Zh-hant:Map Features

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開放街圖呈現地表上的自然圖徵 (Feature)(例如:道路或建物,並利用標籤(tags)附加其基本的資料結構(例如:節點 (Node)Node路徑 (way)Way關係 (Relation)Relation),每一個標籤藉由特定的節點、路徑與關係描述圖徵的地理屬性。

開放街圖的自由標籤系統允許地圖納入無限個描述圖徵的屬性,開放街圖社群形成對特定鍵 (Key)值 (Value)組合的共識作為標籤的正式標準。然而,使用者仍能新增新的標籤以改善地圖的風格或協助分析圖徵中過去未曾被繪製的屬性。圖徵頁面內展示關於特定主題或興趣的標籤簡易說明。

多數的圖徵能夠僅使用數個標籤標記,例如一條路徑能使用分類標籤highway=footway表示這條路徑是「步道」,也能添加名稱標籤 name=*。開放街圖是一個擴及全世界且包羅萬象的地圖,因此擁有不同的圖徵類型,幾乎全部的圖徵都以標籤進行標記。

更多關於標籤的詳情及修改現存標籤的倡議,請參考"提出圖徵" (Proposed Features)"不活躍的圖徵"(Inactive Features)"棄用圖徵" (deprecated features)。 如果您無法在此列表中找到適合的標籤,請自由地創造出合適的標籤,只要標籤的值 (Value) 可被驗證。待一段時間後,您可能發現標籤被修改為符合多數共識的名稱,然而多數優良的標籤都是先被使用、後被編輯為條目。


空中纜線 (Aerialway)

空中纜線中包含許多種型態的運輸人或貨物的纜線,包含纜車、纜椅、和滑雪拖曳,請閱讀Aerialway 以獲得更多資訊。

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo) Taginfo
種類 (Types)
aerialway cable_car way [W] 空中纜車。由一或兩個大型車廂所構成。纜繩會形成迴圈,但車廂不會延著迴圈繞,通常只會在它所屬的那一側纜繩,來回地上下往返。
台灣的[W] 貓空纜車[W] 烏來空中纜車即是這種空中纜車。
Aerialway gondola render.png
CH Furtschellas aerial tram.jpg

aerialway gondola way [W] 小型纜車。很多小型車廂迴圈狀的來回往返。
台灣的[W] 日月潭纜車即是這種小型纜車。
Aerialway gondola render.png
Linbana kolmården cable car.jpg

aerialway chair_lift way [W] 纜椅。一串單張椅子 (通常是二人座或四人座,但可能更多容量)懸吊在形成迴圈的纜繩。座椅沒有覆蓋直接曝露於空中 (但可能會有簡易的透明罩)。這個標籤意謂著 oneway=yes (往上)。若為雙向的設計,需要特別標籤為 oneway=no
Chair lift rendering.png
Silver Queen Chair, CBMR.jpg

aerialway mixed_lift way [W] 混合纜線。是一種新型運送滑雪者的裝置,同時有纜椅和小型纜車。
Aerialway gondola render.png
Cgd panoramabahn.jpg

aerialway drag_lift way [W] 滑雪拖曳。供滑雪者或搭乘者使用,為一條高過頭的曳引繩索。可能的形式有 T-bar、button lift 、單純排成迴圈的曳引繩索或是附有把手的曳引繩索。
這個標籤意謂著 oneway=yes (往上) 。
Chair lift rendering.png
T-bar lift.JPG

aerialway t-bar way [W] T-bar lift。一種aerialway=drag_lift
Chair lift rendering.png

aerialway j-bar way [W] J-bar lift。一種 aerialway=drag_lift。類似T-Bar,但只有一面能乘坐。
此標籤意謂著oneway=yes (往上)。
Chair lift rendering.png
Coldspgs j bar lift.jpg

aerialway platter way [W] Platter lift。一種aerialway=drag_lift。類似T-Bar,但以碟狀物取代條狀手把。只能乘坐一人。
此標籤意謂著oneway=yes (往上)。
Chair lift rendering.png

aerialway rope_tow way [W] Rope tow。一種aerialway=drag_lift
Chair lift rendering.png
Rope tow overview.jpeg

aerialway magic_carpet way [W] Magic carpet。一種運送滑雪者的裝置。
此標籤意謂著oneway=yes (往上)。
Magic carpet uphill loaded P1437.jpeg

aerialway zip_line way [W] Zip line. 簡單的空中滑索。
此標籤意謂著 oneway=yes (往下)。
Chair lift rendering.png
Zip line arival SuperFly Whistler, BC, Canada.JPG

設備 (Equipments)
aerialway pylon node [W] 纜車塔柱纜車塔柱,用來支撐纜線的塔。
09 Sommet TS.JPG

aerialway station nodearea 纜車站,乘客進出上下纜車的地方。 Example aerialway station.png

其他 (Others)
aerialway canopy way 現已廢止。請改用 aerialway=zip_line
此標籤意謂著 oneway=yes (往下)。
Trolley in PandaPark.JPG

aerialway goods way 有爭議。請考慮使用其他 aerialway=* 搭配foot=no 和/或 usage=*
Aerialway goods.png

aerialway 使用者自訂 node way Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


航空施設 (Aeroway)

主要是與航空站、機場、及其它地面設施,以支援飛機和直升場起降操作,看Aeroway 的介紹。

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)
aeroway aerodrome node area 機場,Aerodrome是英式英文,美式英式為airport。
Cotswold airport at kemble from helicopter arp.jpg
aeroway airstrip node area A field or area where light aircraft can land and take off from.
Quintin Lodge Airstrip from the Mackinnon Pass 2.jpg
aeroway apron area 停機坪,飛機停放地方。
Osmarender apron.png
LKPR sever 2003.jpg
aeroway control_center node area [W] Control center (in the US referred to as air route traffic control center (ARTCC)) is a facility responsible for controlling aircraft en route in a particular volume of airspace (a Flight Information Region) at high altitudes between airport approaches and departures.
Air traffic controllers at the Washington ARTCC.jpg
aeroway fuel node Fuelling station for aircraft.
EM DSC 3428 (2982451102).jpg
aeroway gate node 登機門,在機場通常以編號來表示登機門。
Edinburgh Airport gate lounge.jpg
aeroway hangar node area 機庫,停放飛機或直升機的建築。
Delta jet hangar at kemble england arp.jpg
aeroway helipad node area 直升機起降平台。
Oryx helicopter.jpg
aeroway heliport node area 直升機場,通常包含一個或數個直升機起降平台。
Heliport Niagara Falls Ontario.jpg
aeroway highway_strip node way area [W] 戰備跑道是平時作為公路使用的降落跑道,軍事演習或緊急狀態時可關閉道路以供飛機著陸。
RFDS emergency landing strip sign.jpg
aeroway holding_position node way 停留點,飛機在跨越跑道時等待清空的地點。
Taxiway 8253.JPG
aeroway jet_bridge way Passenger boarding bridge
aeroway model_runway way Take-off and landing runway for model aircraft
RC Cub (11819899836).jpg
aeroway navigationaid node 供飛機使用的輔助視覺導航設施。
Approach Lighting System Bremen 1.jpg
airmark beacon node [W] 無線電導航是使用無線電提供定位服務以協助飛機導航。
aeroway parking_position node way 停機點,飛機可以停放的地點。
2011-06-28 12-54-36 South Africa - Bonaero Park 9Q-COZ.jpg
aeroway runway way area 起飛跑道,飛機用來起飛和降落的跑道。
Rendering-aeroway runway.png
Runways Brussels Airport (7655183522).jpg
aeroway stopway way area Stopway is a rectangular surface beyond the end of a runway used during an aborted takeoff.
Runway marks before landing treshold 04.jpg
aeroway taxilane way 滑行道路是機場內停機區與機棚的一部分,從2015年10月提案但使用數不多,請特別注意。
aeroway taxiway way 滑行道,連接起飛跑道和停機坪間的跑道。
Rendering-aeroway taxiway.png
F-22A Elmendorf AFB.jpg
aeroway terminal node area [W] 航廈是機場中的建築,供旅客於陸上運輸與登機設施間轉乘。
Area amenity=place of worship.png
aeroway tower node area [W] Control tower is a tall, windowed structure located on the airport grounds.
See also aeroway=control_tower or combination of man_made=tower + service=aircraft_control for similar schemes.
LGA CT sunset.JPG
aeroway windsock node [W] 風向標用於指示風向與相對風速。
Windsock of CCK Air Force Base 20111112.jpg
aeroway 使用者自訂 node way Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. 此表格由模版自動生成,協助改善中譯版本請按此

生活環境 (Amenity)

該標籤用於繪製供居民或遊客使用的設施,如廁所、電話、銀行、藥局、咖啡店、停車場、學校等,詳情參考Amenities 的介紹。

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)


amenity bar node area 酒吧(販賣酒精飲料場所)。
amenity=pub;bar;restaurant 參考各類酒吧與餐廳的異同。
amenity biergarten node area 德語,英語為beer garden,指戶外提供啤酒、飲料與食物的開放場所。常附設酒館、酒吧或餐廳,以上得以 biergarten=yesamenity=pub;bar;restaurant標註。
Hofbräukeller Arkaden.JPG
amenity cafe node area 咖啡店,亦提供簡餐與飲料。供餐種類得以標籤 cuisine=*diet:*=*標註。詳情參考amenity=pub;bar;restaurant
Klagenfurt Wörthersee Strandbad Cafe Sunset Bar 11102008 65.jpg
amenity fast_food node area 速食餐廳(詳情參考 amenity=restaurant)。供餐種類得以標籤 cuisine=*diet:*=* 標註。
Burger king kamen.jpg
amenity food_court node area 美食街/美食廣場,附設各類餐廳的區域,常見於購物中心、百貨公司或機場。
amenity ice_cream node area 冰店。已停用shop=ice_cream
Ribnitzer Hafenfest, Ribnitz-Damgarten (P1060946).jpg
amenity pub node area 酒館。與酒吧(bar)相較,酒館氣氛較為閒適,常供餐。酒館與酒吧的差異請參考amenity=baramenity=pub
amenity restaurant node area 餐廳(不含速食,速食餐廳請參考amenity=fast_food)。菜式種類得以標籤 cuisine=*diet:*=* 標註。
Caprice Restaurant.JPG


amenity college node area 學院校地或建物。
Cambridge Regional College main entrance.jpg
amenity dancing_school node area A dancing school or dance studio
Dancing lesson 16507650.jpg
amenity driving_school node area 駕駛訓練班(駕訓班)。
Fahrschulauto VW Austria St Johann.JPG
amenity first_aid_school node area A place where people can go for first aid courses.
amenity kindergarten node area 幼稚園/托兒所,照顧與教導未達正規教育年齡孩童之場所。
Story Time.jpg
amenity language_school node area 語言學校。
Sede de Berlitz al norte de Bogotá.jpeg
amenity library node area 公共圖書館(大學/公立)
Guantanamo captives' library a.jpg
amenity surf_school node area A surf school is an establishment that teaches surfing.
Surfing School at Chapel Porth (2784337863).jpg
amenity toy_library node area 可以借遊戲或玩具的地方,或是在現場玩的地方。
Toy Library storage.jpg
amenity research_institute node area An establishment endowed for doing research.
Aerial View of Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - GPN-2000-002008.jpg
amenity training node area Public place where you can get training.
Sede de Berlitz al norte de Bogotá.jpeg
amenity music_school node area 音樂學院/音樂學校。
Music school from Rabnita (1980). (9196267787).jpg
amenity school node area 學校與其校地。
Williamstown school.jpg
amenity traffic_park node area Juvenile traffic schools
Lasten ajoharjoittelu rata Nordenskiöldinkatu - panoramio.jpg
amenity university node area 大學校地。
Brock University campus.JPG


amenity bicycle_parking node area 自行車停車場。
amenity bicycle_repair_station node area 自行車自助維修站。
Bicycle repair station-14.svg
amenity bicycle_rental node area 自行車租借站。提供出租自行車服務的店家或設施。
Rental Row (3561666697).jpg
amenity bicycle_wash node area Clean a bicycle
Sankt Gallenkirch-Valiserabahn lower station-Bicycle wash system-01ASD.jpg
amenity boat_rental node area 船舶租借處。
Boat rental-14.svg
Münster, Boote am Aasee -- 2016 -- 2375.jpg
amenity boat_sharing node area 船舶共乘處。
A Boat To Share.jpg
amenity bus_station node area 公車總站,已經改為用 public_transport=station
Bus station-14.svg
Manchester Piccadilly Bus Station.jpg
amenity car_rental node area 汽車出租處。
Hertz car rental office Livonia Michigan.JPG
amenity car_sharing node area 汽車共乘處。
U Car Share Shattuck Hearst.jpg
amenity car_wash node area 洗車站。
Car wash-14.svg
Wuppertal - Friedrich-Engels-Allee 130 02 ies.jpg
amenity compressed_air node area A device to inflate tires/tyres (e.g. motorcar, bicycle)
Air compressor Berlin Plänterwald.jpg
amenity vehicle_inspection node area 車輛監理機構驗車處/政府授權的民間驗車處。
Vehicle inspection-14.svg
TÜV SÜD-Hauptuntersuchung.jpeg
amenity charging_station node 電動車充電站。
Charging station.16.svg
amenity driver_training node area A place for driving training on a closed course
Skid pan at Mercedes-Benz World - Flickr - Supermac1961.jpg
amenity ferry_terminal node area 渡輪站/渡輪碼頭,渡輪停靠站可供人和車輛上船。
Ferry Reet.jpg
amenity fuel node area 加油站、加氣站、船舶加油站。由道路通往加油站的通道常使用 highway=service
Preem Karlskrona.jpg
amenity grit_bin node 儲存砂、砂鹽、砂礫的容器。
Grit Bin.jpg
amenity motorcycle_parking node area 摩托車停車場。
Motorradparkplatz Gifhorn Mühlenmuseum.jpg
amenity parking node area 停車場。沒有 access標籤的點(node)或面(area)將顯示停車場圖例。面(Area)顯示時以顏色區分。路邊停車位常使用 highway=serviceservice=parking_aisle
P3030027ParkingLot wb.jpg
amenity parking_entrance node 進出地下或立體停車場的出入口。複合停車場出入口使用 type=sitesite=parking 標籤。請勿混用 amenity=parking Underground
Parking entrance-14.svg
Parking entrance multi-storey 14.svg
Christian Wirth - Tiefgarage Hauptplatz.jpg
amenity parking_space node area 單一停車格。複合停車格使用 type=sitesite=parking 標籤,請勿混用 amenity=parking
Rendering-parking space.png
Israel Batch 2 (149).JPG
amenity taxi node area 計程車招呼站。
Hong Kong Taxi - 1-12-2006 - Shatin Taxi Stand.jpg
amenity weighbridge node area A large weight scale to weigh vehicles and goods
Lorry on weighbridge, Douglas, Isle of Man - geograph.org.uk - 352285.jpg


amenity atm node 自動提款機。
ATM 750x1300.jpg
amenity payment_terminal node Self-service payment kiosk/terminal
Payment terminal photo.jpg
amenity bank node area 銀行。若銀行中設有自動提款機(ATM),建議加設點(node)標註每台ATM。
amenity bureau_de_change node area 外幣兌換處。bureau_de_change為英式英文,美式英文為currency exchange,提供各種貨幣交換與旅行支票兌換的地方。
Bureau de change-14.svg
Bureau de change electronic sign.jpg
amenity money_transfer node area A place that offers money transfers, especially cash to cash
Dortmund, Western Union Brückstraße.jpg
amenity payment_centre node area A non-bank place, where people can pay bills of public and private services and taxes.


