblock Barrier:obstacle_type=roadblock 1
ObstacleType=unspecified Barrier:obstacle_type=unspecified 1
Operational_Status Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Practicability values Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Practicability 1
Geometry_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Attribute_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Note Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
UID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation
UUID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation


Bridge Keys and values proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Humanitarian priority rank
BridgeType values bridge=* 2
Arch bridge=arch 2
Beam bridge=beam 2
Truss bridge=truss 2
Floating bridge=floating 2
Suspension bridge=suspension 2
Culvert bridge=culvert 2
Culvert - round bridge=culvert_round 2
Culvert - box bridge=culvert_box 2
Unspecified bridge=yes 2
Total length (M) length=* 2
Width (M) width=* 2
Maximal Total Load (Ton) maxweight=* 2
Has Bypass (Y/N) This maps to barrier=* for which humanitarian values barrier:bypass=* have to be created barrier:bypass=* 1
Yes barrier:bypass=yes 1
No barrier:bypass=no 1
Transportation Use Category values This maps to transportation_use_category=* to be created transportation_use_category=* 2
Road transportation_use_category=road 2
Rail transportation_use_category=rail 2
Both Road and Rail transportation_use_category=road_rail 2
Canal transportation_use_category=canal 2
Pipeline transportation_use_category=pipeline 2
Cabling transportation_use_category=cabling 2
Unspecified transportation_use_category=unspecified 2
Operational_Status Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Practicability Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Practicability 1
SurfaceType values Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Surface 2
BaseMaterial values Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Base_material 2
Geometry_Source_Type=* Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Attribute_Source_Type=* Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Note=* Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
UID=* Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID
UUID=* Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID


Aerodrome Keys and values proposed proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
IATA iata= 1
ICAO icao= 1
Aerodrome Type values aeroway=* 1
Airport aeroway=airport 1
Airfield aeroway=airfield 1
Airstrip aeroway=airstrip 1
Fixed_HelicopterLandingZone aeroway=fixed_helipad 1
Improvised_HelicopterLandingZone aeroway=improvised_helipad 1
Unspecified aeroway=unspecified 1
Aerodrome Practicability (largest aircraft landable) Description=* This map to Annotation=* with tag aeroway_practicability_description=* to be created aeroway_practicability_description=* 1
TakeOffLanding Length (m) length=* 2
TakeOffLanding Width (m) width=* 2
Helicopter Landing Zome Type values This maps to aeroway=*, helipad_type values to be created. aeroway:helipad_type=* 1
Purpose-built aeroway:helipad_type=purpose-built 1
Sports_field/parkSports_field/park aeroway:helipad_type=sports_field/park 1
Agricultural_field aeroway:helipad_type=agricultural_field 1
car_park aeroway:helipad_type=car_park 1
Rooftop aeroway:helipad_type=rooftop 1
Open_land aeroway:helipad_type=open_land 1
Unspecified aeroway:helipad_type=unspecified 1
SurfaceType Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Surface 2
Operational_Status values Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Humanitarian use Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Humanitarian_use 1
Operating_Organization_Name Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 2
Cargo_Handling_Description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Cargo_Storage_Description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Geometry_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Attribute_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Note Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Spatial Signature Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Spatial_signature
UID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID
UUID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID


Port Keys and values proposed proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Port Type values port_type=* 1
Seaport waterway:port_type=sea_port 1
River port waterway:port_type=river port 1
Lake port waterway:port_type=lake_port 1
Beaching waterway:port_type=beaching 1
Bank waterway:port_type=bank 1
Pier waterway:port_type=pier 1
Ramp waterway:port_type=ramp 1
Anchorage waterway:port_type=anchorage 1
Unspecified waterway:port_type=unspecified 1
Operational_Status Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Humanitarian use Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Humanitarian_use 1
Cargo_Handling_Description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Cargo_Storage_Description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Geometry_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Attribute_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Note Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Spatial Signature Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Spatial_signature 1
UID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID 1
UUID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID 1


