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Public-images-osm logo.svg gtfs:feed
Used in public transportation mapping in situations where the GFTS data source (feed) is not from the operator or network. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: public transport
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
Useful combination
See also
Status: deprecatedPage for proposal

The key gtfs:feed=* was used in public transportation tagging in situations where the GTFS data source (feed) is not provided by the operator=* nor the network=* and therefore operator:guid=* and network:guid=* are inappropriate.

The key has been deprecated in favour of adding its value as a suffix to the keys of other GTFS tags, to be able to reference objects of multiple feeds. However, in practice gtfs:feed=* is still widely used as the preferred method.

For example, the combination gtfs:feed=NL-OVApi + gtfs:stop_code=nm becomes gtfs:stop_code:NL-OVApi=nm.

PTNA needs it to find the corresponding feed if gtfs:route_id=* is present on a public transport relation type=route_master or if one of gtfs:route_id=*, gtfs:shape_id=*, gtfs:trip_id:sample=* or gtfs:trip_id=* is present on a public transport relation type=route. Order of evaluation: gtfs:feed=*, operator:guid=*, network:guid=* if one of them is not set.

Value Syntax

The Syntax is the same as operator:guid=* and network:guid=* and follows the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 on Wikipedia codes, with some exceptions.

