Nominatim/Special Phrases/IA

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Word / Phrase Key Value Operator Plural
Aeroporto aeroway aerodrome - N
Aeroportos aeroway aerodrome - Y
Centro artistic amenity arts_centre - N
Centros artistic amenity arts_centre - Y
Cassa automatic amenity atm - N
Cassas automatic amenity atm - Y
Banca amenity bank - N
Bancas amenity bank - Y
Bar amenity bar - N
Bars amenity bar - Y
Banco amenity bench - N
Bancos amenity bench - Y
Stationamento pro bicyclettas amenity bicycle_parking - N
Stationamentos pro bicyclettas amenity bicycle_parking - Y
Location de bicyclettas amenity bicycle_rental - N
Locationes de bicyclettas amenity bicycle_rental - Y
Bordello amenity brothel - N
Bordellos amenity brothel - Y
Officio de cambio amenity bureau_de_change - N
Officios de cambio amenity bureau_de_change - Y
Station de autobus amenity bus_station - N
Stationes de autobus amenity bus_station - Y
Café amenity cafe - N
Cafés amenity cafe - Y
Location de automobiles amenity car_rental - N
Locationes de automobiles amenity car_rental - Y
Repartition de autos amenity car_sharing - N
Repartitiones de autos amenity car_sharing - Y
Lavage de automobiles amenity car_wash - N
Lavages de automobiles amenity car_wash - Y
Casino amenity casino - N
Casinos amenity casino - Y
Cinema amenity cinema - N
Cinemas amenity cinema - Y
Clinica amenity clinic - N
Clinicas amenity clinic - Y
Schola superior amenity college - N
Scholas superior amenity college - Y
Centro communitari amenity community_centre - N
Centros communitari amenity community_centre - Y
Tribunal amenity courthouse - N
Tribunales amenity courthouse - Y
Crematorio amenity crematorium - N
Crematorios amenity crematorium - Y
Dentista amenity dentist - N
Dentistas amenity dentist - Y
Medico amenity doctors - N
Medicos amenity doctors - Y
Aqua potabile amenity drinking_water - N
Aquas potabile amenity drinking_water - Y
Autoschola amenity driving_school - N
Autoscholas amenity driving_school - Y
Ambassada amenity embassy - N
Ambassadas amenity embassy - Y
Telephono de emergentia amenity emergency_phone - N
Telephonos de emergentia amenity emergency_phone - Y
Fast food amenity fast_food - N
Fast food amenity fast_food - Y
Terminal de ferry amenity ferry_terminal - N
Terminales de ferry amenity ferry_terminal - Y
Hydrante de incendio emergency fire_hydrant - N
Hydrantes de incendio emergency fire_hydrant - Y
Caserna de pumperos amenity fire_station - N
Casernas de pumperos amenity fire_station - Y
Fontana amenity fountain - N
Fontanas amenity fountain - Y
Carburante amenity fuel - N
Carburantes amenity fuel - Y
Cemeterio amenity grave_yard - N
Cemeterios amenity grave_yard - Y
Centro de fitness / Gymnasio amenity gym - N
Centros de fitness / Gymnasios amenity gym - Y
Hospital amenity hospital - N
Hospitales amenity hospital - Y
Posto de chassa amenity hunting_stand - N
Postos de chassa amenity hunting_stand - Y
Gelato amenity ice_cream - N
Gelatos amenity ice_cream - Y
Schola pro juvene infantes amenity kindergarten - N
Scholas pro juvene infantes amenity kindergarten - Y
Bibliotheca amenity library - N
Bibliothecas amenity library - Y
Club nocturne amenity nightclub - N
Clubs nocturne amenity nightclub - Y
Casa de convalescentia amenity nursing_home - N
Casas de convalescentia amenity nursing_home - Y
Pharmacia amenity pharmacy - N
Pharmacias amenity pharmacy - Y
Loco de adoration amenity place_of_worship - N
Locos de adoration amenity place_of_worship - Y
Policia amenity police - N
Policias amenity police - Y
Cassa postal amenity post_box - N
Cassas postal amenity post_box - Y
Officio postal amenity post_office - N
Officios postal amenity post_office - Y
Prision amenity prison - N
Prisiones amenity prison - Y
Taverna amenity pub - N
Tavernas amenity pub - Y
Edificio public amenity public_building - N
Edificios public amenity public_building - Y
Puncto de recyclage amenity recycling - N
Punctos de recyclage amenity recycling - Y
Restaurante amenity restaurant - N
Restaurantes amenity restaurant - Y
Residentia pro vetere personas amenity retirement_home - N
Residentias pro vetere personas amenity retirement_home - Y
Sauna amenity sauna - N
Saunas amenity sauna - Y
Schola amenity school - N