amenity baby_hatch node area 嬰兒收留所。供因為某些理由而無法繼續養育嬰兒(通常是新生兒)的家長得匿名將嬰兒收留於此,由特定人士收養。
Babybox - venkovní strana.jpg
amenity clinic node area 診所(中型規模的醫療設施或健康中心)。
Bristol , Central Health Clinic - geograph.org.uk - 1360619.jpg
amenity dentist node area 牙科診所,牙醫執業和進行牙科手術之處。
Military dentists in Guatemala.jpg
amenity doctors node area 診所(單名醫生執業或進行手術)。
Doctors stethoscope 2.jpg
amenity hospital node area 醫院,常同時以 emergency=* 標籤辨別是否設有急救設備。
Guantanamo captive's hospital beds -c.jpg
amenity nursing_home node area 安養院/老人院(供失能或年老者長期看護)。參見 emergency=*
Social amenity darken 80-16.svg
Hora Svate Kateriny - nursing home.jpg
amenity pharmacy node area 藥局/藥房。
dispensing=yes (得購買處方藥)
dispensing=no/omitted (配有藥劑師,僅得購買指示藥。)
Boots The Chemist At Gunwharf Quays.jpg
amenity social_facility node area 提供社會服務的設施。
Social facility-14.svg
Salvation Army Citadel, Hill Street , Newport - geograph.org.uk - 1585015.jpg
amenity veterinary node area 獸醫。
Veterinary Surgeon.jpg


amenity arts_centre node area 藝術中心。
Arts centre.svg
Alhamra Art Centre.JPG
amenity brothel node area 妓院。
Walletjes 001.jpg
amenity casino node area 賭場。提供多種賭博類型的賭桌,如輪盤、21點、體育賽事賭注或其他具有賠率的賭博活動。
Sahara Hotel and Casino.jpg
amenity cinema node area 電影院。美式英文為movie theater。
Palace cinéma beaumont.JPG
amenity community_centre node area 社區中心,供舉辦地方活動或節慶。
Community centre-14.svg
Greasby Community Centre.JPG
amenity conference_centre node area 舉行會議的大型建築。
Irving Convention Center Exterior.JPG
amenity events_venue node area 舉行活動的建築或場地。A
Ludwigsfelde asv2021-03 img08 Klubhaus.jpg
amenity exhibition_centre node area An exhibition centre
Shanghai new international expo centre.jpg
amenity fountain node area 噴泉(文化/裝飾/休閒目的)。
Fountain at Milan citadel.JPG
amenity gambling node area 賭博電玩店(含賓果機、柏青哥機台等)。此標籤不等同於:書商 shop=bookmaker、投注站 shop=lottery、賭場 amenity=casino 或成人遊戲中心 leisure=adult_gaming_centre
Bingo cards.jpg
amenity love_hotel node area 愛情旅館是供短時間使用,讓客人能隱密地進行性活動。
Hotel portodiMare Himeji.jpg
amenity music_venue node area An indoor place to hear contemporary live music.
amenity nightclub node area 夜店/夜總會。供飲酒或跳舞。
amenity planetarium node area 天文館。
Planetarium WPKiW.jpg
amenity public_bookcase node area 開放書架/漂書站。置於街頭收藏書籍的書櫃,得自由取放書籍。
Public bookcase-14.svg
Hannover, public bookcase.jpg
amenity social_centre node area 舉辨免費或非營利活動的場所。
Governor Hotel, Rotary Club of Portland plaque.JPG
amenity stage node area 舉辨免費或非營利活動的場所。
Jyväskylä - stage.jpg
amenity stripclub node 脫衣舞店。(提供性服務使用 
Seattle - Deja Vu 01.jpg
amenity studio node area 工作室/錄音室(電視/


amenity swingerclub node area 德語的sex club。
Swingerclub Cäsars Palace. Spröckhövel.JPG
amenity theatre node area 歌劇院/戲院。電影院使用 amenity=cinema
PL - Wrocław - Teatr Lalek - Kroton 001.jpg


amenity courthouse node area 法院
amenity fire_station node area 消防局
Fire station.jpg
amenity police node area 警察局、派出所
Ploizeiautos Davidwache.jpg
amenity post_box node 郵筒
Post box-12.svg
Post Box.JPG
amenity post_depot node area 郵件處理中心或是快遞中心,提供郵件或是包裹在送件前收集與整理的地方。
Post office delivery office, Mablethorpe - geograph.org.uk - 1186977.jpg
amenity post_office node area 郵局
Post office-14.svg
100px-Pošta Praha 025.jpg
amenity prison node area 監獄
Osaka keimusho.jpg
amenity ranger_station node area 國家公園遊客中心/管理站
Talkeetna Ranger Station.jpg
amenity townhall node area 市政廳、地方政府(鄉、鎮、市)公所/辦公大樓或社區中心


amenity bbq node 烤肉店/燒烤店,常見於戶外公共場所。使用標籤fuel=*說明火源的燃料種類,如 fuel=wood;electric;charcoal。標註桌椅使用標籤tourism=picnic_site。標註戶外營火請改用 leisure=firepit
amenity bench node 長椅。供乘坐或休息。
amenity dog_toilet node area 犬隻廁所,提供犬隻排尿與大便的區域。
amenity dressing_room node area Area designated for changing clothes.
Korpilahti beach - changing room.jpg
amenity drinking_water node 飲水處/取水處。
Basler Trinkwasser 1341.jpg
amenity give_box node area 惜物站,小的設施提供人們免費捐出來或是拾獲各種不同物品,供再利用的地方。
GiveBox an der Schwarztorstrasse 96 im Januar 2020.jpg
amenity mailroom node area A mailroom for receiving packages or letters.
Mailroom of the New York Times newspaper.8d22741v.jpg
amenity parcel_locker node area Machine for picking up and sending parcels
Polish Packstation.jpg
amenity shelter node area 涼亭。涼亭的種類請使用 shelter_type=* 標籤標註
Réunion Maïdo kiosque pique-nique.JPG
amenity shower node area 公共淋浴間、公共澡堂
Znak D-26d.svg
amenity telephone node 公共電話亭
amenity toilets node area 公共廁所(可能需付費)
amenity water_point node 加水站/飲水機
Aire de Valuejols.JPG
amenity watering_place node 動物飲水槽/儲水槽,非供人飲水使用。供人飲水處請使用amenity=drinking_water
Drinking Water For Humans and Animals.jpg

Waste Management

amenity sanitary_dump_station node area 露營車、公車、船舶等廢水回收站

A station to empty the blackwater tanks of motorhomes, buses and ships

Aire de Valuejols.JPG
amenity recycling node area 資源回收站/場。應加註recycling_type=container(資源回收站)或recycling_type=centre(資源回收場/中心)。
amenity waste_basket node 垃圾筒
amenity waste_disposal node 垃圾/資源回收收集站/子母車
Waste disposal-14.svg
Waste container.jpg
amenity waste_transfer_station node area 垃圾轉運站


amenity animal_boarding node area 寵物旅館/寄託站。供寵物收留的付費服務。
Holmbyre Cattery - geograph.org.uk - 167661.jpg
amenity animal_breeding node area relation 繁殖場,為繁殖寵物的地方,通常是養來賣的。
Brickfields Horse Centre - geograph.org.uk - 135890.jpg
amenity animal_shelter node area 供瀕危動物收留的籠子或園區
Kennel 2.jpg
amenity animal_training node area A facility used for non-competitive animal training
MTAPD Canine Training Facility (26942355044).jpg
amenity baking_oven node 烘焙用窯爐,通常位於 building=bakehouse之中。
Backofen Emstal.JPG
amenity clock node 時鐘
Houses Of Parliment Clock Tower (Big Ben).jpg
amenity crematorium node area 火葬場/殯儀館
Bushbury Crematorium - geograph.org.uk - 259876.jpg
amenity dive_centre node area 潛水中心。提供潛水員潛水或進行潛水教學的場所。
Diving Center in Marsalforn.JPG
amenity funeral_hall node area 舉行喪葬儀式但不是宗教場所的地方。
Okriftel Trauerhalle 08 001.jpg
amenity grave_yard node area 小型墓園。大型墳場應使用 landuse=cemetery
Odenbuell Nordstrand St Vinzenz IMGP2940 wp crop.jpg
amenity hunting_stand node area 狩獵用暸望台。
A rised hide closed quadrat.jpg
amenity internet_cafe node area 網路咖啡廳(網咖)。提供個人網路瀏覽服務。
Internet cafe-14.svg
Cafe internet uninorte.JPG
amenity kitchen node area 設施內供任何人或顧客使用的公共廚房
Montague Burton Residences Kitchen.jpg
amenity kneipp_water_cure node area 戶外泡腳池。除冷泉池外,台灣多見熱水 (溫泉) 泡腳池。流行於德語國家的泡腳池常配有扶手。
Wassertreten 1.jpg
amenity lounger node 提供人躺下來的物件。
Coulée Verte du 14ème @ Paris (28484238796).jpg
amenity marketplace node area 市場/市集。
Marche berlin002.jpg
amenity monastery node area 修道院是修道院或是修士、修女生活的地方。
Kloster Eibingen01.JPG
amenity mortuary node area A morgue or funeral home, used for the storage of human corpses.
amenity photo_booth node 快速照相站。
amenity place_of_mourning node area 瞻仰廳,提供家庭、朋友在喪禮前,能夠檢視死亡人員屍體的房間或建築。
Funérarium de Wasquehal.jpg
amenity place_of_worship node area 宗教場所,如教堂、清真寺或寺廟等。建議同時標注religion=*(所屬宗教)、denomination=*(宗派)、 name=*amenity=place_of_worship
Christian-16.svg Muslim-16.svg Jewish-16.svg Taoist-16.svg Buddhist-16.svg Hinduist-16.svg Shintoist-16.svg Sikhist-16.svg Place-of-worship-16.svg
Place of worship.png
amenity public_bath node area 公共澡堂,例如日本湯屋、土耳其浴場、溫泉澡堂。
Public bath.svg
Blue Lagoon 2012-08-23 (4).JPG
amenity public_building node area 公共建物,已停用。請改用office=government
amenity refugee_site node area 提供難民或是國內流離失所人的人類聚集地。
An Aerial View of the Za'atri Refugee Camp.jpg
amenity vending_machine node 自動販賣機。商品種類使用 vending=*
Vending machines at Haeundae.jpg
amenity 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

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屏障物 (Barrier)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)

線形障礙物(Linear barriers)

barrier cable_barrier way 又稱為鋼索護欄。 這是一個在路肩或中央分隔島用鋼絲繩製成的薄弱防護。 參考更多維基百科的介紹
Wire rope barrier.png
barrier city_wall way area 城牆,為城堡建築用來抵禦可能的入侵者,從過去到現在,城牆都是用來圍住聚落。
  • 右側為底,左側為頂,如果二側是一樣高的,用two_sided=yes
2014 Bystrzyca Kłodzka, mury obronne 05.jpg
barrier ditch way 為一溝道,渠道,或溝壑,通常在底部有水流,用腳不容易跨過。
可以和 waterway=streamwaterway=drain一起使用。
Barrier fence mapnik.png
Base XXXIV communication trench.JPG
barrier fence way 籬笆,為一獨立之構造物用來限制或預防跨過界線,這一般而言較為輕便不像圍牆的構造。
Barrier fence mapnik.png
barrier guard_rail way 鋼板護欄,也稱為防撞護欄。左駕放置於外側,反之亦然。
Barrier fence mapnik.png
barrier handrail way 扶手。設計給手部抓握,提供使用者支撐及穩定動作。
Barrier fence mapnik.png
Geländer am Kulturhaus im Kinderdorf Dittrichshütte 2.JPG
barrier hedge way area 圍籬,是一個圍住一個地區的灌木叢,這個灌木被種成線狀的阻礙物成為一個區域的界線。
Barrier hedge.png
Daniel Fuchs.CC-BY-SA.Morus nigra.Hedge.jpg
barrier retaining_wall way 擋土牆用來抵擋土層的側向壓力。
Barrier fence mapnik.png
Retaining wall.png
barrier wall way area 牆,為一獨立之構造物設計用來用來限制或預防跨過界線的磚造物,堅硬的岩石且可以阻擋視線。
Barrier fence mapnik.png

點狀障礙物 (Node barriers)

barrier block node 擋石,為一大型、堅固且不能移動的阻擋設施,只能用重型機械移動。
Roadblock in Palestine.jpg
barrier bollard node way 短柱,堅固(通常是水泥或金屬)的柱子,將這些柱子設在路中央來防止車輛跨越。
Traffic bollard removable with key on a footway.jpg
barrier border_control node 邊界管制哨,是一個二個國家邊界間的控制點,通常會確認證明身份的證件,如護照。
EU Swiss border post.jpg
barrier bump_gate node 裝有活動車輪的柵欄,能防止牲畜通過但駕駛不必下車。
Bump gate from patent.gif
barrier bus_trap node 一種防止自小客車通過,但巴士能通過的陷阱。
Bussluse 05-04-06 02.jpg
barrier cattle_grid node 攔畜溝柵。設置在路面上的條狀物可讓有輪的車輛過行但動物則無法跨越
如 Texas Gate。
Barrier cattle grid-14.svg
Cattle grid.jpg
barrier coupure node (way) A cut through a flood protection feature (e.g., (flood)wall, levee, or dyke) for a road or railway, that is readily made flood tight if required.
Coupure Worpdijk Deventer 01.JPG
barrier cycle_barrier node 自行車柵欄。通常用直角的鋼管條交錯且有間隔讓行人可通過。
Cycle barrier-14.svg
473MS Mecklenbeck Bahn Umlaufsp.jpg
barrier debris node 碎石組成的道路障礙。
Barrier debris.jpg
barrier entrance node 在線狀障礙物中的開口,為限制通行的非特定設施,access=yes 是讓人了解這是一個可以穿越的標籤。
Entrance through the wall - geograph.org.uk - 2143290.jpg
barrier full-height_turnstile node 全高式十字轉門。
Full-height turnstile-14.svg
barrier gate node (way) 大門。可以被開啟或關閉的穿越障礙的通道
Barrier gate.svg
barrier hampshire_gate node 鐵絲網中一段可以被暫時移除的區塊。 根據情況併用 access=*
Wire gate.jpg
barrier height_restrictor node 高度限制門。與限制高度的標籤 maxheight=* 一起使用。
Sainsbury's car park height restriction barrier, Chingford, London, England 1.jpg
barrier horse_stile node 馬梯磴,是可以讓馬或行人跨越圍籬,但讓摩托車很難通行,牲畜無法通過。
Horse stile on the Doncaster Greenway - geograph.org.uk - 502599.jpg
barrier kent_carriage_gap node 肯特馬車間隙(Kent carriage gap),是英國地方治理單位用來防止車輛進入但可以讓馬車通行,
barrier kissing_gate node 一個閘口可以讓人通過但牲畜不能。
Kissing gate-14.svg
TL0452 stile.jpg
barrier lift_gate node 起降桿閘門,是用一個橫桿來控制進出,當橫桿升起為垂直時,可以通行,當橫桿放下為水平時,禁止通行,
在適當時候,應與access=* 一起使用。
barrier motorcycle_barrier node 防止機車通過的車阻。
Motorcycle barrier-14.svg
Motorcycle barrier.jpg
barrier planter node A plant box, or simply a planter, is a structure containing plants for decoration, which (in this context) has the primary purpose of preventing large vehicles from passing.
Radijs in a planter, Hillegersberg, Rotterdam (2021) 01.jpg
barrier sally_port node 突破口sally_port,碉堡的出入口、有哨戒的大門。用以通過厚牆或城牆進入碉堡,通常設二道門增加防禦性。
barrier sliding_beam node Something between barrier=sliding_gate and barrier=lift_gate: it has a quite thin bar like in lift gate, but the bar slides aside to allow through.
Sliding beam.jpg
barrier sliding_gate node Gates open sideways; usually automatic.

