Brussels-Capital Region

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The Brussels-Capital Region (Bruxelles - Brussel), Belgium

latitude: 50.8387, longitude: 4.3629
Browse map of the Brussels-Capital Region 50°50′19.32″ N, 4°21′46.44″ E
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Use this template for your locality

The Brussels-Capital Region (Bruxelles - Brussel) is a region in Belgium at latitude 50°50′19.32″ North, longitude 4°21′46.44″ East.


Brussels (Bruxelles in French or Brussel in Dutch) is officially a bilingual region. Name of streets, places, government offices must be written in both languages (conventionally "fr - nl" for computer-processability purposes), with a proper separator (" - ", i.e. space hyphen space) and by adding one-language names in name:fr=* and name:nl=*. (Discussions from 2008 about tagging standards can be found here: Belgium project discussion page.)

As a consequence, any name having the " - " separator should be assumed to be a multilingual name. If this is not the case, e.g. a college named "RITCS – Campus Dansaert" you can use the "en dash" sign (U+2013) instead of the hyphen: the name will show up normally on the map and Nominatim searches will find it correctly when people type a hyphen.

Streets that span over several municipalities

Naming streets properly can be tricky near administrative borders. Each municipality will choose how the street is officially named and ground truth (street signs) always prevails. The following issues are to be considered:

  • Some long streets which span over several municipalities have a different spelling (Ridderschapslaan in the City of Brussels becomes Ridderschaplaan in Etterbeek and the border is in the middle of the road; Notelaarsstraat in the City of Brussels is written Notelaarstraat in Schaerbeek) or a different way to write the same thing (Waversesteenweg becomes Steenweg op Waver; Waterloosteenweg becomes Steenweg op Waterloo and at the next border becomes Waterloosesteenweg). Most of those variations are for the Dutch name, while the French name stays the same for each municipality.
  • Some streets are on the border between Brussels (bilingual) and Flanders (only Dutch).

We have a page with the inventory of those streets, and tagging instructions about how to deal with them: Street Name Variations in Brussels

associatedStreet relations are grouped per municipality, with a single postcode and a single spelling of the street name. Needless to say, most Q/A tools are unaware of those Belgian curiosities and will flag potential tagging errors: Osmose will raise a false positive warning about similar names.


Colour and symbol legend

The status of each map region is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a colour, which indicates the completeness of that feature in a map region.


The status is displayed using a template Template:State

progress - 1/2/3/4/NA

Meaning of symbols

  • State Labelled.svg - Street names are labelled. This means that the map can be used to find an address - Key: l
  • State Housenumbers.svg - All housenumbers are present - Key: h
  • State Foot.svg - All footways are present - Key: fo
  • State Wheelchair.svg - All wheelchair access is present - Key: d
  • State Bike.svg - All cycleways, and field and forest roads suitable for bicycles are present - Key: b
  • State Car.svg - Roads for car traffic are present. One way streets and pedestrian streets are present. This means that the map can be used for car navigation - Key: c
  • State Transport.svg - All public transports are present (including name of the bus stop/station names) - Key: tr
    • State Stop.svg - All stop/station/harbour names are present - Key: ha
    • State Bus.svg - All bus lines are present (including name of the bus stop names) - Key: bu
    • State Trolleybus.svg - All trolley/guided bus lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: ty
    • State Tram.svg - All tram lines are present (including name of the tram station names) - Key: tm
    • State Train.svg - All fast railway lines transports are present (including name of the train station names) - Key: tn
      • State U-Bahn.svg - All U-Bahn (subway in Germany) lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: u
      • State S-Bahn.svg - All S-Bahn (regional commuter train in Germany) lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: s
      • State Steamtrain.svg - All steam railway lines transports are present (including name of the train station names) - Key: st
    • State Ship.svg - All ship lines are present (including name of the harbour station names) - Key: sh
  • State Public.svg - All public institutions are present (Churches, sports facilities, venues, schools, hospitals, city hall) - Key: p
    • State emergency.svg - All emergency services (hospitals...) are present - Key: em
  • State Fuel.svg - All petrol stations are present - Key: fu
  • State Restaurant.svg - All restaurants and hotels are present - Key: r
  • State Tourist.svg - All tourist attractions are present - Key: t
  • State Nature.svg - All natural resources are mapped (e.g Water, Lakes and Woodland) - Key: n

Meaning of colours

Background colour Meaning Use for navigation To do value
State .svg The map needs checking, status unknown Availability unknown Please check (None)
State 0.svg The map contains no or little data Not to be used Please complete 0
State 1.svg The map contains partial data Limited usability Please complete 1
State 2.svg The map is largely complete (please describe missing data) Use with restrictions Please complete (missing data, streets etc.) 2
State 3.svg The map is complete (in the opinion of a mapper) Suitable for use Please check and correct any errors 3
State 4.svg The map is complete (verified by 2 mappers) ; please indicate Date when checked) Suitable for use Please update as needed 4
State X.svg This attribute does not exist in the mapped area (e.g. no petrol stations) Suitable for use Please update as needed X
The English translation is Editable here.



This article or section may contain out-of-date information. The information may no longer be correct, or may no longer have relevance.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)
Municipality name (French) Municipality name (Dutch) Inhabitants Area Status Remarks Mapped/Checked by (user and date)
Anderlecht Anderlecht 97 601 58254 (i J)
Auderghem Oudergem 29 681 58263 (i J) Car (1/4)Labelled (1/4)Housenumbers (1/4)
Berchem-Sainte-Agathe Sint-Agatha-Berchem 20 431 60140 (i J)
Bruxelles-Ville Stad Brussel 145 917 58274 (i J)
Etterbeek Etterbeek 42 342 58252 (i J) Car (3/4)Labelled (3/4)Housenumbers (3/4)Bike (3/4)Foot (3/4)Transport (3/4)Public (3/4)Fuel (3/4)Restaurant (1/4)Tourist (3/4)Nature (3/4) Check Etterbeek to see a more complete status
Evere Evere 34 128 60144 (i J)
Forest Vorst 48 284 58249 (i J)
Ganshoren Ganshoren 21 395 58257 (i J)
Ixelles Elsene 78 088 58250 (i J) Car (1/4)Labelled (1/4)Housenumbers (1/4)
Jette Jette 43 564 58258 (i J)
Koekelberg Koekelberg 18 541 58256 (i J)
Molenbeek-Saint-Jean Sint-Jans-Molenbeek 81 632 58255 (i J)
Saint-Gilles Sint-Gillis 44 767 58248 (i J) Car (2/4)Labelled (3/4)Bike (1/4)Foot (1/4)Transport (1/4)Public (1/4)Fuel (1/4)Restaurant (1/4)Tourist (1/4)Nature (1/4)
Saint-Josse-ten-Noode Sint-Joost-ten-Node 23 785 58262 (i J)
Schaerbeek Schaarbeek 113 493 58260 (i J)
Uccle Ukkel 76 576 58253 (i J) Car (1/4)Labelled (1/4)Housenumbers (1/4)
Watermael-Boitsfort Watermaal-Bosvoorde 24 121 58264 (i J)
Woluwe-Saint-Lambert Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe 48 315 60167 (i J)
Woluwe-Saint-Pierre Sint-Pieters-Woluwe 38 554 60168 (i J)

Source for inhabitant data w:List of municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region

Data sources


The open license allow us to import data from urbis, see Brussels Capital Region/Open Data.

Buildings and addresses were imported back in 2012-2013. Since 2022, you can update the buildings with the Belgian building import tool. We also use URBIS data to keep track of changes in the road network with the Road Completion project.

Rendering of past versions of the map