User:SK53/Mapping Trees in Cities

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Classes of trees:

A tree may belong to one or more of these classes, so the typology is provided for convenience.

  • Street Trees: planted close to the kerb.
  • Amenity Trees: often planted in small groups on areas of amenity grassland. Species composition is unlikely to be very varied and will usually use common species.
  • Parkland Trees: in parks, recreation grounds, . Trees in cemeteries, churchyards and other similar places fall into this group.
  • Commemorative Trees. Often memorials for one or more individuals, or planted to commemorate some event. Usually these will have been selected specifically and may be planned to be specimen trees. Sometimes a group of trees will be planted instead of a single tree.
  • Specimen Trees. In particular locations chosen to show the tree off. Specimen trees may be noteworthy old trees which pre-date the urbanisation of the area, or have been placed as part of the urban design. These will often be unusual species, or a particular cultivar of a common tree. Parkland will often include a number of specimen trees.
  • Champion Trees. Trees which are particularly old/large for the species. The Tree Register in Britain has an on-going project to document such trees.

Street Trees

In Europe very common street trees, particularly in older neighbourhoods, are Common Lime, London Plane. These coped particularly well with the air pollution of the late 19th & early 20th centuries.