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

Wuppertal - Heckinghauser Straße 02 ies.jpg
barrier spikes node 活動拒馬,通常可被輕易的移除。
20131208 Istanbul 078 (cropped).jpg
barrier stile node 梯磴,是可以讓馬或行人跨越圍籬,但不是真正「開放」的障譺,(和閘門不一樣,梯磴有少許或沒有移動的部份)。
Barrier stile-14.svg
barrier sump_buster node barrier=bus_trap
barrier swing_gate node 類似起降桿閘門,但是以橫向旋轉。可以阻擋車子,但行人和腳踏車容易通過。
Swing gate.jpg
barrier toll_booth node area 收費站,道路上用來收費的地方。
Toll booth.svg
Dartford Crossing Toll.jpg
barrier turnstile node 十字轉門 (或稱 baffle gate),是用來允許每次由一個人通過。
Stiegel Altebruecke-Marienheim03.jpg
barrier wedge node A wedge-shaped barrier that rises out of the ground to block traffic.
City Hall risen underground barricade jeh.jpg
barrier wicket_gate node A wicket gate, or simply a wicket, is a pedestrian door or gate, particularly one built into a larger door or into a wall or fence.
Blue Anchor level crossing - wicket gate.jpg
barrier yes node way area 無法確認護欄種類時,使用barrier=yes,例如使用照航拍圖影像作圖時。
Bing imagery showing buildings and barrier.png

Linear barriers or access control on highways (e.g., along or for blocking a path or road)

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) Photo for along 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)
barrier bar node A fixed horizontal bar which blocks motor vehicles but can usually be bypassed on foot or bike. Often placed at trailheads.
Metal bar at Beggs-Snyder Park.jpg
barrier barrier_board node A barrier board to restrict the passage of a way or to block off an area.
Wuppertal, NBT, Treppe Montagstraße, oberer Abschnitt, Abgangssperre.jpg
barrier bollard node way 短柱,堅固(通常是水泥或金屬)的柱子,將這些柱子設在路中央來防止車輛跨越。
Bollards To Spare, Langsett Road South, Oughtibridge - geograph.org.uk - 1239749.jpg
Traffic bollard removable with key on a footway.jpg
barrier chain node way 用一條鎖鍊來防止車輛通行。
Barrier fence mapnik.png
Barrier chain.jpg
barrier jersey_barrier node way 紐澤西護欄。
Jersey barriers.jpg
Road block.jpg
barrier kerb node way Kerb 意指道路邊的緣石,用來區分車輛和人行道的界線。緣石的高度可用height來標示。
barrier log node way 由木頭組成的道路障礙,但是登山車能輕易的通過。
Quer auf dem Wanderweg liegender Baumstamm.jpg
barrier rope node way 由纖維或塑膠組成的圍籬,通常是用來阻止行人進入。
Black Red Gold Rope at German Bundestag in Berlin 2010.jpg
barrier tank_trap nodeway 置於定點的反坦克拒馬,例如:[W] 捷克刺猬barrier=tank_trap; tank_trap=czech_hedgehog
Czech hedgehog.jpg
barrier tyres node way A crash barrier made from tyres stacked on top of each other, commonly found at motor racing circuits.
Haren - Am Flugplatz - Emslandring 14 ies.jpg
barrier delineators way A barrier made of plastic/rubber posts, common on one-way two-lane roads where overtaking is prohibited, or on busy roads to prevent forbidden turns or parking along the curb.
Flexible delineator post.jpg
barrier user defined node way area All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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邊界線 (Boundary)

台灣的部份可參閱 Tag:boundary_administrative

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)

Boundary types

boundary aboriginal_lands arearelation A boundary representing official reservation boundaries of recognized aboriginal / indigenous / native peoples.
Boundary aboriginal lands.png
Entering Hualapai Indian Reservation.jpg
boundary administrative area 行政界線,各級地方政府所管轄之區域,搭配使用admin_level=*
Rendering-adminlevel 2-mapnik.png
Lake city sign.jpg
boundary border_zone arearelation A border zone is an area near the border where special restrictions on movement apply. Usually a permit is required for visiting.
Wymiana tablic informacyjnych w strefie nadgranicznej (Babia Góra) - crop.jpg


arearelation A census-designated boundary delineating a statistical area, not necessarily observable on the ground.
Bolinas CDP, California.png
boundary forest arearelation A delimited forest is a land which is predominantly wooded and which is, for this reason, given defined boundaries. It may cover different tree stands, non-wooded areas, highways… but all the area within the boundaries are considered and managed as a single forest.
20210104 152558.jpg
boundary forest_compartment arearelation A forest compartment is a numbered sub-division within a delimited forest, physically materialized with visible, typically cleared, boundaries.
20210105 093243.jpg
boundary hazard area A designated hazardous area, with a potential source of damage to health, life, property, or any other interest of value.
boundary health arearelation Health division boundaries. Some mappers use health_level=* instead of admin_level=* to specify level in the health system hierarchy.
boundary historic arearelation 非現行、已成歷史的行政邊界。
boundary local_authority relation Describes the territory of a local authority.
boundary low_emission_zone arearelation A geographically defined area which seeks to restrict or deter access by certain polluting vehicles with the aim of improving the air quality.
London low emission zone sign (detail).png
boundary maritime area 海事邊界。
Sea boundaries.png
boundary marker node A boundary marker, border marker, boundary stone, or border stone is a robust physical marker that identifies the start of a land boundary or the change in a boundary, especially a change in direction of a boundary. See also historic=boundary_stone
Boundary marker - Jeseniky, Czech Republic 12.jpg
boundary national_park area 國家公園邊界。
National park.png
Kings Canyon NP Sign.JPG
boundary place wayrelation boundary=place is commonly used to map the boundaries of a place=*, when these boundaries can be defined but these are not administrative boundaries.
boundary political area 選區,選舉的邊界。
boundary postal_code relation 郵遞區號邊界。
boundary protected_area area 保護區,如為了國家公園,水源,或原住民保留地。
Yatsuhigata 04x4720s.jpg
boundary religious_administration relation 宗教上的區域劃分,如教區、堂區等。請見Talk:Key:boundary#Religious authority boundaries
boundary special_economic_zone area A government-defined area in which business and trade laws are different.
Steung Hav Special Economic Zone.jpg
boundary [[ Too many Data Items entities accessed. | statistical ]] area relation An official boundary recognised by government for statistical purposes.
English regions 2009.svg
boundary disputed area relation An area of landed claimed by two or more parties (use with caution). See also Disputed territories.
Kashmir Region November 2019.jpg
boundary timezone relation Boundaries of time zone
2014-07-05 12 40 49 Sign for the Mountain Time Zone along Interstate 80 eastbound just west of the Utah border in West Wendover, Nevada.JPG
boundary 使用者自訂 node way Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

屬性 (Attributes)

admin_level (number) area 應用於 boundary=administrative,除了德國會用到11之外,通常範圍為1到10。
Santa Catarina location.png
health_level (number) arearelation Used by some mappers instead of admin_level=* in conjunction with boundary=health and is usually in the range 1 to 10.
postal_code_level (number) relation Used by some mappers instead of admin_level=* in conjunction with boundary=postal_code and is usually in the range 1 to 10.
[[ Data item not found. Check your spelling. | religious_level ]] (number) relation Used by some mappers instead of admin_level=* in conjunction with boundary=religious_administration and is usually in the range 1 to 10.
border_type * way area 用來區分同一種邊界的類別,或設定某一種邊界,例如,在海事邊界中可以有不同類別boundary=maritime,如同admin_level=*用在boundary=administrativeborder_type=*的使用可以相當廣泛,可參考該標籤的完成描述。
start_date (date) area Useful if the boundary is very recent (or if it will become effective in a near future).
Connel bridge plate.jpg

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建築物類別 (Building typology)

這個標籤用以標示個別的建築物或是一群相連得建築物。請詳閱 Buildings 條目,以獲得更多細節,請閱讀man_made=* 用以標注其他構造。

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 描述 (desc) 照片 (photo)

住宿 (Accommodation)

building apartments 公寓大廈。分割為個別的住所的建築物。通常每層樓為不同戶。有時一樓會有零售商店店面。
building barracks Buildings built to house military personnel or laborers.
building bungalow 別墅度假小屋。一層樓的獨棟房屋,例如俄國的[W] Dacha
building cabin 小木屋 是小型粗造的房屋。通常外表是木造的,通常位於鄉村地區。
Koch Cabin.JPG
building detached 透天厝在美國稱做 single-family home,加拿大稱為single-detached dwelling,紐西蘭稱為 separate house。由單一住戶所居住,會共用廚房等的設施。
Residential House USA.JPG
building dormitory 宿舍。指共用的的住宅,如同大學供學生住的那般 (不一定是多人房)。若為大學宿舍,另外一種標籤方式為 building=residential+ residential=university
Belgrade Dormitory.jpg
building farm 農舍專指農場內的住宅。其他農業相關建築物參見 building=farm_auxiliarybuilding=barn。如果農舍外觀與一般住宅相仿,不妨標註為 building=house。另請閱讀 landuse=farmyard
Studna před č.1.,Holašovice.JPG
building ger A permanent or seasonal round yurt or ger.
building hotel 旅館旅社。分割為很多獨立房間供人過夜住宿的建築物。通常會另外用 tourism=hotel 表示旅館用地,涵蓋休閒區和停車。
Hcom 1097758 7 b.jpg
building house 住宅。由單一住戶所居住的建築物 (單一住戶可以指一個家庭或一個小團體,會共用廚房等的設施)。建築的形式可能是獨棟、相互獨立的對半或是連排房子中的一個。建築物相連之處應該要和隔壁住戶有至少兩個共用的點 (nodes)作為[W] 共用牆
building houseboat 船屋。以住家為主要用途的船隻。
Houseboat- Dal Lake, srinagar Kashmir.JPG
building residential 住宅。泛指以居住為主要用途的建築物。如果可以的話,建議選擇 building=apartmentsbuilding=terracebuilding=housebuilding=detached,這類更精確的標籤。
Buchengasse 19.JPG
building semidetached_house A residential house that shares a common wall with another on one side. Typically called a "duplex" in American English.
Semi-detached houses in West Street - geograph.org.uk - 788755.jpg
building static_caravan [W] 露營車屋永久或長期停放的位置。
building stilt_house A building raised on piles over the surface of the soil or a body of water
building terrace 排屋。一排住宅共用一個單一通道,通常每戶又有他們專屬的入口。北美稱為 row-house。可以考慮將個別住戶標注為 building=house
Terraced housing.png
building tree_house An accommodation, often designed as a small hut, sometimes also as a room or small apartment. Built on tree posts or on a natural tree. A tree house has no contact with the ground. Access via ladders, stairs or bridgeways.
Proper tree house.jpg
building trullo A stone hut with a conical roof.
Alberobello BW 2016-10-16 13-43-03.jpg

商業 (Commercial)

building commercial 進行商業活動的建築物,商業活動類別沒有特別限制。若為辦公室請加上office=*。可以把整個商業區用landuse=commercial標註。若該建築物以商店為主,請改用 building=retail
Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel.jpg
building industrial 工廠。進行工業生產的建築物。若該建築物的主要用途是儲存和派送物品,請以building=warehouse標註。可以把整個工業區用landuse=industrial + industrial=* 形容它的工業用途。
Eley Industrial Estate1.JPG
building kiosk 小賣店,提供零售服務的小型建築物
Kiosk germany.jpg
building office 請改用building=commercial+ office=*描述辦公室。可以把整個商業區用landuse=commercial標註。若該建築物以商店為主,請改用 building=retail
TLV Train Tower 1.jpg
building retail 零售商店。主要用途是對一般大眾販售商品,加上shop=*用以標註販售的物品種類。可以把周遭區域都標註landuse=retail
Macys dep store.JPG
building supermarket A building constructed to house a self-service large-area store.
Comet - geograph.org.uk - 304074.jpg
building warehouse 倉庫。主要用途是儲存物品或商品,或做為派送系統的一員。
Copenhagen warehouse.jpg


building religious Unspecific building related to religion. Prefer more specific values if possible.
Religious syms.svg
building cathedral [W] 主教座堂。請搭配 amenity=place_of_worshipreligion=*以及denomination=*做更詳盡的描述。可以用landuse=religious 標示週遭的附屬土地。
Saint Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czech Republic.jpg
building chapel [W] 小聖堂。請搭配 amenity=place_of_worshipreligion=*以及denomination=*做更詳盡的描述。可以用 landuse=religious 標示週遭的附屬土地。
Andachtskapelle des Moorbad Gmös.jpg
building church [W] 教堂。請搭配 amenity=place_of_worshipreligion=*以及denomination=*做更詳盡的描述。可以用 landuse=religious 標示週遭的附屬土地。
building kingdom_hall A building that was built as a  Kingdom Hall. Often used in conjunction with amenity=place_of_worship, religion=christian, denomination=jehovahs_witness and landuse=religious for the grounds where it is in current use.
Kingdom Hall of Joehovah's Witnesses, 11 Monmouth Road, London.jpg
building monastery A building constructed as [W] monastery. Often, monasteries consist of several distinct buildings with specific functions. For active monasteries (communities), use amenity=monastery, for the grounds of a former monastery, have a look at historic=monastery
building mosque [W] 清真寺。請搭配 amenity=place_of_worshipreligion=*以及denomination=*做更詳盡的描述。可以用 landuse=religious 標示週遭的附屬土地。
Khadija-Moschee (Berlin).jpg
building presbytery A building where priests live and work.
St. Joseph's Church, Cardiff - Presbytery.jpg
building shrine 神社神龕。請搭配 amenity=place_of_worshipreligion=*以及denomination=*做更詳盡的描述。可以用 landuse=religious 標示週遭的附屬土地。對於比較小的建築物,小到無法容納一個人,建議使用 historic=wayside_shrine
building synagogue [W] 猶太會堂。請搭配 amenity=place_of_worshipreligion=*以及denomination=*做更詳盡的描述。可以用 landuse=religious 標示週遭的附屬土地。
Synagogue Florence Italy.JPG
building temple 神殿廟宇寺廟。請搭配 amenity=place_of_worshipreligion=*以及denomination=*做更詳盡的描述。可以用 landuse=religious 標示週遭的附屬土地。

公共設施 (Civic / Amenity)

building bakehouse A building that was built as a bakehouse (i.e. for baking bread). Often used in conjunction with another node amenity=baking_oven and oven=wood_fired.
building bridge 為主要用途的建築物。也可用來表示開合橋的門房。另外也請閱讀 highway=* + bridge=yes請不要用這個標籤標示橋樑的輪廓。請改用 man_made=bridge
Münster, LVM -- 2017 -- 6368.jpg
building civic 公共設施,例如amenity=community_centreamenity=libraryamenity=toiletsleisure=sports_centreleisure=swimming_poolamenity=townhall等等。可加上amenity=*leisure=*做更精確的描述。也請參閱 building=public
Scarborough Civic Centre.jpg
building college A college building. Use amenity=college on the whole college area to represent the college as an institution.
(1)Hornsby TAFE.jpg
building fire_station A building constructed as fire station, i.e. to house fire fighting equipment and officers, regardless of current use. Add amenity=fire_station on the grounds for an active fire station.
Blacktown Fire Station - Flickr - Highway Patrol Images.jpg
building government For government buildings in general, including municipal, provincial and divisional secretaries, government agencies and departments, town halls, (regional) parliaments and court houses.
Ministerio de Defensa Argentina Edificio Libertador.jpg
building gatehouse An entry control point building, spanning over a highway that enters a city or compound.
Gatehouse-abdij van park-inside.jpg
building hospital 醫院內的建物。請用amenity=hospital標示整個醫院用地。
building kindergarten For any generic kindergarten buildings. Buildings for specific uses (sports halls etc.) should be tagged for their purpose. If there is currently a kindergarten in the building, use amenity=kindergarten on the perimeter of the kindergarten grounds.
Unterhaus keilhau.jpg
building museum A building which was designed as a museum.
building public 公共建築。 請不要再使用 amenity=public_building
Dominion Public Building.JPG
building school 校舍。指學校內一般用途的建築物。但若是有特定用途的建築物 (例如體育館),則建議標示為該用途的標籤。請用 amenity=school 標注整個學校用地。
Convent School's Pippal.JPG
building toilets A toilet block.
Shui Tau Tsuen Public Toilet (YL-175) 2014.JPG
building train_station 鐵道車站火車站為用途的建築物。
Dobrepolje train station.jpg
building transportation 泛指與大眾運輸公共運輸相關的建築物。你也可能會想要加上其他標籤做更適當的描述,例如 public_transport=station。請注意火車站已經有特定的標籤 building=train_station
Kusatsu-Onsen Bus Station.jpg
building university 大學的建築物。請用 amenity=university 標注整個大學用地。
University College Oxford.jpg