Warehouse Compound Keys and values proposed proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Warehouse Type Description description:=warehouse_type_description=* 1
Operating_Organization_Name Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Operational_Status Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Humanitarian use Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Humanitarian_use 1
Cargo_Storage_Description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Storage Capacity (cubic meters) Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Storage Capacity (square meter) Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Storage Capacity (ton) Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Cargo_Handling_Description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Geometry_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Attribute_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Note Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Spatial Signature Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Spatial_signature 1
UID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID
UUID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID


Fuel Point keys and values proposed proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Fuel Point Type values This maps to amenity=* with tag amenity=fuel_type to be created. amenity:fuel_type=* 1
Fuel supply point amenity:fuel_type=fuel_supply point or amenity=fuel 1
Fuel depot amenity:fuel_type=fuel_depot 1
Fuel_Storage_Capacity_Description This map to Annotation=* with tag fuel_storage_capacity_description to be created fuel_storage_capacity_description=* Annotation
Fuel_Type_Description This map to Annotation=* with tag fuel_type_description to be created fuel_storage_description=* Annotation
Operational_Status Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info values Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Geometry_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Attribute_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Note Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Spatial Signature Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Spatial_signature 1
UID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID
UUID Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#ID


  • The Health Facility object from the Humanitarian Data Model is based on the following data models:
  • The above materials have been discussed with WHO experts in the view of defining a framework meaningful for (i) the current stage of the emergency response work ongoing in Haiti and (ii) other emergency or development work in Developing Countries (DCs) or Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Further versions of this Health Facility object (still in design) will be issued to match the operational needs as the response will gain in complexity while phasing away from immediate emergency response and discussions within OSM and humanitarian practitioners.
  • The former template of the Health Facility Table which has focused on a mapping between HDM and PAHO data model (PAHO being a a subset of the HDM tailored to Haiti needs) is been maintained and is displayed in this subpage. It is a key support document for the on-going PAHO Health Facility data import.

Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
HealthFacilityType values (see also discussion) health_facility:type=* Basic

Specialized_Hopital TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts health_facility:type=specialized_hospital
Hospital TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts health_facility:type=hospital
Field Hospital TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts health_facility:type=field_hospital
CS-Health_center TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts
(see also discussion)
CAL-Health_center_with_beds TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts
(see also discussion)
CSL-Health_center_without_beds TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts
(see also discussion)
Dispensary TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts health_facility:type=dispensary
Other TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts health_facility:type=other
Unknown_type_of_facility health_facility:type=unspecified or absence of health_facility:type=*.
HealthFacilityDamage values Basic

Completely_Damaged TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts health_facility:damage=completely_damaged; Why not damaged=completely?
Damaged TODO: Need a description from subject matter experts health_facility:damage=damaged; Why not damaged=yes?
Operational Note: doesn't make sense, interfers with operational status
Field_Hospital Note: doesn't make sense, interfers with health_facility:type=field_hospital
Field_Hospital_Co-located_with_Hospital Note: doesn't make sense as enumeration value. Either move to health_facility:type=* try to model an association of two Health Facilities could become a specific kind of relation in OSM, i.e. a relation tagged with type=health_facility:collocated_facility. Members would be nodes or ways tagged with health_facility:type=*. The role would be facility.
Unspecified health_facility:damage=damaged or absence of the tag health_facility:damage=*
Total Number of Beds health_facility:bed=<number>; Collides with itself for health_facility:bed=yes! Basic

Health_Facility_Construction_Description health_facility:construction_description=* Advanced

Health_Facility_Service_Description health_facility:medical_service_description=* Advanced

Health_Facility_Capacity_Description health_facility:capacity_description=* Advanced

IDs A Health Facility can be identified by IDs. Basic

Names A Health Facility can be named by names. Basic

Spatial Signature A Health Facility can have a geographic location. Basic

Operating Organization A Health Facility can be operated by an operating organization. Basic

Operational_Status including Quality of Op Status Info A Health Facility can have an operational status. Basic

Source The source of information for a Health Facility can be described. Basic

Geometry_Accuracy_Description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation
Note Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation


The HDM IDP camp site object is based on rapid camp site assessment materials from Camp Coordination Management (CCCM) used by in the early days of the humanitarian response by the NGO MapAction providing information management (IM)support services to the Shelter Cluster. They had been reviewed with MapAction data modeling expert to define this interim framework tailored to match the needs of responders working this humanitarian area of work. It will be further checked with more elaborated field materials and incorporation of additional feedback from field responders.

