Talk:Costa Rica

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I suggest using "CN 123" (with blank) instead of "CN-123"

I will suggest that instead of adding "CN" or "CI", just add the number in the key="ref" tag. I don't think there is an intersection where a CI 1 is different of CN 1, that is, there is only one National Route 1, 27, 126, and so on. The render looks cleaner with only the number.

SNIT data

On the SNIT website you can find a lot of interesting data that can be downloaded via the WFS service ( for example here for data on place names: We have access to metadata which say (for example "Restricciones de acceso *: copyright Restricciones de Uso * : copyright Otras restricciones : Su uso tendrá carácter libre y gratuito, siempre que se mencione el origen y propiedad de los datos."

the same is indicated for orthophotos.

Is this data usable for osm?

For other data "Otras restricciones" is different, for example here for boundaries and landuses: "Restricciones de acceso *: copyright Restricciones de Uso * : copyright Otras restricciones : En caso de consulta, siempre se deberá mencionar el origen y propiedad de los datos."

Same question, data usable or not?

@Olyon: I think it is usable and has already been used plenty of times as there are many, many comments referring to SNIT data as the source, but not specifically which dataset. --Rquesada (talk) 14:44, 28 August 2020 (UTC)