Agricultural/plant production

building barn 穀倉。農業建築物,通常用來儲存物品或作為作為有覆蓋的工作場所。
building conservatory A building or room having glass or tarpaulin roofing and walls used as an indoor garden or a sunroom (winter garden).
Phipps Conservatory winter 2015 welcome center.jpg
building cowshed 牛舍。養牛的建築物,通常在農場裡。
Cowhouse Hrazany2.jpg
building farm_auxiliary 農業設施,農場內非供居住的建築物 (請改用 building=farm或是building=house來標示農舍)。
Horseshoe Barn.jpg
building greenhouse [W] 溫室。以塑膠或玻璃製成的建築物,用以種植植物。請用 landuse=greenhouse_horticulture 描述整個用地。
Greenhouse 1.JPG
building slurry_tank A circular building built to hold a liquid mix of primarily animal excreta (also known as slurry).
building stable 馬廄,養馬的建築物。
Horse stable - Middletown.jpg
building sty [W] 豬舍豬圈。飼養豬的建築物,通常在農場裡面。
building livestock A building for housing/rising other livestock (apart from cows, horses or pigs covered above), or when the livestock changes.


building grandstand The main stand, usually roofed, commanding the best view for spectators at racecourses or sports grounds.
Grandstand, Cluden Racecourse, 2000.jpg
building pavilion A sports pavilion usually with changing rooms, storage areas and possibly an space for functions & events. Avoid using this term for other structures called pavilions by architects (see [W] Pavilion)
building riding_hall A building that was built as a riding hall.
Ehem. Landgestüt Landshut Reithalle.JPG
building sports_hall A building that was built as a sports hall.
Kruunupyy sports hall 2017.jpg
building sports_centre A building that was built as a sports centre.
Goodwin Sports Centre.jpg
building stadium 體育館運動館為用途的建築物。


building allotment_house A small outbuilding for short visits in a allotment garden.
building boathouse A boathouse is a building used for the storage of boats.
Boathouse at Camp Wild Air, Upper St Regis Lake, NY.jpg
building hangar [W] 機棚是專門用來停放飛機、直昇機或其他飛行器的建築物。可以考慮在適當時機加上 aeroway=hangar
IMPA hangar.jpg
building hut [W] hut是一種小型且粗製的建築物。
Kennedy's hut edit.jpg
building shed [W] shed是一種簡單、無隔間,座落於後花園或社區花圃的建築物。通常用於儲物、收藏或是工作室。
Schuppen 7235.jpg


building carport A carport is a covered structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from the elements. Unlike most structures a carport does not have four walls, and usually has one or two.
building garage [W] 車庫,用以停放一部或更多車輛的建築物。請參考building=garages以描述更大的公共車庫。
Two-Car Garage.jpg
building garages 公共車庫。由許多不同住戶所擁有的儲存空間所組成的建築。也請參考 building=garage
Landbouwstraat garages.jpg
building parking Structure purpose-built for parking cars.

Power/technical buildings

building digester 沼氣槽、分解槽。為一種將生物質透過生物反應器轉化為生物氣體的設施。
2012-05-13 Nordsee-Luftbilder DSCF8567.jpg
building service 機房,通常設施建築物是小型無人建築物,存放機器(如泵或變電設施)
Service building.png
building tech_cab Small prefabricated cabin structures for the air-conditioned accommodation of different technology.
Telenor DSLAM and BTS oslo IMG 9499.JPG
building transformer_tower 變壓塔。通常是高塔,並包含一個變壓配電器,連接中電壓的供應電網。供應電網的線路常常已經地下化了,但這類的建築物還是常常作為變電所。如果該建築也同時有變電所的功能,應該標示為 power=substation + substation=minor_distribution
building water_tower A water tower.
Bad Schwartau - Wasserturm.JPG
building storage_tank Storage tanks are containers that hold liquids
Pabst Brewing Complex storage tank.jpg
building silo A silo is a building for storing bulk materials
Kieswerk II.JPG

其他 (Other)

building beach_hut A small, usually wooden, and often brightly coloured cabin or shelter above the high tide mark on popular bathing beaches.
Cabines de bain Berck.jpg
building bunker 碉堡掩體。強化的軍事建築物。也可用 military=bunker標示。
Slavonický les, bunkr 01.jpg
building castle A building constructed as a castle. Can be further specified with historic=castle + castle_type=*.
Będzin. Zamek3.JPG
building construction 建造中的建築物。請使用 construction=* 標註該建築物完工後的用途。
Riga, stavba.jpg
building container For a container used as a permanent building. Do not map containers placed temporarily, for example used in shipping or construction.
Sparkasse Jena SB-Container.jpg
building guardhouse A small building constructed to house guard(s).
Guard booth outside the South African High Commission in Canberra December 2013.jpg
building military A military building. Also use military=*.
building outbuilding A less important building near to and on the same piece of land as a larger building.
Farm buildings small and large at East Mascalls - geograph.org.uk - 2420722.jpg
building pagoda A building constructed as a pagoda.
building quonset_hut A lightweight prefabricated structure in the shape of a semicircle.
building roof 棚架,僅含屋頂而沒有外牆的結構,例如涼亭、遮雨棚、加油站。
Preem Karlskrona.jpg
building ruins 廢墟,廢棄的房舍、村屋或其他種類建築物
ARZAKAN Ghuki Monastery Եկեղեցական համալիր «Գհուկի վանք» (Բոլորահար) 12.JPG
building tent For a permanently placed tent. Do not map tents placed temporarily.
Krytá jízdárna Hipoterapie - Pirueta 09.jpg
building tower A tower-building.
Bell tower. View from north.jpg
building windmill A building constructed as a traditional windmill, historically used to mill grain with wind power.
Willesbourgh Windmill, Ashford, Kent.jpg
building yes 當你不確定建築物屬性屬於那個特定標籤時使用
building 使用者自訂 Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

附加屬性 (Additional attribution)

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 照片 (photo)
building:architecture <architectural style> node area Architectural style of a building
Byzantine and Romanesque architecture (1913) (14595684550).jpg
building:colour <RGB hex triplet> | <W3C colour name> area Indicates colour of the building
Jar burano 4 houses.jpg
building:fireproof yes | no node area 建築物的防火程度
building:flats <number> node area The number of residential units (flats, apartments) in an apartment building (building=apartments), residential building (building=residential), house (building=house), detached house (building=detached) or similar building.
building:levels <number> node area 建築物的樓層數
building:material <material type> area Outer material for the building façade
Münster, LVM -- 2017 -- 6351-7.jpg
building:min_level <number> area For describing number of values, "filling" space between ground level and bottom level of building or part of building
Min level 2.svg
building:part As building area To mark a part of a building, which has attributes, different from such ones at other parts
Marek S3DB sumOfMoreElements.jpg
building:soft_storey yes | no | reinforced node area A building where any one level is significantly more flexible (less stiff) than those above and below it
construction_date <date> node area The (approximated) date when the building was finished.
Connel bridge plate.jpg
entrance yes | main | exit | service | emergency node 建築物入口,請用這個標籤取代停用的building=entrance標籤。
SF City Hall door.JPG
height <number> node area 用公尺計算建築物的高度。
Height demonstration diagram.png
max_level <number> area 採用簡單室內繪圖標準時,建築內的最大室內樓層數
min_level <number> area 採用簡單室內繪圖標準時,建築內的最小室內樓層數
non_existent_levels <number> area 選擇性,採用簡單室內繪圖標準時,列出建築內不存在的樓層數
start_date <date> node area The (approximated) date when the building was finished.
Connel bridge plate.jpg

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. 此表格由模版自動生成,協助改善中譯版本請按此

工藝場所 (Crafts)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)
craft agricultural_engines 設計與建造農業機械的廠商或販賣。農具行、農具店、農積店、農具製造廠。
Green tractor.jpg
craft atelier A place where visual artists work
craft bag_repair A place where bags/luggage are repaired.
Wriggle House - Full-Grain Genuine leather Holdall Travel Bag.jpg
craft bakery A workplace for fresh bakery goods. No shop.
Mr. Holmes Bakehouse (TK4).JPG
craft basket_maker 製作籃子的地方。在台灣,相似的行業有:藤製品製造業。
Basket flein.jpeg
craft beekeeper 養蜂場,為生產蜂蜜、蜂蠟和花粉而養殖蜜蜂的地方。
WPKiW - Skansen - Pszczelarz 01.jpg
craft blacksmith 鐵匠鋪、鑄鐵廠。
Kovář při práci (Velikonoční trhy na Václavském náměstí) 055.jpg
craft boatbuilder 造船廠。
craft bookbinder 提供書籍裝訂服務的店家。在台灣,影印店是最接近的。
Relieur JPG01.jpg
craft brewery 啤酒廠。
craft builder 建築工程行、營造工程公司。提供建造房舍、道路修築等服務。
craft cabinet_maker A person who makes fine wooden furniture.
Cabinet shop with saw.jpg
craft carpenter 木工、木匠的工作場所或營業據點。提供建築物或傢俱的建置、安裝維護,等服務。台灣類似此標籤的行業有:裝潢行、傢俱行。
Charpentier médiéval.JPG
craft carpet_layer 鋪地毯工人的工作場所或辦公室。
craft caterer 提供到會餐飲、外燴、辦桌等服務的供應商。
Catering picoplato 001.jpg
craft chimney_sweeper 清煙囪工人的工作場所。
Chimney sweep modern.jpg
craft clockmaker 鐘錶工人的工作場所或辦公室。
craft confectionery 糕點糖果製造的人之工作場所
craft distillery 蒸餾室
Markdorf Ittendorf - Andreas-Strobel-Straße 12 ies.jpg
craft door_construction A workplace of someone constructing doors.
Doors for the construction of ecosan UDD toilets (3266990882).jpg
craft dressmaker 為滿足個人需求,而生產、修改或修補衣服的工作場所
Pieces on dressmakers dummy.jpg
craft electrician 電工之工作場所或辦公室。
Szafa elektryczna002.JPG
craft floorer 鋪設地板的服務商
另見 craft=parquet_layer craft=carpet_layer craft=tiler
Linoleum - oaken parquet.jpg
craft gardener 園藝設計的人之工作場所或辦公室。如,園藝設計公司。
SF Japanese Garden.JPG
craft glaziery 玻璃工人的工作場所。
Glaserei Hundestr.JPG
craft handicraft 生產手工藝品之工作場所。
Belarus-Minsk-Exhibition of Traditional Crafts, 3.jpg
craft hvac 熱氣、通風和空調系統設計者之工作場所,相當於台灣做「風管的」。hvac為"Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning"的縮寫
Northeastern University - air conditioner.JPG
craft insulation 建築物隔熱設計的人之工作場所。
craft jeweller 珠寶製造和修復的工作場所。
Ian Rosenberg Jeweller - Sapphire and gold ring.JPG
craft joiner An artisan who builds things by joining pieces of wood, particularly furniture or ornamental work.
Fotothek df n-17 0000202 Tischler.jpg
craft key_cutter 複製鑰匙的工作場所。台灣的配鎖店通常兼俱此營業項目。
Key cutting (Nizhny Novgorod, 2007).jpg
craft locksmith 打造、修理鎖和鑰匙之工作場所(鎖匠)。
Ards Locksmiths, Newtownards, March 2010.JPG
craft metal_construction 鐵工廠,如由鐵打造欄杆。把手、門,等相似的東西之工作場所。
U.S. Navy Builder 2nd Class Drake Van Blarcom, left, and Steelworker 1st Class Antonio Chavezplata, both assigned to Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 303, bolt together a metal structure during 130402-N-WX059-134.jpg
craft optician 一個可以驗光、校正視力的地方,通常有視光師駐守。
US Navy 021029-N-3228G-001 Adjusting a customer's eyeglasses.jpg
craft painter 油漆匠、油漆工的工作場所或辦公室。
Painters on Ladders.jpg
craft parquet_layer 鋪拼花地板的人之工作場所或辦公室。
Linoleum - oaken parquet.jpg
craft photographer 照相館、影樓,幫顧客拍照片的地方,如證件照。
craft photographic_laboratory 相片沖印店、相館、沖晒鋪,幫顧客的將數位或底片輸出為紙張或膠膜上的工作場所,幫顧客拍照,也沖洗照片。
craft piano_tuner A piano tuner or technician. A professional that tunes, regulates and makes the maintenance of pianos. Most of them repair simple problems and some restore a whole piano.
Piano tuner 2.jpg
craft plasterer 泥水匠,為房屋內牆的上漿的人之辦公室。
Plastering of Ferrocement Tank.jpg
craft plumber 水管工之工作場所。
Plumber at work.jpg
craft pottery 燒陶工之工作場所。
Shop Craft Pottery.png
craft rigger 帆船的索具操縱工之工作場所。
craft roofer 修屋或鋪設屋頂工之工作場所。
Defense.gov photo essay 100519-A-XXXXE-001.jpg
craft saddler 製造馬鞍的人之工作場所。
Frontier saddlery.jpg
craft sailmaker 製造船帆的人之工作場所。
HMS Belfast - Sailmaker's workshop.jpg
craft sawmill 鋸木廠。
Laser guided cutting of wood in woodmill.jpg
craft scaffolder 做鷹架的人之辦公室或工作場所。
Scaffolders above the roof of the Victoria Dock development - geograph.org.uk - 374663.jpg
craft sculptor 雕刻品製造廠。
Fr Adamswiller Stone sculptor at work.jpg
craft shoemaker 鞋匠的工作及營業場所、鞋類製作工作室。例如針對特定鞋類提供製造或修改服務的工作室,如皮鞋、靴子、涼鞋、木屐、鹿皮鞋等。也含括提供客製修改、維修鞋類的店家。另見shop=shoes
Shoemaker working at John Lobb, bespoke shoe and bootmaker, 88 Jermyn Street, London.jpg
craft stand_builder 製造攤子的工廠。
Photo exhibition Stockholm 2011 05 WMSE stand.jpg
craft stonemason 磨石工廠。
craft stove_fitter A workplace/office of a person/company who designs and builds stoves/tiled stoves.
Fotothek df ps 0000303 Ofensetzer beim Schleifen von Kacheln.jpg
craft sun_protection A place where sun protection is made, repaired, or delivered for assembly, especially awnings and shutters. 如台灣的帆布行,提供遮陽棚製作服務。
craft tailor 衣服修改店、裁縫鋪。
Tailor´s shop - Werkstatt 2.jpg
craft tiler 提供磁磚鋪設服務的廠商,例如地板、游泳池等場所的地磚、牆磚鋪設服務。 在台灣,類似於裝潢師傅的營業據點。
Laying tiles at OCP.JPG
craft tinsmith A tinsmith, or tinner or tinker or tinplate worker. Workplace or office of a person who makes and repairs things made of light-coloured metal, particularly tinware.
Tinsmith at work. (19942316042).jpg
craft turner A turner or wood turner.
Woodturning Indonesia.jpg
craft upholsterer A place where furniture, especially seats are provided with padding, springs, webbing, and fabric or leather covers.
Fotothek df n-33 0000079 Polsterer.jpg
craft watchmaker 由一個工匠製造和修理手錶的鐘錶行。 時至今日由於工業生產的緣故,他們大多是負責修理手錶。 對於其他類型的時鐘請見 craft=clockmaker
Pocket watch with chain.jpg
craft window_construction 提供窗戶製作服務的廠商。
craft winery 釀酒廠
Adobe guadalupe winery.jpg
craft 使用者自訂 Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


緊急設施 (Emergency)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)

緊急急救 (Medical Rescue)

emergency ambulance_station node area 救護站,配有救護車、醫師與醫療設備。
Amb station.JPG
emergency defibrillator node [W] 自動體外心臟去顫器(AED),自動診斷患者並導正心律不整。
Jt osm defi ibis.jpg

消防 (Firefighters)

emergency fire_extinguisher node 滅火器/消火栓。
Abc fire extinguisher.jpg
emergency fire_flapper node 野地打火工具,在野外用來打火、撲滅火勢之工具。
emergency fire_hose node 消防軟管/消防喉轆。
emergency fire_hydrant node 消防栓/消防街喉。
Downtown Charlottesville fire hydrant.jpg
emergency water_tank node 消防儲水槽。
Example of Emergency Water tank.jpg
emergency fire_water_pond node area relation A man made or natural pond with water for a fire department.
emergency suction_point node A preferred point to pump water off a river or other waters for a fire department.