Internally Displaced People (IDPs) camp sites Keys and values proposed proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Assessed by shelter cluster (Yes/No) assessment=* to be created assessment=* Assessment
Yes assessment=yes Assessment
No assessment=no Assessment
Assessment description This maps to annotation=assessment_description to be created. Specify the authority who run the assessment annotation=assessment_description/ assessment_description=* 1
Operating_Organization_Name Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
IDP camp type values idp|camp_type=* to be created. idp:camp_type=* 1
Organized_Camp idp:camp_type=organized_camp IDP
Spontaneous_Camp idp:camp_type=spontaneous_camp IDP
unspecified idp:camp_type=unspecified IDP
Operational_Status Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Quality of Op Status Info Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Operational_status 1
Population in area place=*
Population in camp idp:camp_type=*
Camp area estimate (ha) idp:camp_area_estimate=* 1
Surrounding structures in risk of collapsing (Yes/No) to be created [[Key:|]]=* 1`
Yes =yes 1
No =no 1
IDP camp condition values This maps to idp=* to be created. idp:camp_condition=* 1
Building idp:camp_condition=building IDP
Tents idp:camp_condition=tents IDP
Sheets idp:camp_condition=sheets IDP
None idp:camp_condition=none IDP
Unspecified idp:camp_condition=unspecified IDP
IDP camp structural safety values IDP|camp_structural_safety=* to be created. idp:structural_safety=* 1
Open_area idp:camp_structural_safety=open_area 1
Enclosed_area idp:camp_structural_safety=25%_enclosed_area 1
Enclosed_area idp:camp_structural_safety=50%_enclosed_area 1
Enclosed_area idp:camp_structural_safety=75%_enclosed_area 1
Enclosed_area idp:camp_structural_safety=fully_enclosed_area 1
Non_enclosed_building idp:camp_structural_safety=non_enclosed_building 1
Enclosed_building idp:camp_structural_safety=enclosed_building 1
unspecified idp:camp_structural_safety=unspecified 1
Drainage values IDP|drainage_type=* to be created. idp:drainage_type=* 1
Open_area idp:camp_structural_safety=open_area 1
Existing Functioning drains idp:drainage_type=existing_functioning_drains 1
Existing blocked drains idp:drainage_type=existing_blocked_drains 1
Non existing drains idp:drainage_type=non_existing_drains 1
Site in a depression idp:drainage_type=site_in_a_depression 1
Unspecified idp:drainage_type=unspecified 1
Sustained_access_to_potable_ water (Yes/No) access_to_potable_water=yes/no to be created Key:access 1
Yes access_to_potable_water=yes 1
No access_to_potable_water=no 1
Sustained_access_to_grey_ water (Yes/No) access_to_grey_water=yes/no to be created Key:access 1
Yes access_to_grey_water=yes 1
No access_to_grey_water=no 1
Water access by source nearby (Yes/No) to be created or to Tag|water_access_source Key:access 1`
Yes water_access_source=yes 1
No water_access_source=no 1
Water source description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Water access by tank/blader (Yes/No) to be created or to Tag|water_access_tank_blader Key:access 1`
Yes water_access_tank_blader=yes 1
No water_access_tank_blader=no
Tank/Blader description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Tank/Blader number Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Water access by well (Yes/No) to be created or to Tag|water_access_well Key:access 1`
Yes water_access_well=yes 1
No water_access_well=no 1
Well description Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Well number Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Water access by truck (Yes/No) to be created or to Tag|water_access_truck Key:access 1`
Yes water_access_truck=yes 1
No water_access_truck=no 1
Access to Pit Toilet (Yes/No) to be created or to Tag|access_pit_toilet Key:access 1`
Yes access_pit_toilet=yes 1
No access_pit_toilet=no 1
Pit Toilet number Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Access to Portable Toilet (Yes/No) to be created or to Tag|access_portable_toilet Key:access 1`
Yes access_portable_toilet=yes 1
No access_portable_toilet=no 1
Portable Toilet number Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1
Access_to_Site_From_Road Network This maps to practicability=* to be created in conjunction with Tag|Access mapping to OSM tags for practicality of highway for various vehicle types. practicability=* 1
Air only practicability=air_only 1
Non-motorized practicability=non-motorized 1
Motorbike practicability=motorbike}} 1
2WD_Car practicability=2WD_Car}} 1
4WD_<_3.5MT4WD_less_than_3.5MT practicability=4WD_less_than_3.5MT 1
Light_truck_<_10MT practicability=light_truck_less_than_10MT 1
Heavy_truck_<_20MT practicability=heavy_truck_less_than_20MT 1
Truck_+_Trailer > 20MT Tpracticability=truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20MT 1
Unspecified practicability=unspecified unspecified 1
Geometry_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Source 1
Geometry_Source_Date Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Source 1
Attribute_Source_Type Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Source 1
Attribute_Source_Date Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Source 1
Note=* Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Annotation 1

