Brazil/SE/Rodovias Estaduais

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Legenda dos símbolos e cores

O estado do mapeamento das estradas é indicado por um símbolo e uma cor. O símbolo descreve um atributo e a cor mostra em que grau o mapeamento está completo.

Significado dos símbolos

  • State Car.svg - A rodovia está mapeada em sua totalidade. (highway::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=motorway;)- Chave: c
  • State Exit.svg - Todas as ligações de entrada e saída existem. (highway::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=motorway_link;) - Chave: ex
  • State Rest.svg - Todos os serviços associados à rodovia estão presentes (ex.: postos de gasolina, restaurantes, etc). - Chave: se
  • State Exitnr.svg - Todos acessos/saídas da rodovia estão identificados por nome ou número. (highway::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=motorway_junction;, ref::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=* e name::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=* sobre a saída nó) - Chave: ju
  • State Lanes.svg - As informações sobre o número de faixas estão concluídas.(lanes::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=*) - Chave: ln
  • State Speed.svg - Os limites de velocidade estão registrados. (maxspeed::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=*) - Chave: sp
  • State TMC.svg - Informação do "Traffic Message Channel" marcado. (TMC::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=*) - Chave: tm
  • State Relation.svg - A rodovia está ligada a uma relação. (do tipo type::[[Pt:Key:|]]:[[Pt:Key:|]]=route;) - Chave: rl

Significado das cores

Cor de fundo Significado Uso para navegação Coisas a fazer Valor
unknown Estado do mapa desconhecido Usabilidade desconhecida Verificar o estado do mapa (nenhum)
no or little data Mapa vazio ou quase sem dados Não deve ser usado Iniciar o mapa 0
partial data Mapa contém dados parciais Usabilidade limitada Completar o mapa 1
largely complete Mapa quase completo Usar com restrições Completar o que falta da rodovia (atributos, nomes, etc.) 2
complete Mapa completo (na opinião de um mapeador) Adequado para uso Conferir e corrigir eventuais erros 3
complete and verified Mapa completo (verificado por dois mapeadores); indicar data de verificação. Adequado para uso Atualizar conforme necessário 4
not existing A característica não existe na rodovia (ex: não há postos de combustível). Adequado para uso Atualizar conforme necessário X

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

A tradução para o português é editável aqui.

Rodovias Estaduais

Nome Cidades Status Relação Usuário
SE-050 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-050 boneco
SE-065 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-065 boneco
SE-100 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-100 boneco
SE-120 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-120 boneco
SE-160 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-160 boneco
SE-170 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-170 boneco
SE-175 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-175 boneco
SE-200 Canindé de São Francisco - Poço Redondo - Porto da Folha - Gararu - Nossa Senhora de Lourdes - Canhoba - Amparo de São Francisco - Telha - Propriá - Neópolis Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-200 boneco
SE-204 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-204 boneco
SE-220 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-220 boneco
SE-226 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-226 boneco
SE-230 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-230 boneco
SE-240 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-240 boneco
SE-270 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-270 boneco
SE-285 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-285 boneco
SE-290 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-290 boneco
SE-295 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-295 boneco
SE-303 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-303 boneco
SE-309 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-309 boneco
SE-310 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-310 boneco
SE-361 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-361 boneco
SE-368 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-368 boneco
SE-385 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-385 boneco
SE-434 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-434 boneco
SE-440 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-440 boneco
SE-477 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-477 boneco
SE-488 Car (0/4)Exit (0/4)Service Station (0/4)Exit Number (X/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed (0/4)Routing (0/4)Relation (0/4) relation SE-488 boneco

Ver tambem

Rodovias Estaduais no Brasil [edit]

Acre - Alagoas - Amapá - Amazonas - Bahia - Ceará - Distrito Federal - Espírito Santo - Goiás - Maranhão - Mato Grosso - Mato Grosso do Sul - Minas Gerais - Pará - Paraíba - Paraná - Pernambuco - Piauí - Rio de Janeiro - Rio Grande do Norte - Rio Grande do Sul - Rondônia - Roraima - Santa Catarina - São Paulo - Sergipe - Tocantins