水上救生 (Lifeguards)

emergency lifeguard_base node area 救生員基地,備有救援載具、器材與通訊系統。
Wasserrettungsstation Wasserwacht.JPG
emergency lifeguard_tower node area 救生員哨塔,監督戲水者以防溺水等意外事故。
Miami - Lifeguard tower and flags - 0526.jpg
emergency lifeguard_platform node area 救生員平台,監督戲水者以防溺水等意外事故。
Pam Anderson replaced (4664471709).jpg
emergency lifeguard_place node 救生員看守點,無任何建築或平台。
Niechorze beach - grajdołek 06 (ratownik).JPG
emergency life_ring node 救生圈。
Da life ring.jpg

其他 (Others)

emergency assembly_point node area 緊急避難場所。
emergency access_point node 緊急通訊處,設於難以抵達的地點。參見highway=emergency_access_point
Anfahrpunkt für Rettungsfahrzeuge HP 108 Alter Lorscher Weg 102 1235.jpg
emergency phone node 緊急電話。
emergency ses_station node area 緊急服務站(SES,澳洲在災難時期提供緊急救助的志工組織)。
NSW SES Murrumbidgee Region HQ.jpg
emergency siren node 警報器。作為民防設施,發布各類危險、災害警報。
Bundesarchiv B 422 Bild-0010, Sirene.jpg
emergency 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


地質類 (Geological)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)
geological moraine node area 冰磧丘陵。冰磧沉積物堆積於鬆軟的冰川底部。
geological outcrop node area 露頭。基岩或岩脈露出地表。
geological palaeontological_site node area 古生物化石區。埋藏史前古生物遺跡的場所。
Giacimento paleontologico villaggio del pescatore duino.jpg
geological 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


道路 (Highway)


鍵 (Key) 值 (Value) 元素 (Element) 說明 圖例 圖片



highway motorway way 高速公路:雙向分隔行駛、完全控制出入口的公路,單向常設有兩條以上的車道及供緊急用途的路肩或避車彎。
  • 臺灣用法:如國道一號至十號等。
  • 香港用法:依《道路交通條例》(香港法例第374章)第123條指定為「快速公路」之路段(見此表)。
Rendering-highway motorway neutral.png
  • Morgendlicher Berufsverkehr auf der BAB A8 beim Kreuz Stuttgart - panoramio.jpg
highway trunk way 不屬高速公路,國家管轄的重要道路(不一定為雙向分隔行駛)。
  • 臺灣用法:省道快速公路(紅色盾形標誌)或市區快速道路,如新北市環河快速道路、省道台61線西濱快速道路等)。
  • 香港用法:不屬法定快速公路(見「motorway」條)的幹綫路段,如一號幹綫的窩打老道及四號幹綫的告士打道。
Rendering-highway trunk carto.png
  • L3005, Eschborn, Germany
  • Cat and Fiddle Road, England
highway primary way 一級道路(連接大型市鎮)
  • 臺灣用法:普通省道(藍色盾形標誌),如台3線。
Rendering-highway primary neutral.png
  • Hunsrückhöhenstraße, Kappel, Germany
  • Tanami Road, Australia
highway secondary way 二級道路(連接一般市鎮) 
  • 臺灣用法:縣道、直轄市市道。
Rendering-highway secondary neutral.png
  • L134, Meyenburg, Schwanewede, Germany
  • Vatnsnesvegur, Iceland
highway tertiary way 三級公路(連接小型聚落或大型市鎮內的衛星市郊)。
  • 臺灣用法:鄉道、直轄市區道、聚落聯絡道路、市區幹道等。
Rendering-highway tertiary neutral.png
  • Bergedorfer Straße, Worpswede, Germany
  • Canol Road, Yukon, Canada
highway unclassified way 一般道路/無編制道路(連結村莊及聚落間):公路系統中最低層級的道路,供公共通行而非連接私人產權(請使用highway=residential)。
Rendering-highway unclassified.png
  • Sentiero 00, Cantagallo, Tuscany, Italy
  • Kuskealleen, Vordingborg, Denmark
highway residential way 住宅區道路:進出住宅區或住宅區內的道路,並非用於穿越聚落或連接聚落的道路。
Rendering-highway residential.png
  • Taman Ria Terrace.jpg
  • Main Street, Elko, Nevada, USA


highway motorway_link way 高速公路匝道:連結不同高速公路(Interchange),或由高速公路連結較低等級的公路(Junction)。
  • 臺灣用法:系統交流道、交流道。
  • 香港用法:交匯處。
Rendering-highway motorway link.png
A5 exit link to A672, Darmstadt, Germany
highway trunk_link way 快速道路匝道:連結不同快速道路(Interchange),或快速道路連結較低等級的公路(Junction)。
  • 臺灣用法:系統交流道、交流道。
  • 香港用法:交匯處。
Rendering-highway trunk link.png
A7 / OAL23 interchange, Nesselwang, Germany
highway primary_link way 省道匝道:連結不同主要道路,或主要道路連結較低等級的道路。
Rendering-highway primary link.png
B20 exit and entrance to Brunn, Fridolfing, Germany
highway secondary_link way 二級道路匝道。
Rendering-highway secondary link.png
highway tertiary_link way 三級道路匝道。
Rendering-highway tertiary link.png


highway living_street way 生活街道:行人路權高於機動車輛,設置極低的道路限速,允許幼童在街道上玩耍。
Living street osm.png
beginning of a living street with a paving stones surface and some trees and cars parking at the sides
highway service way area 服務道路:工業園區、露營地、產業園區或停車場等設施或場域的內部道路或對外聯絡道路。

搭配service=*描述道路用途,如:停車場通道 highway=service+service=parking_aisle

Rendering-highway service.png
Alley leading from the High Street to Green Lane Shopping Centre - geograph.org.uk - 942796.jpg
highway pedestrian way area 人行道/行人徒步區,得用於廣場(圍成區域後加上area=yes)。
Pedestrian with area osm.png
Cambridge Rd - geograph.org.uk - 1189572.jpg
highway track way 農路、林道、礦路等產業道路。常鋪剛性路面(水泥/石礫)、柔性路面(碎石/壓實草地、土壤、泥地、砂地)或混合兩者。
。路面品質使用標籤 tracktype=*標記 。
若您想標記一般道路,請使用general highway values
Rendering-highway track.png
  • Frühlingslandschft Aaretal Schweiz.jpg
  • Asphalt track.jpg
highway bus_guideway way 導向巴士道,其他車輛無法使用。
注意:一般公車專用道/巴士專用線請改用access=no, psv=yes 替代。
Rendering-highway-bus guideway-mapnik.png
Bus track.jpg
highway escape way 緊急避車道:供煞車失效的車輛安全緩衝減速。
highway raceway way 環形賽道或賽車使用的賽道。


Fuji Speedway start-finish.jpg
highway road way 未知種類的道路:此暫時性標籤用以標記該道路尚未調查其種類,一旦查明應立即標記適當的種類。
highway busway way A dedicated roadway for bus rapid transit systems
grade-seperated section of busway outside of station


highway footway way area 步道。專為行人設計的道路,含散步小徑或碎石步道。
若允許單車通行,請加入 bicycle=yes標籤。
Rendering-highway footway.png
Footway in Stowupland - geograph.org.uk - 1044849.jpg
highway bridleway way 為馬匹設計的路徑。等同於 highway=path + horse=designated
Rendering-highway bridleway.png
highway steps way 行人使用的階梯。得配合step_count=*標記階梯階數。
Rendering-highway steps.png
Escalinata del Calvario de Toluca.jpg
highway corridor way For a hallway inside of a building.
HK TST Star House mall corridor interior shop signs Sept-2012.JPG
highway path way 無特定用途的路徑。
Path osm.png
highway via_ferrata way A via ferrata is a route equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges in order to increase ease and security for climbers. These via ferrata require equipment : climbing harness, shock absorber and two short lengths of rope, but do not require a long rope as for climbing.
Mauerlaeufer ueberhang.jpg

When sidewalk/crosswalk is tagged as a separate way

footway sidewalk way Sidewalk that runs typically along residential road. Use in combination with highway=footway or highway=path
Rendering-highway footway.png
200806 Berlin 91sidewalk.jpg
footway crossing way 行人穿越道,如斑馬線(枕木型行人穿越道)。
Rendering-highway footway.png
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg


sidewalk both | left | right | no way Specifies that the highways has sidewalks on both sides, on one side or no sidewalk at all
Sidewalk and zebra-crossing.jpg

當自行車擁有專用路權時(詳情請見 Bicycle

highway cycleway way 自行車專用道。專門為腳踏車設計的路徑。
Cycleway osm.png
Separated cycleway with traffic sign

自行車道附設於一般道路時(詳情請見 Bicycle

cycleway lane way 道路附設的自行車道。
Fietsstrook Herenweg Oudorp.jpg
cycleway opposite way 允許自行車雙向通行,請使用oneway=yesoneway:bycycle=no
Sul bxl 01.JPG
cycleway opposite_lane way 自行車的行進方向,與道路行進方向相反時,請使用oneway=yesoneway:bycycle=no
France road sign C24a-2.svg
cycleway track way 與道路分隔的自行車道。注意:常被標記為highway=cycleway
Cycle nexttoroad.jpg
cycleway opposite_track way 與道路分隔的自行車道。自行車行進方向與道路行進方向相反時,請同時使用 oneway=yes
549c Spitzenkiel140923.jpg
cycleway share_busway way There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
cycleway opposite_share_busway way Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a bus lane that cyclists are also permitted to use, and which go in the opposite direction to normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" bus lane). Used together with oneway:bicycle=no.
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg
cycleway shared_lane way 公車專用道允許自行車使用。
Sharrows Toronto 2011.jpg
busway lane way 公車專用道。
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg

Street parking tagged on the main roadway (see Street parking)

parking:left / :right / :both
(hereafter: parking:side)
lane | street_side | on_kerb | half_on_kerb | shoulder | no | separate | yes way 道路附設的自行車道。
Darby Street Pre-Shared Space Change.jpg
parking:sideorientation=* parallel | diagonal | perpendicular way 道路附設的自行車道。

生命週期(Lifecycle) (see also lifecycle prefixes)

highway proposed way 計畫中道路。
highway construction way 施工中道路。施工中道路的等級使用construction=*標記。
Rendering-highway construction tertiary carto.png
different colours
The T12 link road to Wilmore Road under construction - geograph.org.uk - 4452080.jpg


abutters commercial | industrial | mixed | residential | retail etc. way 詳情參考abutters=*
bicycle_road yes way 若住宅區街道視同腳踏車道,使用此標籤。此類車道常擁有腳踏車專屬燈號,汽車則限速管制。
bus_bay both | left | right way A bus bay outside the main carriageway for boarding/alighting
change yes | no | not_right | not_left | only_right | only_left way Specify the allowed/forbidden lane changes
Only Only Only (49884679761).jpg
destination <place name of destination> way Destination when following a linear feature
Japanese Road sign (Direction and Lane A).svg
embankment yes | dyke way A dyke or a raised bank to carry a road, railway, or canal across a low-lying or wet area.
Green River Trail - Desimone Levee 01.jpg
embedded_rails yes | <type of railway> way 公路上的軌道路軌可供一般車輛通行,軌道以獨立線段繪製。
Ruusulankatu tram rails (at lat 60.18206, lon 24.92450) heading NW.jpg
ford yes node way 車輛通過時須橫渡水流或溪流。
Map feature ford.jpg
ice_road yes way 結冰水域上的道路,夏季時無法通行。
Pechora crossing.jpg
incline Number % | ° | up | down node way 道路坡度。使用百分比(「5%」)或角度(「20°」)標示。
junction roundabout way closed way 圓環。
自動設定為單行道 oneway=yes,單行道方向依據線(way)上點(node)的排列方向。
2008 03 12 - UMD - Roundabout viewed from Art Soc Bldg 4b.JPG
lanes <number> way 車道數/行車綫數目。含公車或特定用途車輛的車道數。
NLEx 6 Lanes.jpg
lane_markings yes | no way Specifies if a highway has painted markings to indicate the position of the lanes.
lit yes | no nodewayarea 是否設置路燈照明。
Berlin speer-leuchte.jpg
maxspeed <number> way Specifies the maximum legal speed limit on a road, railway or waterway.
Zeichen 274-60 - Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit, StVO 2017.svg
motorroad yes | no way node 標記屬於封閉專用路權、非高速公路的道路。
Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg
mountain_pass yes node 啞口、鞍部。
Mountain pass.jpg
mtb:scale 0-6 way 搭配 highway=pathhighway=track使用。標記登山、單車活動的行程難度。
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:uphill 0-5 way 登山車路徑的上坡分級難度。
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:imba 0-4 way 國際登山車協會界定的登山車路徑分級難度。
mtb:description Text way 標示登山車路徑的行程資訊。適用於highway=pathhighway=track
oneway yes | no | reversible way Oneway streets are streets where you are only allowed to drive in one direction.
oneway:bicycle yes | no | way Used on ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
overtaking yes | no | caution | both | forward | backward way 標註是否為高乘載或具特殊乘載規定的車道。
parking:lane parallel | diagonal | perpendicular | marked | no_parking | no_stopping | fire_lane. way 停車位劃設種類。詳情參見 parking:lane=*
parking:condition free | ticket | disc | residents | customers | private way 停車限制。詳情參見 parking:condition=*
2013.11.01.104926 Parking sign Kilauea Avenue Hilo Hawaii.jpg
passing_places yes way 標記會車的路段。
priority forward | backward way Traffic priority for narrow parts of roads, e.g. narrow bridges.
Vienna Convention road sign B6.svg
priority_road designated | yes_unposted | end way Specifying roads signposted as priority roads.
Vienna Convention road sign B3-V1.svg
sac_scale hiking | mountain_hiking | demanding_mountain_hiking | alpine_hiking | demanding_alpine_hiking | difficult_alpine_hiking way 標記健行路徑的行程難度。適用於highway=pathhighway=footway
Mountain hiking.jpg
service alley | driveway | parking_aisle etc. way 詳情請見 service=*
Seattle - alley north from S Jackson between Western & 1st - A.jpg
shoulder no | yes | right | both | left way Presence of shoulder in highway
15-05-23-Berlin-Sachsendamm-Tesla-RalfR-N3S 7354.jpg
smoothness excellent | good | intermediate | bad | very_bad | horrible | very_horrible | impassable way area Specifies the physical usability of a way for wheeled vehicles due to surface regularity/flatness. See Key:smoothness for more details.
Jena Track roots.jpg
surface paved | unpaved | asphalt | concrete | paving_stones | sett | cobblestone | metal | wood | compacted | fine_gravel | gravel | pebblestone | plastic | grass_paver | grass | dirt | earth | mud | sand | ground way 道路鋪面材質。詳情請見 surface=*
Transportation in Tanzania Traffic problems.JPG
tactile_paving yes | no node way area 是否鋪設導盲磚。
Tactile paving.jpg
tracktype grade1 | grade2 | grade3 | grade4 | grade5 way To describe the quality of the surface. See Key:tracktype for more information.
Surface grade1.jpg
traffic_calming bump | hump | table | island | cushion | yes | etc. node way 詳情請見 traffic_calming=*
Ležeći policajac 016.jpg
trail_visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way 標記健行路徑的可識別程度。適用於highway=pathhighway=footwayhighway=cyclewayhighway=bridleway
Trail visibility good.jpg
trailblazed yes | no | poles | cairns | symbols way Applies to highway=*. Describing trail blazing and marking. See Key:trailblazed for more information.
Trail blazing 10.jpg
trailblazed:visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way Applies to trailblazed=*. A classification for visibility of trailblazing. See Key:trailblazed:visibility for more information.
turn left | slight_left | through | right | slight_right | merge_to_left | merge_to_right | reverse way The key turn can be used to specify the direction in which a way or a lane will lead.
Zeichen 297 - Richtungspfeile, StVO 1970.svg
width <number> way The width of a feature.
Height demonstration diagram.png
winter_road yes way 冬季專用的道路,通常於夏季無法行車。
Anuisk bilibino sever66.jpg