Common tags


ID Keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
UID=* OSM Unique ID. Use an URN with Name Space Identifier (NID) osm and scheme urn:osm:<type>:<id> to identify an OSM object in other dataset, see discussion. Not mapped as tag. This maps to an OSM ID which is a pair {object-type, id}, i.e. {node, 123456} or {way, 765432} Basic

UUID=* Universally Unique Identifier: the Reference UUID set up by the data custodian of a given humanitarian object and agreed upon by the humanitarian and development actors for data synchronization. Read-only. This maps to id:uuid=*. Use a the URN-scheme to build globally unique IDs, see discussion for requirements this ID has to meet. id:uuid=* Basic


HDM objects can be named.

  • an HDM object can have a specific translated name for every language, a so called localized name
  • an HDM object can have a reference name, also called an offical name which it got assigned by the authority responsible for the object

Name Keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Unqualified Name The name of a HDM object, without further qualification. name=* Basic

Official Name Official Name from National Registry. registry_name=* Basic

Localized Name This represents a group of naming attributes, one for each language. In OSM a localized name is mapped to a tag name:<lang> where lang is a two-letter code from ISO 639-1. Typical examples are name:en=* (english names), name:kr=* (names in kreole), name:ru=* (names in russian). Basic


Address keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Country addr:country=* Advanced

City addr:city=* Advanced

Ward addr:ward=* Advanced

Street addr:street=* Advanced

House_Number addr:housenumber=* Advanced

Postal_Code addr:postal_code=* Advanced

Contact information

Contact Information keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Phone see discussion on how to handle different phone numbers phone=* Advanced

Email email=* Advanced

Fax fax=* Advanced

Spatial signature

Spatial Signature keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
PCODE Map to ID=* to be created (not listed in MapFeatures) with tag pcode=* pcode=* ID
Admin_level_1_Name boundary=administrative
Administrative, Admin_Level, Name
Admin_level_2_Name boundary=administrative
Administrative, Admin_Level, Name
Admin_level_3_Name boundary=administrative
Administrative, Admin_Level, Name
Admin_level_4_Name boundary=administrative
Administrative, Admin_Level, Name
Area/Location place:area=*
Area/Location_Description place:area=*

Search And Rescue Sector (SAR)

SAR might no longer play the operational role described below: see the discussion page for details. If this is confirmed, then this section below might no longer be relevant-

A Search And Rescue Sector (SAR Sector) is a geograpic area defined in a Humanitarian Relief Effort. It is bound by a boundary. It often has a name and some kind of unique ID. It is often assigned to a specific Humanitarian Organisation which plays the role of lead organization in this area.

There are two sets of attributes/tags required in the Humanitarian Data Model 2.0:

  1. attributes for declaring/describing a SAR Sector
  2. attributes for establishing a relationship between an HDM object and a SAR Sector

