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Copenhagen, Denmark

latitude: 55.68, longitude: 12.59
Browse map of Copenhagen 55°40′48.00″ N, 12°35′24.00″ E
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Copenhagen is a city in Denmark at latitude 55°40′48.00″ North, longitude 12°35′24.00″ East.

OSM-Copenhagen - June17 2006 - Small.png

Night of the living maps (07.02. ) a global mapping sprint starting at 20:00 local time
Notlm logo.svg Where: Magenta ApS, Studiestræde 14,1 1455 København K
When: 17:00
Sign up at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=da&formkey=dHN6dkFvMGl1YW1qczBCMkxUektXb1E6MQ#gid=0

Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup


OSM Mini-Meeting

Tuesday 13 February 2007

Come and meet Steve Coast, founder of OSM, in a relaxed atmosphere.

  • Agenda : OSM talk, help and hints, Setup a Danish mapping party, etc etc

The start of the meeting got delayed about 30 minutes due to Steve and Nick's previous commitments in Copenhagen.

  • TODO - Fill in items talked about

See Also