其他功能(Other features)

highway bus_stop node 公車(巴士)停靠站/站牌。
Bus stop.12.svg
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
highway crossing node A.k.a. crosswalk. Pedestrians can cross a street here; e.g., zebra crossing
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
highway cyclist_waiting_aid node Street furniture for cyclists that are intended to make waiting at esp. traffic lights more comfortable.
Cyclist footrest 01 Flickr SDOT Photos.jpg
highway elevator node way 電梯。非手扶梯。
highway emergency_bay node way An area beside a highway where you can safely stop your car in case of breakdown or emergency.
France road sign C8.svg
highway emergency_access_point node ,標誌得標定所在位置的特殊編號,供緊急通訊使用,配合 ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN使用。
Anfahrpunkt für Rettungsfahrzeuge HP 108 Alter Lorscher Weg 102 1235.jpg
highway give_way node 讓道標誌。
Give way.jpg
emergency phone node 緊急電話,配合 ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN使用。
Emergency push-button telephone, Warsaw.jpg
highway ladder nodeway A vertical or inclined set of steps or rungs intended for climbing or descending of a person with the help of hands.
Wooden ladder to the small cave, Hurkutstein.jpg
highway milestone node Highway location marker
highway mini_roundabout node 無分隔島的小型圓環。
highway motorway_junction node 交流道出口(英國稱為junction,美國稱為exit),使用標籤


Dscf0242 600.jpg
highway passing_place node 標記會車路段(避車處)。
highway platform node way area 公車站的月台
Rendering-highway railway platform line.png
Bayview trstwy.jpg
highway rest_area node area 休息站:僅供休息,不提供加油服務。
Wentworth terrain.jpg
highway services node area 服務區:提供食物、加油站與廁所,常見於高速公路。
Mapping Features Motorway service area.jpg
De lucht.jpg
highway speed_camera node 固定式測速相機。
Speed camera.jpg
highway stop node 停止標誌/停車再開標誌/「停」處。
STOP sign.jpg
highway street_lamp node 標示每晚固定開啟的路燈。
2014 Kłodzko, ul. Grottgera 14.JPG
highway toll_gantry node 電子收費門架是一種立於路徑上的門架(常為高速公路),作為電子收費系統的一部分。收費亭或帶有柵欄的收費亭請參閱barrier。
CR0344eRoad-MM4-TollGantry (29081629762).jpg
highway traffic_mirror node 道路反射鏡
highway traffic_signals node 紅綠燈/行車管控號誌/交通燈。
Rendering-traffic singals.jpg
highway trailhead node 登山口、步道口:登山健行的步道起點或路線起點。
Ancient Lakes Trailhead - panoramio.jpg
highway turning_circle node 迴轉處/掉頭處。通常設於道路盡頭的圓環(迴旋處)或加寬道路,方便車子迴轉(掉頭)。
Turning circle.jpg
highway turning_loop node A widened area of a highway with a non-traversable island for turning around, often circular and at the end of a road.
Turning circle - geograph.org.uk - 991834.jpg
highway 使用者自訂 node way Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

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歷史相關 (Historic)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)
historic aircraft node area 定點展示的退役飛機。
Mońki. Pomnik samolot.JPG
historic aqueduct way area A historic structure to convey water
Pont Du Gard.JPG
historic archaeological_site node area 考古遺址。
Dscf0105 600.jpg
historic battlefield node area 戰場或戰區遺跡(可能位於陸地或海洋)。
Fort Donelson river battery (1).jpg
historic bomb_crater node area A bomb crater.
Fort Douaumont Ende 1916.jpg
historic building node area 若無法釐清歷史建築的種類,得以此標記為一般性建築。
Castillo Trausnitz, Landshut, Alemania, 2012-05-27, DD 18.JPG
historic cannon node 古炮/退役大砲。常位於堡壘或戰場。
Muzzle loading cannons at the Swedish Naval Museum (6648150909).jpg
historic castle node area 城堡。
Dscf0226 600.jpg
historic castle_wall way area A  defensive wall (fortification) surrounding the  bailey of a castle.
Delitzsch Stadtmauer.jpg
historic charcoal_pile way area Historic site of a charcoal pile. Often still in good condition in hilly forest areas.
Charcoal pile 06.jpg
historic church node A building with historical value for Christian religious activities, particularly for worship services.
Sant Vasily cathedral in Moscow.JPG
historic city_gate node area 城門。常伴隨城牆存在。
Spaarnwouder- of Amsterdamse poort.jpg
historic citywalls way area 城牆。具用於防衛城市。
Delitzsch Stadtmauer.jpg
historic farm node area 具歷史價值的農場。
historic fort node area 具歷史性的軍事要塞。相較於城堡,要塞的設立年代更晚。
Komárom Fortress 03.jpg
historic gallows node relation 具歷史價值的絞刑架。
historic highwater_mark node 紀念水災的洪水水位。
Hochwassermarke Schwaebisch Gmuend 1912.jpg
historic locomotive node area 退役鐵路機關車/火車頭。
Ambarawa locomotief.jpg
historic manor node area 具歷史價值的莊園。
Gut Panker Herrenhaus.jpg
historic memorial node area 小型紀念碑/紀念牆。
historic mine node area Abandoned underground mine workings for minerals such as coal or lead.
Wieliczka kopalnia soli 3.jpg
historic mine_shaft node area Vertical shafts of a historic mine
Abandoned Mine Shaft At Phantom Falls.jpg
historic milestone node 具歷史價值的里程碑、里程牌、方向標。
Jt meilenstein.jpg
historic monastery node area 具歷史價值的寺廟
Malbork Zamek Wysoki kruzganek.jpg
historic monument node area 大型紀念性建築或碑石,紀念團體或個人。
Befreiungshalle P1230106.jpg
historic optical_telegraph node area 電報站/通訊站。
historic pillory node 頸手枷/枷項.
Kirchberg pranger.jpg
historic railway_car node area A decommissioned railway car which generally remains in one place.
Historic railway car tokyo.JPG
historic ruins node area 遺跡/遺址。遺跡種類得以 ruins=* 標記,如ruins=castle
也能以historic=castle + ruins=yes標記。
historic rune_stone node 盧恩石刻。
U 240, Lingsberg.JPG
historic ship node area 退役的船隻或潛水艇。
Aurora Cruiser Museum StPetersburg.JPG
historic stone node area A stone shaped or placed by man with historical value.
historic tank node area A decommissioned tank which generally remains in one place.
T-34 am Sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten.jpg
historic tomb node area 古墓。
historic tower node area Historic tower
historic tree_shrine node 懸掛於樹上的宗教人物像。請改用natural=tree + historic=wayside_shrine
Tree Shrine - Giritzer, Mautern an der Donau, Österreich - 02.JPG
historic vehicle node area A decommissioned land-based vehicle which generally remains in one place
FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier.jpg
historic wayside_cross node area 歷史性十字架,常見於德國南部和奧地利等地。
historic wayside_shrine node area 路邊簡易的宗教場所,常搭配religion=*使用。如台灣路邊的小型土地公廟、大樹公、石頭公等;日本的地藏像。右圖為路邊的小教堂,常見於德國南部和奧地利。
Carto shrine.svg
2003-10-11 tanner moor 36.JPG
historic wreck node area 沈船遺跡。
historic yes node area 標記物件的歷史重要性,常搭配其他標籤敘述。
historic 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用的標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


土地利用 (landuse)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)

Common landuse key values - developed land

landuse commercial node area 商業區。以辦公或商業區域為主要用途。
Cambourne Business Park - geograph.org.uk - 15908.jpg
landuse construction node area 施工中的未完工區域,完工後應改為其它用地。
Cantiere the Green One dell'area De Gasperi Ovest a San Donato Milanese (Giugno 2022).jpg
landuse education node area An area predominately used for educational purposes/facilities.
Stąporków, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2.jpg
landuse fairground node area A site where a fair takes place
Honre's Pleasure Fair funfair in Inverness from above.jpg
landuse industrial node area 工業用地,以工坊、工廠或倉庫或相關工業設施為主要用途。
Rehuraisio feed plant in Oulu 2008 001.jpg
landuse residential node area 住宅區,以房屋或公寓為主。
  • 香港用法:可用此標示屋苑、屋邨。
landuse retail node area 商店零售。以商店與其附屬設施(如停車場、通道、草地等)為主。
Trocadero - London 1.jpg
landuse institutional node area Land used for institutional purposes, see  Institution (disambiguation). Institutional land may include buildings like an office=government, office=ngo, office=association, amenity=social_facility and their associated infrastructure (car parks, service roads, yards and so-on)

information sign

The meaning of this tag is ambiguous and unclear. Consider using another tag that better describes the object. For instance landuse=commercial. See talk page for discussion.
MSF bureau Genève Novembre 2015.jpg
關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)

Common landuse key values - rural and agricultural land

landuse aquaculture node area  Aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms such as finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants.

Warning: currently, there is no convention on the exact meaning of this tag. Therefore, it makes sense to treat it like "boundary of aquaculture" (without implication of water body), which means, water body should be tagged by its own, using natural=water etc.

Delta Pride Catfish farm harvest.jpg
landuse allotments node area 地方居民的私人菜圃、花圃。
landuse farmland area 農業用地。以耕作和畜牧(動物養殖與糧食作物、蔬菜、花卉栽種等)為主要用途。
Rye field.jpg
landuse farmyard area 農業設施,農業相關設施如農舍、農莊、莊園、棚架、馬場、倉庫、農機具車庫、飼料倉庫等,與該設施相鄰之樹林。
Rendering-area-landuse farmyard-mapnik.png
landuse paddy area 土地形狀和地表條件適合種植水稻的水田。
Rice Field.jpg
landuse animal_keeping area An area of land that is used to keep animals, particularly horses and livestock.
Open stable Velm Neuhaus.jpg
landuse flowerbed area An area designated for flowers
Brussels floral carpet B.jpg
landuse forest node area 林業用地。供林場管理與保育用途。(Other languages)天然林請改用natural=wood
Fort Nelson Forestry.JPG
landuse greenhouse_horticulture area 溫室,以溫室栽培植物的土地利用。
Greenhouses westland.jpg
landuse meadow node area 牧草地,以栽種草本植物或牧草等作物(如甘蔗、玉米或牧草)為主要用途。
Landuse Meadow.png
landuse [[ Too many Data Items entities accessed. | orchard ]] node area 果園。栽種供食用為目的樹木或灌木。
PikiWiki Israel 29753 Almonds grove.jpg
landuse plant_nursery area 育種苗圃,人為栽培新品種植物。
Landuse plant nursery.png
Cutchogue - Oregon Road - Plant Nursery.jpg
landuse vineyard node area 葡萄園
Grape vines.jpg
關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)

Common landuse key values - waterbody

landuse basin node area 流域集水區
Base layer water.png
Boneyard Detention Basin 2006.jpg
landuse reservoir node area 水庫蓄水池。可能為覆蓋或未覆蓋,覆蓋請參考man_made=reservoir_coveredwater=reservoir為替代用法。
Amagase Dam.jpg
landuse salt_pond area 鹽田,用於讓海水蒸發以取得鹽的土地。
Salt ponds SF Bay (dro!d).jpg
關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)

Other landuse key values

landuse brownfield node area 計畫開發區域,該區建物已拆除或清除。
Former Brickworks ... - geograph.org.uk - 56268.jpg
landuse cemetery node area 墓地墳場。能添加標籤 religion=*標註墓地的宗教類別,可選用的類別參見place of worship頁面)。小型墓地(如教堂等設施附屬墓園)得使用 amenity=grave_yard替代。
Jewish cemetery Worms.jpg
landuse conservation area 已廢止。請改用boundary=protected_areaprotected_area=*
landuse depot area An area used as a depot for e.g. vehicles (trains, buses or trams). Consider using rather standard landuse tags like landuse=railway, landuse=commercial, landuse=industrial, with subtag like industrial=depot.
RET remise Beverwaard (2).JPG
landuse garages area 停車用地。常以磚或鐵皮建造,多屬於私人停車廠商經營。
Rendering-area-landuse garages-mapnik.png
landuse grass node area 綠地,人工種植、維護的草皮。
084 Green grass lawn background, green mowed grass free photo.jpg
landuse greenfield node area 預定建造建物的閒置空地,。
Rendering-area-landuse greenfield-mapnik.png
Greenfields - geograph.org.uk - 1202824.jpg

landuse landfill node area 廢棄物掩埋用地
landuse military node area 軍事用地。供軍事使用或由軍方所擁有的土地(無論使用目的為何)。
REUNION 2007 04.jpg
landuse port area 濱海工業區(貿易交通受管制)。
Churchill Seaport 1996-08-12.jpg
landuse quarry node area 露天礦場
landuse railway area 鐵路用地。多不開放公眾使用,如車廠/車庫。
landuse recreation_ground node area 遊憩用地。常包含球場、綠地等,多為公立,亦可能屬於大學或私人公司。
Landuse-recreation ground.png
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
landuse religious node area An area used for religious purposes
Landuse-religious ground.png
Cerkiew w Komańczy by Verid1st 09.JPG
landuse village_green node area 畸零綠地,常用於分隔島、圓環等,原意為歐洲社區共有的綠地。
Landuse-village green.png
landuse winter_sports node area An area dedicated to winter sports (e.g. skiing)
First run (3373949916).jpg
landuse 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用的標籤值

