Template:Zh-hant:Map Features:cycleway

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自行車道 (cycleway)

描述針對單車設計的基礎設施。另見: Cycle routes.

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cycleway lane way 在道路之中的自行車道。 Cyclist mapCyclist map-Cycleway-lane.PNG Fietsstrook Herenweg Oudorp.jpg
lane way A cycle lane only on one side of the road. Left or right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap. Cyclist mapCyclist map-lane-right.png
cycleway opposite way oneway=yes一起使用,予許自行車道雙向通行。

注意:這樣的街道在比利時,荷蘭,丹麥常見,而在英國不常見(但它們存在)。相對地,在一般的情況下整條街道為雙向是正常的,除了在街道最尾端的很小一段設為禁止禁入,這個地方設有一小段的分隔島來使自行車不要進入,這被稱為自行車接口(cycle plug)。在許多地方則是以非常短的單線道與相鄰的自行車道相併,且有道路併入而形成三角形,或有許有一張短的單線道且具有 cycleway=opposite_lanecycleway=opposite_track

Cyclist mapCyclist map-Cycleway-opposite.PNG Sul bxl 01.JPG
cycleway opposite_lane way oneway=yes一起使用,在道路之中的自行車道可予許相對於一般交通流動的反向通行。 Cyclist mapCyclist map-Cycleway-opposite.PNG Opposite cycle lane.jpg
cycleway track way 與道路分隔的自行車道,如果需要可加入oneway=yes Cyclist mapCyclist map-Cycleway-track.PNG Cycle nexttoroad.jpg
track way A track only on one side of the road. You can drive in both directions. Left and right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap. Cyclist mapCyclist map-Cycleway-right.PNG
cycleway opposite_track way oneway=yes一起使用,與道路分隔的自行車道可予許相對於一般交通流動的反向通行。 Cyclist mapCyclist map-Cycleway-opposite.PNG 549c Spitzenkiel140923.jpg
cycleway shared way Cyclists share space with other traffic on this highway.
cycleway share_busway way There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use. Busandbike.jpg
share_busway way A bus lane permitted to use only on one side of the road. Left and right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap.
cycleway shared_lane way Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, but there are markings indicating that they should share the lane with motorists. The road markings are usually there to highlight a cycle route or to remind drivers that you can cycle there. Also used for the on-road shared-lane marking called a "sharrow"[1]. Sharrows Toronto 2011.jpg
shared_lane way A shared lane only on one side of the road. Left and right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap.
cycleway asl node A cycleway advanced stop line (ASL), also known as a bike box or an advanced stop box, is a marked area for cyclists in front of the stop line for motor traffic. CyclOSMCyclOSM cycleway asl.png Praha-Černý Most cyklobox 1.JPG
cycleway 使用者自訂 way Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

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