Contours for Iceland

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Since the SRTM dataset which is commonly used for OSM "sideprojects" isn't available for Iceland, this page will try to list other sources of contours. Please note that the datasets can be non-free, so do not try to upload the data to the OSM server!


This dataset can be found at the USGS homepage, [1].

This dataset limited to Iceland and in .osm format can be found here, [2].

DEM3 from Viewfinderpanoramas

This dataset can be found at the Viewfinderpanoramas homepage, [3].

To convert it to .osm format you will need the Srtm2osm tool and its dependencies.

  1. Grab the Srtm2osm tool and unzip it (NOTE: You may need mono or Microsoft .NET 2.0 also, more information avaiblable here Srtm2osm).
  2. Grab the zip file containg the .hgt files for Iceland on Viewfinderpanoramas homepage, [4].
  3. Open the folder containing the Srtm2osm tool and create two subfolders /srtm/SrtmCache.
  4. Unzip the zip file containg the contours to the SrtmCache folder so that every .hgt file lies directly in that folder.
  5. If you are running linux run this command from the Srtm2osm source folder.
mono Srtm2Osm.exe -bounds1 66.58591 -11.14773 62.52818 -25.31413  -cat 400 100 -step 50 -large -corrxy 0.0005 0.0006 -o iceland.osm

or on Windows

Srtm2Osm.exe -bounds1 66.58591 -11.14773 62.52818 -25.31413  -cat 400 100 -step 50 -large -corrxy 0.0005 0.0006 -o iceland.osm

This will result in around 500MB .osm file, if you ommit the -step 50 option it will result in a 1Gb .osm file with a higher resolution.


Available on GeoTIFF format, you may need to register to download them, [5].