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用來標註休閒和運動設施,另見Leisure 的介紹。

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)
leisure adult_gaming_centre node area 提供付費遊戲的室內場所,備有電子遊戲機、模擬駕駛機台、彈珠台、merchandisers等。進場年齡限制。若無年齡限制請用 leisure=amusement_arcade
Slot machines in Venetian.jpg
leisure amusement_arcade node area 提供付費遊戲的室內場所,備有電子遊戲機、模擬駕駛機台、彈珠台、merchandisers等。沒有進場年齡限制。若有年齡限制請使用 leisure=adult_gaming_centre
Amusement arcade-14.svg
Dave & Buster's video arcade in Columbus, OH - 17910.JPG
leisure bandstand node area 室外音樂台。開放性的室外結構物,可讓樂團舉辦音樂會。
leisure bathing_place node area Public place where you can freely bath in nature.
Olympus digital camera (7751459280).jpg
leisure beach_resort node area 有管理的海灘。
Beach resort-14.svg
Beach resort.jpg
leisure bird_hide node area 賞鳥亭
Bird hide-14.svg
leisure bleachers area Raised, tiered rows of benches found at spectator events
leisure bowling_alley node area 保齡球館
Bowling alley-14.svg
North Korea Bowling Alley.jpg
leisure common node area 在英國是指公眾的區域。
leisure dance node area 公共舞廳。
Webster Hall by David Shankbone.jpg
leisure disc_golf_course node area Disc golf course
Disc golfer and basket.jpg
leisure dog_park node area 專門設計用來給狗活動的公園,飼主被允許可以不栓鍊子地遛狗。
Rendering-leisure dog park.png
leisure escape_game node area A physical adventure game in which players solve a series of puzzles using clues, hints and strategy to complete the objectives at hand.
Conundrum Escape Room.jpg
leisure firepit node area 營火台。常被用來生火,承載營火、篝火的地點。
Camp site.jpg
leisure fishing node area 釣魚點
leisure fitness_centre node area 健身房、健身中心
Gym 1-1-.jpg
leisure fitness_station node area A place with exercise machines, single or collection of, outdoor.
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
leisure garden node area 花園、花圃,因裝飾目的而有條理地配置及栽種花卉與植物的地方。或用於研究目的而被栽培,如:植物園。
SF Japanese Garden.JPG
leisure golf_course node area 高爾夫球場,此標籤牽涉到sport=golf
Rendering-leisure-golf course.png
leisure hackerspace node area 協作空間。提供給有共同興趣的群眾使用的場所,可以用來舉行會議、社交或是協作。通常以電腦、技術、科學、數位或電子藝術為主。
Protospace, a Hackerspace.jpg
leisure horse_riding node area 馬場、騎馬體驗
Warendorf, Reitanlage Josephshof -- 2014 -- 8591 -- Ausschnitt.jpg
leisure ice_rink node area 滑冰場,也可用來玩冰上曲棍球。
Rendering-leisure ice rink.png
leisure marina node area 可用來停放遊艇或帆船的港。
Rendering-leisure marina.png
leisure miniature_golf node area 一個小型的區域,可用來玩微型高爾夫。
Rendering-leisure miniature golf.png
1st course of bahn golf.jpg
leisure nature_reserve node area 自然保護區,像是台灣的福山植物園。
Natianal park.png
Black Opal Spring in Biscuit Basin.JPG
leisure outdoor_seating node area Areas for outdoor gastronomy.
Outdoor seating-14.svg
Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin 4.jpg
leisure park node area 公園
3015-Central Park-Sheep Meadow.JPG
leisure picnic_table node area 露營桌
Picnic table.jpg
leisure pitch node area 球場,描述運動類別使用sport=*
leisure playground node area 兒童遊樂場
Children playing on a modern playground.jpg
leisure resort node area A place used for relaxation or recreation, attracting visitors for vacations, tourism and/or going swimming in a pool and/or a nearby body of water.
Town and Country fh000023.jpg
leisure sauna node area 桑拿、三溫暖
Highgrove Sauna.jpg
leisure slipway node way 帆船下水處
Transport slipway.svg
Swanage lifeboat on its slipway 1.JPG
leisure sports_centre node area 運動中心,描述運動類別使用sport=*
Leisure playground 100.png
Western Lesiure Centre Cardiff.JPG
leisure sports_hall node area A sufficiently large single room that is suitable for practising sports indoors and does not have a "centre" character.
體育館的籃球場 - panoramio.jpg
leisure stadium node area 體育場,亦可稱為巨蛋,描述運動類別使用sport=*
Leisure playground 100.png
leisure summer_camp node area 夏令營營區。Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months in some countries. Children and adolescents who attend summer camp are known as campers.
Summer camp example wartenberg 2015 01.jpeg
leisure swimming_area area 戲水區,位於海邊、河川、湖泊或攔水壩等,可允許玩水、游泳的地方。
leisure swimming_pool node area 游泳池,另見Proposed_features/Swimming_poolTag:amenity=swimming_pool
Example swimming pool.png
Pool i.jpg
leisure tanning_salon node area Place where customers can use UV lamps to tan their skin.
Tanning bed in use (2).jpg
leisure track way area 給人、賽車或馬跑的跑道,描述運動類別使用sport=*
Jahnkampfbahn hamburg.jpg
leisure trampoline_park way area An leisure facility consisting of many interlinked trampolines
House of Air The Matrix.jpg
leisure water_park node area 水上遊樂場。
leisure wildlife_hide node area 動物觀察亭,另見leisure=bird_hide
Wildlife Hide, Uath Lochan - geograph.org.uk - 707260.jpg
leisure 使用者自訂 node way area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


人為構造物 (man made)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)
man_made adit node 水平的地下礦坑坑口。
man_made advertising node way A generic advertising device.
Picadilly Circus London by night 2006.jpg
man_made antenna node way area An antenna to transmit and/or receive wireless signals.
Radio towers on Sandia Peak - closeup.jpg
man_made avalanche_protection node way area A feature to protect from avalanches or to keep them from going off.
SilvrettaNova 11.jpg
man_made beacon node 陸上或海上燈塔。
Cuxhaven 07-2016 photo23 Kugelbake.jpg
man_made beehive node Beehive
Dadan-Blatove kosnice.JPG
man_made borehole node area A bore used for a purpose not covered by man_made=petroleum_well or man_made=water_well.
Salton Buttes - Obsidian Butte - geothermal well.JPG
man_made breakwater way area 海堤/防波堤。
Rendering-man made breakwater.png
Dalga kıran.jpg
man_made bridge area 橋梁。
Rendering-man made bridge.png
2014 Karwina, Darków, Most żelbetowy 01.jpg
man_made bunker_silo node area 筒倉。用以裝填貨物/原料。
Empty bunker silo in Nebraska.jpg
man_made cairn node area A mound of stones, usually conical or pyramidal, raised as a landmark or to designate a point of importance in surveying.
man_made carpet_hanger node A construction to hang carpets for cleaning with the help of carpet beaters.
man_made cellar_entrance node An entrance into artificially created vault.
Felsenkeller Eingang Ebnether Keller.jpg
man_made charge_point node A device for charging electric vehicles.
Cs us tesla supercharger.png
man_made chiller node area industrial cooling construction with large diameter fans
Air Cooled Liquid Chiller.jpg
man_made chimney node 煙囪。
Schwerin Wuestmark Heizkraftwerk Schwerin-Sued.JPG
man_made clarifier node area A clarifier of a wastewater treatment plant.
Radevormwald - Klärwerk 11 ies.jpg
man_made clearcut area 皆伐地
Old Clear Cut - panoramio.jpg
man_made column node area A column used to support a structure or for decoration.
Pioneer Courthouse Square May 2008.jpg
man_made communications_tower node area 電波塔/通訊塔。
Communication tower-14.svg
Sender Blauen-2.jpg
man_made compass_rose node area A compass rose or wind rose.
man_made compressor node Industrial equipment used to compress a gas by reducing its volume.
man_made cooling way Industrial cooling facility.
Киев, градирня завода «Арсенал».jpg
man_made cooling_tower node area A cooling tower
Power station Westfalen. Cooling towers.jpg
man_made courtyard node area relation An area that is usually enclosed by walls or buildings.
Plazuela de la Cárcel, Sigüenza, España, 2015-12-28, DD 142.JPG
man_made crane node area 橋式起重機,常見於港口。
Ladebruecke IMGP2656 wp.jpg
man_made cross node 十字架。
Heimgarten Gipfelkreuz.jpg
man_made cutline way 森林地界/防火道。
Rendering-man made cutline.png
man_made dolphin node area A marine structure for berthing and mooring of vessels.
Dalben aus Holz Suederelbe.jpg
man_made dovecote node area 鴿籠。
man_made dyke way area 防波堤
Whitgift, dyke and Ouse.jpg
man_made embankment way 乘載公路、鐵路與運河以橫越低地/濕地的土堤/路堤。
Railway embankment.jpg
man_made flagpole node 旗桿。
Genova-Quarto dei Mille.JPG
man_made flare node A tower constructed to burn off excess gas.
Kimanis Sabah SOGT-Kimanis-02.jpg
man_made footwear_decontamination node area A facility to decontaminate footwear for hikers.
Waipoua Forest, North Island, New Zealand -kauri dieback disease prevention-21March2011.jpg
man_made frost_fan node A device to stop frosts from damaging crops.
Frost prevention fan for Ōmi tea.jpg
man_made fuel_pump node A fuel pump (petrol pump, gas pump)
Gasolinera Statoil, Gniezno, Polonia, 2012-04-06, DD 01.JPG
man_made gantry node way An overhead structure across a major road usually for holding signs, often variable-message signs.
A 8 Dreieck Inntal (2009).jpg
man_made gas_well node area A natural gas well
man_made gasometer node area 煤氣鼓。
Gasometer in East London.jpg
man_made geoglyph node way area A large design or motif (generally longer than 4 metres) produced on the ground
Osmington White Horse 2013-09-05.jpg
man_made goods_conveyor way A conveyor system for transporting materials
Rendering-man made goods conveyor.png
Mannersdorf conveyor4.jpg
man_made groyne way area 突堤。海堤改用man_made=breakwater
Rendering-man made breakwater.png
man_made guard_stone node A guard stone: a stone built onto or into the corner of a building or wall to prevent carriages from damaging the structure, often found on either side of an entrance to a laneway, or alongside a wall to protect it.
man_made guy_wire way Guy wire designed to add stability to a freestanding structure.
Rendering-man made pier.png
man_made heap node area A large pile of material
San diego bay salt pile.jpg
man_made hongsalmun node A gate for entering a sacred place in Korea. The gate indicates entry to a sacred realm.
Hongsalmun(홍살문) of Illeung Royal Tomb (인능).jpg
man_made iljumun node area The first gate at the entrance to many Korean Buddhist temples
Korea-Gurye-Hwaeomsa 4934-06.JPG
man_made insect_hotel node A structure intended to provide shelter for insects.
Insect hotel - Parc de la Tête d'Or - DSC05221.jpg
man_made kiln node area 窯。
man_made lighthouse node 海上燈塔/浮標
Chania lighthouse A.jpg
man_made manhole node Hole with a cover that allows access to an underground service location, just large enough for a human to climb through.
man_made mast node 頂端架設天線的桅杆,例如行動電話基地台,通訊塔。
Mast general.svg
Mobile phone base station 2010 12 30 165211 PC304165.jpg
man_made maypole node area A tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk traditions to celebrate the beginning of summer.
2351 - München - Maibaum.JPG
man_made milk_churn_stand node area A current or former collection point for milk churns.
Milk Churn Stand, Wadenhoe - geograph.org.uk - 714481.jpg
man_made mineshaft node area 垂直豎井。
Hückelhoven Zeche Sophia-Jacoba Förderturm Schacht-3 0334.jpg
man_made monitoring_station node area 遠端遙控站/監測站。
An Air Quality Monitoring Station above the M42 - geograph.org.uk - 210181.jpg
man_made nesting_site node area A man made nesting aid that is mounted on a support device.
Cigonyes Alfaro.jpg
man_made obelisk node area Tall, narrow, four-sided, tapered monument which usually ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top.
Roma-obelisco in laterano.jpg
man_made observatory node area 天文台。
PVSO Dome.jpg
man_made offshore_platform node area 海上作業平台。
Oil platform.jpeg
man_made oil_gas_separator node Industrial equipment used to separate liquid and gaseous components (oil and gas) produced from a petroleum well.
Moonie Horizontal Oil and Gas Separator.JPG
man_made oxidation_ditch node area An oxidation ditch of a wastewater treatment plant.
Beckton STP, Activated Sludge Tank - geograph.org.uk - 1481906.jpg
man_made paifang node way area A traditional style of Chinese architectural arch or gateway structure.
man_made petroleum_well node 鑽油井。
Wellhead-dual completion.jpg
man_made pier way area 桟橋,埠頭。
Rendering-man made pier.png
Poland. Gmina Jedwabno. Narty Lake 001.JPG
man_made pipeline way 瓦斯(煤氣)、水或汽油管線。
man_made planter node area A structure for planting flowers or other ornamental plants.
Planter at Station Road, Ince.JPG
man_made pump node A device in charge of moving or raising the level of liquids.
Materieel op motorschip Margriet 02.jpg
man_made pumping_rig node way A pumping rig for producing oil. Use of this tag is discouraged. See man_made=petroleum_well instead.
Pumpjack 0154.jpg
man_made pumping_station node area Pumping station: a facility including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another
Pumpwerk Landungsbrücken.JPG
man_made quay way area A man-made structure alongside navigable water used for loading and unloading vessels.
Porthmadog harbour 1.jpg
man_made reservoir_covered node area 有蓋水庫,如香港的有蓋配水庫。
Diedrichshagen alter-Hochbehälter April-2009 SL272183.JPG
man_made satellite_dish node area A dish-shaped parabolic antenna designed to receive or transmit radio waves to or from a satellite
man_made silo node area 原料/穀物圓槽。
Storage tank-14.svg
Alcan silos and River Blyth - geograph.org.uk - 37856.jpg
man_made snow_fence way 用以降低雪崩機率的柵欄。
Verbauung Tanngrindel.JPG
man_made spoil_heap area Spoil heap, piles of waste rock removed during mining.
Coal waste pile west of Trevorton, Pennsylvania far shot 2.JPG
man_made spring_box node area A structure designed for protecting and catching groundwater from a natural spring.
man_made storage_tank node area 儲油或壓縮瓦斯(煤氣)的儲存槽。
Storage tank-14.svg
Gasometer in East London.jpg
man_made street_cabinet node area 變電箱、路燈配置箱、機電箱。
Street cabinet friendship.jpg
man_made stupa node area A Buddhist dome-shaped structure with a spire on top
Vishwa Shanti Stupa in Maharashtra.jpg
man_made surveillance node area 監視器/閉路電視鏡頭。
Three Surveillance cameras.jpg
man_made survey_point node 三角測量點/水準點/圖根點。詳見Wikipedia:zh:水準點
man_made tailings_pond area Tailings pond: A body of liquid or slurry used to store byproducts of mining operations
Bützflethermoor Rotschlammdeponie Luftaufnahmen 2012-05-by-RaBoe-478-1.jpg
man_made telescope node area 光學/電波望遠鏡
Telescope dish-14.svg
man_made torii node area The gate structure found at the entrance of Shinto shrines and (rarely) Japanese Buddhist temples.
Pentagonal kasagi.jpg
man_made tower node area 高塔。高塔種類配合tower:type=*標註。
Tower freestanding.svg
man_made threshing_floor node area An open air paved area created to thresh the grain harvest and then winnow it.
Eira junto a um Moinho de Vento, Santa Rosa, Calheta, ilha de São Jorge, Açores.JPG
man_made utility_pole node A single pole supporting elevation of any of various and unspecified public utilities, such as power transmission, lighting or telephony.
Wooden telecom suspension pole.jpeg
man_made ventilation_shaft node A vertical space in mines, tunnels, or buildings allowing stale air to leave the space underneath and/or fresh air to enter it.
Vent shaft.jpg
man_made video_wall node way A digital screen, typically constructed out of smaller LED panels.
Led wall on poles.jpg
man_made wastewater_plant node area 污水處理廠。
Hall Lane Sewage Farm - geograph.org.uk - 69284.jpg
man_made water_tap node area 水龍頭。
Water tap in Frejus.jpg
man_made water_tower node area 儲水塔。
Lanstroper Ei IMGP8117.jpg
man_made water_well node area 水井。
Gdów Water Well.jpg
man_made water_works node area 淨水廠。
Water treatment - geograph.org.uk - 231374.jpg
man_made watermill node area 傳統水車。
Belzig Springbachmuehle1.JPG
man_made wildlife_crossing way area 生態廊道。
man_made windmill node area 傳統風車。風力發電機請改用power=generator附加generator:source=wind
Willesbourgh Windmill, Ashford, Kent.jpg
man_made windpump node area A device that pumps natural gas or water using the wind, typically mass produced.
man_made works node area 製造工業產品的工廠。
man_made yes node way area General tag for man-made (artificial) structures.
man_made 使用者自訂 node way area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. 此表格由模版自動生成,協助改善中譯版本請按此

軍事設施 (military)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 地圖標註 (render) 照片 (photo)
military airfield node area 軍機起降場。
Dscf1158 600.jpg
military ammunition node area 軍用彈藥庫。另見 二戰時期的地堡
military barracks node area 軍事營區、宿舍
Oulu barracks Jul-Aug2008 001.jpg
military bunker node area 軍用碉堡
Dülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Munitionslager Visbeck, Bunker -- 2019 -- 6428.jpg
military checkpoint node 軍事營區人車管制哨口
Checkpoint Charlie
military danger_area node area 危險區域。通常用來標註地雷區、核汙染區域、前方戰線等。 Area=military=danger area.png
Edge of the Danger Area - geograph.org.uk - 1298659.jpg
military launchpad node way Launchpads used for military purposes, see tag:aeroway=launchpad for civilian use
V2 rocket.JPG
military naval_base node area 海軍基地
Kidd class vs Spruance class.jpg
military nuclear_explosion_site node area 核武器試驗場
Nuclear artillery test.jpg
military obstacle_course way area 軍用體能訓練場地。
US Navy 020423-N-6237W-001 SWAT team training.jpg
military office node area 軍事機構,例如:參謀本部、軍隊招募中心等
Army Careers Oxford 20051022.jpg
military range node area 軍用訓練場地
Bundeswehr shooting M16.jpg
military training_area area 軍用靶場、武器演習場地
Truppenuebungsplatz Warnschild.jpg
military trench node way 戰壕


