Category:Translate to Lithuanian

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List of pages which should be translated to Lithuanian.

Notice: Please don't forget to remove "Category:Translate_to_Lithuanian" or "{{Translate to Lithuanian}}" from source page (mostly English page) after finishing translation.


Decision tree (1362179) - The Noun Project.svg

This category is automatically populated with pages that include one of the following templates: Template:Translate to Lithuanian. You can use this category manually, but most uses should be via application of the indicated template.

Update (89616) - The Noun Project.svg

This maintenance category may be occasionally empty. The empty category should not be deleted however, because it is needed for maintenance.

Artworkbean broom.svg
Noun project photo icon 690571 cc.svg

This category is not shown by default on its member pages. edit

Pages in category "Translate to Lithuanian"

This category contains only the following page.