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Public-images-osm logo.svg trees
Blueberry rows in Finland.jpg
Refinement for fruit trees and shrubs in orchards. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: properties
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 19
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

This key trees=* is used as refinement for fruit trees, shrubs or plants in a landuse=orchard.


As we are mapping what is on the ground, the value should be the name of the trees and not of the production. E.g.,



Below is a list of some possible species. Before adding a value, you should propose it on the talk page.

Note that the plural is used, usually on the form NNN_trees, NNN_palms or NNN_plants.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
Tropical areas
trees banana_plants node  banana plant Banana three in Réunion.jpg
trees cacao_trees node  cacao (chocolate) trees Matadecacao.jpg
trees cashew_trees node  cashew trees Anacardium occidentale - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-010.jpg
trees coconut_palms node  coconut tree Cocos nucifera crown.jpg
trees coffea_plants node  coffee plant Coffea racemosa00.jpg
trees durian_trees node  durian tree
trees guava_trees node  guava tree
trees jabuticaba_trees node  jabuticaba tree
trees longan_trees node  longan tree
trees mango_trees node  mango tree
trees oil_palms node  oil palms Oilpalm malaysia.jpg
trees papaya_trees node  papaya tree Papaya tree DRC.jpg
trees pineapple_plants node  pineapple plant Del Monte Pineapple field at Camp Philips, Bukidnon, Philippines 03.jpg
trees rambutan_trees node  rambutan tree Rambutan masak didahan.JPG
trees rubber_trees node  rubber trees Hevea brasiliensis - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-071.jpg
trees soursop_trees node  soursop tree Annona muricata 1.jpg
trees tamarind_trees node  tamarind tree Tamarindus indica, leaves, pod.jpg
Subtropical areas
trees agave_plants node  agave plant - but trees=tequila_agave is more common
trees avocado_trees node  avocado tree
trees cherimoya_trees node  cherimoya tree
trees date_palms node  date palm Phoenix dactylifera1.jpg
trees fig_trees node  fig tree
trees jujube_trees node  Jujube tree
trees lemon_trees node  lemon tree
trees lychee_trees node  lychee tree
trees macadamia_trees node  macadamia tree
trees mandarin_trees node  mandarin tree
trees yerba_mate_plants node  Yerba mate plant
trees olive_trees node  olive tree Olivares de la campiña estepeña.jpg
trees orange_trees node  orange tree Orange tree proposal.PNG Florida orange grove.JPG
trees pitaya_plants node  pitaya plant
trees pomegranate_trees node  pomegranate tree
trees sapodilla_trees node  sapodilla tree
trees tea_plants node  tea plant Cameron Highland Tea Plantation 2012.JPG
Temperate areas
trees almond_trees node  almond tree Ametllesjuliol.jpg
trees apple_trees node  apple tree Apple trees.png Purple prince crabapple tree.JPG
trees apricot_trees node  apricot tree Apricot and cross section.jpg
trees blackberry node  blackberry Wild Blackberries.jpg
trees blueberry_plants node  blueberry bushes PattsBlueberries.jpg
trees cherry_trees node  cherry tree Cherry trees.png Cherry orchard - - 4704.jpg
trees chestnut_trees node  chestnut tree Chestnuts02.jpg
trees hop_plants node  hop plants see also crop=hop + landuse=farmland Hopfengarten.jpg
trees hazel_plants node  hazel plant Hazelnut trees.png Corylus avellana 0001.JPG
trees mulberry_trees node  mulberry Morus alba FrJPG.jpg
trees peach_trees node  peach tree Illustration Prunus persica0.jpg
trees pear_trees node  pear tree Pears.jpg
trees pecan_trees node  pecan tree Carya illinoinensis.jpg
trees persimmon_trees node  persimmon tree Persimmons yamagata 2005-10.JPG
trees pistachio_trees node  pistachio tree Pistacchio di Bronte.jpg
trees plum_trees node  plum tree Prunus domestica, Agde 01.jpg
trees raspberry node  raspberry Malina.jpg
trees sand_pear node  nashi or sand pear Nashi pear.jpg
trees walnut_trees node  walnut tree Noyer centenaire en automne.JPG

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Note: while raspberries, blueberries and blackberries are mapped with this key, strawberry plants should be mapped using crop=strawberry.

See also