Declaring a SAR Sector

Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
SAR_Sector_Bounds=* The bounds of the SAR sector This maps to a closed OSM way tagged with boundary=sar_sector.
SAR_Sector_Name=* The name of the SAR Sector name=* on either an OSM node tagged with amenity=sar_sector or on an OSM way tagged with boundary=sar_sector Boundary Name
SAR_Sector_ID=* The ID of the SAR Sector sar_sector:id=* on either an OSM node tagged with amenity=sar_sector or on a closed OSM way tagged with boundary=sar_sector Boundary ID
SAR_Sector_Lead_Name=* The name of the Lead Organisation in a SAR Sector sar_sector:lead_organization=* on either an OSM node tagged with amenity=sar_sector or on a closed OSM way tagged with boundary=sar_sector Boundary ID
SAR_Sector_Lead_ID=* The ID of the Lead Organisation in a SAR Sector sar_sector:lead_organization:ref=* on either an OSM node tagged with amenity=sar_sector or on a closed OSM way tagged with boundary=sar_sector Boundary ID

Referring to a SAR Sector

Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
SAR_Sector_Reference=* Refers to a specific SAR Sector. The value of this attribute is a SAR_Sector_ID In OSM this is either modelled implicitly or explicitly.
  • implicit modelling: an HDM object "belongs" to a SAR Sector if it is located within the bounds of the SAR Sector. Implicit modelling is the preferred way to model a relationship between an HDM object and a SAR Sector. The SAR Sector must be modelled as closed way, though.
  • explicit modelling: a HDM object may be tagged with is_in:sar_sector=*. The value of this tag consists of a SAR Sector ID.

Operating organization

An operating organization is an organization responsible for the operation of a HDM object. It its of a certain operating organization type and it can have a name and a unique id.

Operating Organization Attributes common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Operating_Organization_Name Name of the operating organization operator=*
Org UID=* Operating Organization ID: the Unique ID used in other humanitarian and development actors data silos for data synchronization in absence of a functional data custodian. Optional. operator:id=*

Operating Organization keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Operating_Organization_Type values The type of the organization
Government_facility-public operator:type=government_facility_public
Government_facility-not_public operator:type=government_facility_not_public
Parastatal operator:type=parastatal
Private_for_profit operator:type=private_for_profit
Faith-based_organization_(FBO) operator:type=faith_based_organization
NGO_other_than_faith-based operator:type=ngo_other_than_faith_based
Community operator:type=community
Unspecified operator:type=unspecified or the absence of operator:type=*

Humanitarian use

Humanitarian use keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Humanitarian use values This maps to humanitarian_use=* to be created. humanitarian_use=* 1
Entry_Point humanitarian_use=entry_point 1
Primary_Hub humanitarian_use=primary_hub 1
Secondary_Hub humanitarian_use=secondary_hub 1
Final_Delivery_Point humanitarian_use=final_delivery_point 1
Operationally_Significant_Location humanitarian_use=operationally_significant_location]] 1
Unspecified humanitarian_use=unspecified] 1

Operational status

The operational status of a HDM object indicates whether the object is functional with respect to its intended purpose. In the context of a humanitarian crisis both the information itself and its reliability are important. Reliability is expressed in terms one of a set of defined confidence levels.

OSM Map Features do not include suitable tags for expressing the operational status of a HDM object yet. For instance, access=* is legal or vehicle-oriented and not focused on the feature operationality. New tags have to be introduced.

Operational Status keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Operational_Status values operational_status=* Basic

Operational operational_status=operational
Restricted operational_status=restricted
Closed operational_status=closed
Unspecified operational_status=unspecified or the absence of the tag operational_status=*
Quality of Op Status Info values operational_status:reliability=* Basic

Reported operational_status:reliability=reported
Confirmed operational_status:reliability=confirmed
Unspecified operational_status:reliability=unspecified or the absence of the tag operational_status:reliability=*


The mapping to OSM Map Features is motivated by the tagging scheme for access restrictions. With a set of tags including foot=yes/no, hgv=yes/no, motorcar=yes/no, etc. one can express access restrictions for highways mapped in OSM. Similarly, a set of tags with the prefix practicability is introduced in order to express practicability restrictions on highways relevant in an humantiarian crisis. The already established tags for access restrictions shouldn't be reused because accessibility and practicability are orthogonal concepts. A highway tagged as practicability:hgv=yes could be restrictred to hgv=no.

