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Public-images-osm logo.svg demolished:building
Recently demolished building.jpg
Recently demolished building. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: lifecycle
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: de facto

This key is using the lifecycle prefix demolished:*=* for tagging buildings that have been demolished, sometimes without any traces left.

OSM is for features existing on the ground. This tag, however, is useful for preventing other mappers from inadvertently remapping demolished features that are still visible in some types of aerial/satellite imagery currently available in editors or other sources that can be used for mapping.

It must not be used for buildings gone and unlikely to be mapped by accident. Such objects should not be mapped and deleted if mapped. OpenStreetMap is mapping current state of the world, not its past.

Projects for mapping nonexisting buildings

For mapping buildings that were demolished a long time ago and for archiving demolished buildings, please see and use OpenHistoricalMap instead.

Similar tags

Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!
If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!
If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!