Lancashire Fusiliers trench Beaumont Hamel 1916.jpg
military 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


自然物 (natural)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) Tag Usage[1] 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)


natural fell node area 高山/極地荒原。 No, see #545.
natural grassland area 天然草本植被。人工草皮改用landuse=grass,牧場改用landuse=meadow
Surface grass.jpg
natural heath node area 矮灌木林,以矮林、草本植物為主。
Lüneburger Heide 080.jpg
natural moor node area 沼澤、濕地。 currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Moorland - geograph.org.uk - 384704.jpg
natural scrub node area 灌木荒地。
Starr 010831-0015 Morella faya.jpg
natural shrubbery area An area of shrubbery that is actively maintained or pruned by humans. A slightly wilder look is also possible currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Holiday Inn Express, Taunton. Car park shrubbery. - geograph.org.uk - 1829844.jpg
natural tree node 單一顯著的樹。
natural tree_row way 單排顯著的樹。
Rendering-natural tree row-mapnik.png
Row of Poplar Trees - geograph.org.uk - 242206.jpg
natural tree_stump node A tree stump, the remains of a cut down or broken tree.
Tree stump1 30u06.JPG
natural tundra node area Habitat above tree line in alpine and subpolar regions, principally covered with uncultivated grass, low growing shrubs and mosses and sometimes grazed.
Croix de Fer- View to South-West.JPG
natural wood node area 非林業管理的天然林。人造林請改用landuse=forest
Biogradska suma.jpg


natural bay node area 河灣、海灣
Lowlandman's Bay, Jura - geograph.org.uk - 25388.jpg
natural beach node area 海灘。海水浴場請參見leisure=beach_resort
View from Highway 1, California 25.jpg
natural blowhole node area An opening to a sea cave which has grown landwards resulting in blasts of water from the opening due to the wave action
natural cape node 海岬、陸岬、海角
Provincetown Spit Cape Cod.jpg
natural coastline way 海岸線
natural crevasse way area A large crack in a glacier
natural geyser node 間歇泉
Strokkur, Iceland.jpg
natural glacier node area 冰河
Grosser Aletschgletscher 3196.JPG
natural hot_spring node 溫泉
Grand prismatic spring.jpg
natural isthmus node area A narrow strip of land, bordered by water on both sides and connecting two larger land masses.
Isthme de Langlade.jpg
natural mud node area 泥地。
Death 12 bg 082303.jpg
natural peninsula node area 半島
Shimabara Peninsula Japan SRTM.jpg
natural reef area 礁岩
Vanatinai, Louisiade Archipelago.jpg
natural shingle node area 礫石灘。
Scree render.png
Vorderrhein Mundaun.JPG
natural shoal node area An area of the sea floor near the sea surface (literally, becomes shallow) and exposed at low tide. See natural=sand as well.
natural spring node 湧泉
La Sorgue, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.JPG
natural strait node area 海峽是兩側陸地包圍的狹長水體
Rendering-natural strait.png
ISS054-E-53958 (Strait of Dover).jpg
natural water area 湖/池塘
Base layer water.png
Natural water.jpg
natural wetland area 濕地


natural arch node way area A rock arch naturally formed by erosion, with an opening underneath. currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Delicate Arch LaSalle.jpg
natural arete way 刃脊、瘦稜
Arête nord du Râteau.jpg
natural bare_rock area 裸岩。植物稀疏或沒有植被,使裸露的岩床清晰可見。
Bare rock.png
Coastal rock formation.jpg
natural natural=blockfield area A surface covered with boulders or block-sized rocks, usually the result of volcanic activity or associated with alpine and subpolar climates and ice ages.
Blockstrom Felsenmeer Odenwald 2006.jpg
natural cave_entrance node area 天然洞穴口。
natural cliff node way area 懸崖
Natural cliff-125.png
natural dune node way area A hill of sand formed by wind, covered with no or very little vegetation. See also natural=sand and natural=beach currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Ayres dunes, Isle of Man.jpg
natural earth_bank way Large erosion gully or steep earth bank
A gully (Budanova Gora) 1.jpg
natural fumarole node A fumarole is an opening in a planet's crust, which emits steam and gases
Námafjall in summer 2009 (2).jpg
natural gully way Small scale cut in relief created by water erosion
Gully in the Kharkov region.jpg
natural hill node A hill. currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Good binsey.jpg
natural peak node 山峰
natural ridge way 山脊、山稜
North Ridge of Mount Rohr.jpg
natural rock node area 岩地 currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Gainfarn froschstein.jpg
natural saddle node 鞍部、啞口
Saddle img.png
natural sand node area 沙地。
Kalabrien Ricadi Sandwellen 2129.jpg
natural scree node area 碎石坡/崩坍地。
Scree render.png
natural sinkhole node area 沉洞、天坑、滲穴 currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Rax doline.jpg
natural stone node 顯眼的單顆巨石 currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Big rock at saynatsalo.jpg
natural valley node way 谷地 currently not rendered by OSM Carto
natural volcano node 火山。
natural user defined node area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

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辦公室 (office)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)
office accountant node area 會計事務所
office advertising_agency node area 廣告、行銷公司
office architect node area 建築事務所
office association node area 非營利組織(如校友會、運動協會、汽車協會、自行車協會等)辦事處。
office charity node area 慈善機構,通常特指以公共利益或慈善為目的並登記在案的非營利組織之辦事處。
office company node area 一般公司行號的辦公場所,如未定義時得使用此通用標籤。
office consulting node area An office for a consulting firm, providing expert professional advice to other companies or organisations.
office cooperative node area An office of a cooperative (an autonomous association of persons or organizations).
office coworking node area 共享工作空間。
office diplomatic node area 大使館、領事館、外交辦事處
office educational_institution node area 教育機構
office employment_agency node area 就業機構/職業介紹所/人力銀行/人力仲介公司
office engineer node area An office of an engineer.
office energy_supplier node area 能源事業辦公處
office [[ Too many Data Items entities accessed. | estate_agent ]] node area 房地產仲介所/預售屋接待處。
office financial node area An office of a company in the financial sector.
office forestry node area 林業管理處
office foundation node area 基金會辦公處
office geodesist node area 土地調查機構
office government node area 中央或地方政府機關、辦公大樓。
office graphic_design node area An office for a graphic designer.
office guide node area 旅遊嚮導、登山嚮導、潛水嚮導機構。
office healthcare node area See healthcare=* for healthcare facilities, office=insurance or Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. for a healthcare company.
office insurance node area 保險公司辦公處
office it node area 資訊產業辦公處
office lawyer node area 律師事務所
office logistics node area 物流/貨運公司辦公處
office moving_company node area 搬家公司辦公處
office newspaper node area 報社
office ngo node area 非政府組織辦公處
office notary node area 公證機構
office parish node area See Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. below.
office political_party node area 政黨黨部或辦公處
office private_investigator node area 私家偵探/徵信社辦公處
office property_management node area 物業管理公司辦公場所
office publisher node area An office of a company which publishes books or music.
office quango node area 半官方機構辦公處。
常由政府主導成立、實際運作獨立於政府的機關。如香港:房協、旅發局、醫管局等; 台灣:工研院、資策會、交流協會(實質領館)等。
office realtor
node area 已廢止,請改用Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
office religion node area 宗教團體辦公處。
office research node area 研究機構辦公處。
office security node area An office for private security guards.
office surveyor node area 測量師事務所,(如:土地測量、建築測量、產業測量等)
office tax node area 政府財政、税務機關。
如:台灣:財政部國稅局/賦稅署、地方稅捐稽徵處等;香港:税務局、差餉物業估價署等;澳門:財政局等;新加坡:內陸稅務局 IRAS。
已停用,改用office=government + Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
office tax_advisor node area 專業税務代理人(税務士)辦公室。
office telecommunication node area 電信事業
office translator node area An office of a translator
office travel_agent node area 旅行社。
office union node area An office of a trade union, an association of workers forming a bargaining unit.
office visa node area 簽證代辦機構
office water_utility node area 自來水事業。
office yes node area Generic tag for unspecified office type.
office 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


地方 (Places)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 照片 (photo) Count


place country node 詳見boundary=administrative, Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
1-12 Political Color Map World.png
place state node area 詳見boundary=administrative, admin_level=*的變化,不適用於台灣。
Mapa Mexico 2010.PNG
place region node area 詳見boundary=administrative, admin_level=*的變化,可能不適用於台灣。對於「自然區域」應查找其它標籤。
place province node area 詳見boundary=administrative, admin_level=*的變化。「省」,其在台灣之編輯強烈參考 [行政區域]
place district node area 詳見boundary=administrative, admin_level=*的變化。「區」,其在台灣之編輯強烈參考 [行政區域]
place subdistrict node area See boundary=administrative, admin_level=* varies; may not be used in all countries.
place county node area 詳見boundary=administrative, admin_level=*的變化。「縣」,其在台灣之編輯強烈參考 [行政區域]
Iran Counties.svg
place municipality node area 詳見boundary=administrative, admin_level=*的變化,不適用於台灣。
Map of all City Municipalities in Slovenia.svg


place city node area 區域內最大的聚落,通常為政府或其他公正的事實所認定,大部分為人口至少有十萬且高於周圍鄉鎮。詳見Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.如何在城市中標註地名和鄰里。「市」,其在台灣之編輯強烈參考 [行政區域]
place borough node area 詳見boundary=administrative,依照各國,在較大都市的近郊所被集合在一起的行政單元,被稱為「區」(borough),使用「區」(borough)的標籤應避免和國家層級的區混淆。
Distritos Málaga.svg
place suburb node area 都市或城鎮內有明確和獨立的地名。像是:
  • 曾經是獨立的聚落,但因為都市擴張而併入。
  • 獨立的都會區但鄰近更大的鄉鎮或都市。
  • 歷史性的聚落或區域。
  • 聚落內擁有名稱的重劃區或工業區。
place quarter node area 被命名的較大聚落中之一部份,而這部份是小於suburb且大於neighbourhood,這並不需要是一個行政實體,quarter一詞的使用有時和neighourhood相同。
Place quarter.png
place neighbourhood node area 通常為Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.的一部分,但小於Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
place city_block node area 被命名的城市中的街區,可參考  City_block
City block.PNG
place plot node area 被命名的是一片土地,被某人所擁有。
Lot map.PNG


place town node area 區域內次級的聚落,通常擁有獨立的生活機能(學校、醫院和傳統市場等)。通常有萬人或以上,在低密度區域人口可能更少。詳見Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.如何在鄉鎮中標註地名和鄰里。
Bastrop Texas1.jpg
place village node area 小型且獨立的聚落,通常需要到鄰近的鄉鎮維持生活機能。在不同區域內的聚落人口數常有差異,但人口都不高於一萬。詳見Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.如何在聚落中標註鄰。
Hryniv, Pustomyty Raion (01).jpg
place hamlet node area 在郊外中通常只有一百多人的聚落。
Waldkirch Oberwil.jpg
place isolated_dwelling node area 在郊外用來標示只有幾間房舍的聚落。
An Isolated Dwelling - geograph.org.uk - 497860.jpg
place farm node area 標註明顯且獨立的農舍。詳見landuse=farmyard
St. Martin im Kofel Bauernhof.jpg
place allotments node area Dacha or cottage settlement, which is located outside other inhabited locality. This value is used mainly in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, where a lot of such unofficial settlements exist


place continent node area 世界七大洲,包含非洲、南極洲、亞洲、澳洲、歐洲、北美洲、和南美洲。
Continents vide couleurs blue.png
place archipelago relation 一個可以區分出是由一群小島或島所組成的地方。
place island area 一個可區分的海岸線的島(>1平方公里),Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.是用於非常小的島。
place islet node area 小於1平方公里的小島或礁。
L'Île au Dgèrdain Saint Brélade Jèrri 2004.jpg
place square node area 對一個在城鎮中的廣場([W] square) (英語是square、法語是place、德語是 Platz、義大利語是piazza、西班牙語是 plaza、俄語是 площадь)
Milano galleria piazza duomo.jpg
place locality node area 標示無人居的區域。
place polder node area
place sea node area A part of an ocean.
Envisat image over the Red Sea ESA209860.jpg
place ocean node area The world's five main major oceanic divisions.
Indian Ocean Tracetrack Topo.png
place User Defined node area All commonly used values according to Taginfo


population Number node area 標示一地方的的居民人數,更建議的是,人口數可以被用來決定在那一種地圖縮放尺度顯示字體大小。
World population density map.PNG
is_in Text node way area 選擇性的。用來描述界線層級的基本方式,例如: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.; name=Eccleshall; Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.

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電力 (power)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)
power cable way 地底/海底電纜(電力或通訊用途)。電纜種類得以Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.標註。
Power to the People - geograph.org.uk - 560240.jpg
power catenary_mast node A catenary mast supports system of overhead wires used to supply electricity to electricaly powered vehicle equipped with a pantograph.
Stahl-Oberleitungsmast Deutsche Bahn.jpg
power compensator node area 補償器,用以維持配電電壓與彈性。
Static VAR Compensator 2a.png
power connection node A freestanding electrical connection between two or more overhead wires
Dülmen, Umspannstation -- 2014 -- 0005.jpg
power converter node area 一次變電所。
Pole 2 Thyristor Valve.jpg
power generator node area 發電機組。發電機組種類得以generator:source=*Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.標註。
Area power.png
Eoliennes Gaspesie.jpg
power heliostat node 定日鏡,用於聚光太能熱發電。
power insulator node way 絕緣礙子。
Power insulator.png
power line way 高壓電線。
Power line.png
Electric transmission lines.jpg
line busbar way Specifies that a Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. is a busbar in a substation.
line bay way Specifies a Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. is a bay which connects an incoming circuit to a busbar assembly.
power minor_line way 低壓電線。
Power minor line.png
power plant area relation 電廠。
電廠內的獨立發電機組應標記為 power=generator。
Area power.png
Huntly Power Station.JPG
power pole node 電線杆。
Power pole.svg
power portal nodeway Power supporting structure composed of vertical legs with cables between them attached to a horizontal crossarm
Power substation portal.jpg
power substation node area A tag for electricity substations. These provide voltage step-up/step-down, switching, conditioning, etc. Substations may be large facilities (up to several acres) for very high voltage transmission lines or just small buildings or kiosks near the street for low voltage distribution lines. Useful combinations: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.,substation=* and Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., see the feature page for details.
Area power.png
Legacy National Grid Substation - geograph.org.uk - 39134.jpg
power switch node 變電箱。
French overhead power switch pole.jpg
power switchgear area The switchgear comprises one or more busbar assemblies and a number of bays each connecting a circuit to the busbar assembly.
Kernkraftwerk Grafenrheinfeld 14.jpg
power terminal node Point of connection between overhead power lines to buildings or walls
power tower node 高壓電塔,普通的電力傳輸請使用Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Power-tower mapnik.png
Benkid77 Puddington-Shotwick footpath 24 110809.JPG
power transformer node A static device for transferring electric energy by inductive coupling between its windings. Large power transformers are typically located inside substations.
Trafostation Alter Hellweg IMGP4722.jpg
power 使用者自訂 node way area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

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大眾運輸(Public Transport)

有關大眾運輸的功能。詳見Public transport取得更多資訊。

關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 元素 (element) 敘述 (desc) 圖例 (render) 照片 (photo)
public_transport stop_position node 公車停靠站、鐵路招呼站。
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
public_transport platform node way area 月台。
Bus platform.png
Bayview trstwy.jpg
public_transport station node area 公車轉運站、鐵路車站。
Manchester Piccadilly Bus Station.jpg
public_transport stop_area relation 各類大眾運輸(如鐵路、地鐵、單軌電車、公車、電車、纜車、渡輪)車站用地。
Mf Relation.svg
public_transport 使用者自訂 node area Taginfo查詢常用標籤值

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  1. Does not include uses in semi-colon value separated lists