Practicability keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Practicability values This maps to practicability=* to be created in OSM. Reasons: no direct mapping to OSM tags for practicality of highway for various vehicle types. practicability=* Basic

Non_motorized practicability:foot=yes/only


Motorbike practicability:motorbike=yes/only
4WD_<_3.5MT practicability:4wd=yes/no/only
Light_truck_<_10MT practicability:goods=yes/no/only
Heavy_truck_<_20MT practicability:hgv=yes/no/only
Truck_+_Trailer_>_20MT practicability:lory=yes/no/only
Unspecified practicability=unspecified or absence of practicability=*


Surface keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
SurfaceType values This maps to surface=*. surface=* 2
SurfaceType=Paved surface=paved 2
SurfaceType=Gravel surface=gravel 2
SurfaceType=Steel surface=metal 2
SurfaceType=Wood surface=wood 2
SurfaceType=Grass surface=grass or surface=ground 2
SurfaceType=Unspecified surface=unspecified 2
SurfaceCondition values This maps to surface=* and surface_condition=* to be created. Reasons: no direct re-usable tag to cover the Surface condition value domain; alternate can be a combination of tags smoothness=* and maxspeed=*. Smoothness values do not fit Haiti field reqs and smoothness humanitarian values could be added surface=* and surface_condition=*/ smoothness=* and maxspeed=* 2
SurfaceCondition=Rough_(<40kph) surface_condition=rough_(<40kph) 2
SurfaceCondition=Smooth_(>40kph) highway:surface_condition=smooth_(>40kph) 2
SurfaceType=Dirt/Sand highway:surface=sand or highway:surface=dirt 2
SurfaceCondition=Mud highway:surface=mud 2
SurfaceCondition=Snow/Ice highway:surface=ice_road 2
SurfaceCondition=Unspecified highway:surface=unspecified 2

Base material

Base material keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
BaseMaterial values This maps to base_material=* to be created base_material=* 2
Wood base_material=wood 2
Concrete base_material=concrete 2
Stone base_material=stone 2
Steel base_material=metal 2
PVC base_material=pvc 2
Unspecified base_material=unspecified 2


Annotation keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Note This maps to annotation=* annotation:note=* 1
Cargo_Handling_Description This maps to Annotation with tag annotation:cargo_handling_description=* to be created annotation:cargo_handling_description=* Annotation
Cargo_Storage_Description This maps to Annotation with tag annotation:cargo_storage_description=* to be created cargo_storage_description=* Annotation
Storage Capacity (cubic meters) This maps to Annotation with tag annotation:cargo_storage_cubic_meter=* to be created annotation:cargo_storage_cubic_meter=* Annotation
Storage Capacity (square meter) This maps to Annotation with tag annotation:cargo_storage_square_meter=* to be created annotation:cargo_storage_square_meter=* Annotation
Storage Capacity (ton) This maps to Annotation with tag annotation:cargo_storage_ton=* to be created annotation:cargo_storage_ton=* Annotation


On OSM we use a tag tree rooted in source to describe information about the source of a data set. A common pattern used in the Haiti effort was to

  • to discriminate over the class of information on the second level
  • to discriminate over the individual source attributes on the third level


source_ref=* was used to refer to data sources, often using an URL to the dataset, i.e. an URL to a Google spreadsheet.

Source keys and values common to all objects proposed to meet field requirements as enclosed in Hum Data Model version 2.0 - This table is sortable, click on headings to sort
Humanitarian Data Model attribute Description/Discussion OSM Tag equivalent Category
Geometry_Source_Type This maps to source=* and sub-tags thereof source:geometry:type=* Basic

Geometry_Source_Date This maps to source=* and sub-tags thereof source:geometry:date=* Basic

Attribute_Source_Type This maps to source=* and sub-tags thereof source:attribute:type=* Basic

Attribute_Source_Date This maps to source=* and sub-tags thereof source:attribute:date=* Basic

Attribute Categories

HDM Attributes are classified as follows:

  • Basic: basic-core rapid response attributes
  • Advanced: advanced specialized attributes (more long term).

XML Schema Definition

Based on the definitions above an XML Schema Definition was developed at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and is maintained by Dr. Franz-Josef Behr [2].

The schema is developed as Geography Markup Language (GML) application schema. GML is a worldwide accepted ISO [3] and OGC [4] standard.

Currently the schema (v0.1) is based on GML 3.1.

See also the templates: Basic, Advanced