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Tagging guidelines for Saskatchewan


Highways and provincial roads

Highway/road classification is intended to give the map viewer some idea of how quickly and/or easily a road will get him/her from one place to another. Necessarily, this is sometimes somewhat of a subjective call. However, to encourage consistency, we need a starting point and some clear criteria. Just be aware there are times a road doesn't clearly fit one or another classification. In these cases we rely on the mapper who has hopefully driven the road to make a judgment call.

  • Motorway: Numbered interprovincial highways (e.g. highways that get you to the next province or state such as 1, 16), where twinned/divided.
  • Trunk: Numbered interprovincial highways (e.g. highways 1, 7, 16), where not twinned/divided. Twinned highways that continue into or through a city with a speed limit of 90km/h or more, and with no traffic restrictions (roundabouts, traffic lights, yield or stop signs) may be marked as Trunk. Trunk or Motorway highways within cities that don't meet these requirements should be tagged as Primary.
  • Primary: Provincial highways (numbers 1-39 and 41, not including those already classified as trunk. Generally, these are class 1 roads drawn in red on the rural road class PDF above.). Major twinned provincial highways can be promoted to trunk. Really major twinned highways between two large cities can be promoted to Motorway. (e.g. highway 11 between Saskatoon and Regina or highway 2 between Calgary and Edmonton) Un-twinned provincial highways should remain primary. All primary or higher highway routes through cities should be tagged as Primary.
  • Secondary: Some provincial roads (generally numbers 40, 42-59; Green or blue on rural road class PDF above)
Main routes through cities that are dual-carriageway with speed limits typically 60km/h or above even if they are not a highway route through the city.
  • Tertiary: All other provincial roads (generally numbers above 100; Orange or pink on rural road class PDF)
Also use "tertiary" for township roads, concession roads, and regional roads.
Use tertiary for dominant roads in suburban areas. (ex. for the residential road that is wider than others and leads to the traffic signal to leave the neighbourhood.)

All highways should have ref tags added indicating the highway/road number. Those that are named (e.g. the Trans-Canada highway, the Yellowhead, the Perimeter) should also have name tags.

  • Residential

Mark residential roads as residential. Consider promotion to tertiary were applicable.

  • Unclassified

Mark normal roads in non-residential areas as unclassified.

Also use for grid roads. In Saskatchewan, grid roads are north/south or east/west roads spaced at 1 mile (1.6km) intervals. See:

  • Service

Use for roads that provide access to businesses and for alleys.

Highways and Provincial roads - UPDATED 2013

The highways and provincial roads section needs updating. I'm working on a new standard. If you wish to join in this process, please join the Google+ group called "OpenStreetMap Saskatachewan" --Keypunch (talk) 16:45, 17 February 2014 (UTC)