Scholas amenity school - Y
Refugio amenity shelter - N
Refugios amenity shelter - Y
Appartamento de un camera amenity studio - N
Appartamentos de un camera amenity studio - Y
Taxi amenity taxi - N
Taxis amenity taxi - Y
Telephono public amenity telephone - N
Telephonos public amenity telephone - Y
Theatro amenity theatre - N
Theatros amenity theatre - Y
Toilette amenity toilets - N
Toilettes amenity toilets - Y
Casa municipal amenity townhall - N
Casas municipal amenity townhall - Y
Universitate amenity university - N
Universitates amenity university - Y
Distributor automatic amenity vending_machine - N
Distributores automatic amenity vending_machine - Y
Clinica veterinari amenity veterinary - N
Clinicas veterinari amenity veterinary - Y
Corbe a papiro amenity waste_basket - N
Corbes a papiro amenity waste_basket - Y
Limite administrative boundary administrative - N
Limites administrative boundary administrative - Y
Bloco de appartamentos building apartments - N
Blocos de appartamentos building apartments - Y
Cappella building chapel - N
Cappellas building chapel - Y
Ecclesia building church - N
Ecclesias building church - Y
Casa municipal building city_hall - N
Casas municipal building city_hall - Y
Edificio commercial building commercial - N
Edificios commercial building commercial - Y
Entrata de edificio building entrance - N
Entratas de edificio building entrance - Y
Edificio de facultate building faculty - N
Edificios de facultate building faculty - Y
Edificio agricole building farm - N
Edificios agricole building farm - Y
Appartamento building flats - N
Appartamentos building flats - Y
Garage building garage - N
Garages building garage - Y
Edificio hospitalari building hospital - N
Edificios hospitalari building hospital - Y
Hotel building hotel - N
Hoteles building hotel - Y
Casa building house - N
Casas building house - Y
Edificio industrial building industrial - N
Edificios industrial building industrial - Y
Edificio public building public - N
Edificios public building public - Y
Magazin building retail - N
Magazines building retail - Y
Edificio de schola building school - N
Edificios de schola building school - Y
Stadio building stadium - N
Stadios building stadium - Y
Magazin building store - N
Magazines building store - Y
Terrassa building terrace - N
Terrassas building terrace - Y
Turre building tower - N
Turres building tower - Y
Station ferroviari building train_station - N
Stationes ferroviari building train_station - Y
Edificio de universitate building university - N
Edificios de universitate building university - Y
Edificio building "yes" - N
Edificios building "yes" - Y
Sentiero pro cavallos highway bridleway - N
Sentieros pro cavallos highway bridleway - Y
Via guidate de autobus highway bus_guideway - N
Vias guidate de autobus highway bus_guideway - Y
Halto de autobus highway bus_stop - N
Haltos de autobus highway bus_stop - Y
Via minor highway byway - N
Vias minor highway byway - Y
Strata in construction highway construction - N
Stratas in construction highway construction - Y
Pista cyclabile highway cycleway - N
Pistas cyclabile highway cycleway - Y
Marcator de distantia highway distance_marker - N
Marcatores de distantia highway distance_marker - Y
Puncto de accesso de emergentia highway emergency_access_point - N
Punctos de accesso de emergentia highway emergency_access_point - Y
Sentiero pro pedones highway footway - N
Sentieros pro pedones highway footway - Y
Vado highway ford - N
Vados highway ford - Y
Porta a cancello highway gate - N
Portas a cancello highway gate - Y
Strata residential highway living_street - N
Stratas residential highway living_street - Y
Via minor highway minor - N
Vias minor highway minor - Y
Autostrata highway motorway - N
Autostratas highway motorway - Y
Junction de autostrata highway motorway_junction - N
Junctiones de autostrata highway motorway_junction - Y
Via de communication a autostrata highway motorway_link - N
Vias de communication a autostrata highway motorway_link - Y
Sentiero highway path - N
Sentieros highway path - Y
Via pro pedones highway pedestrian - N
Vias pro pedones highway pedestrian - Y
Platteforma highway platform - N
Platteformas highway platform - Y
Via principal highway primary - N
Vias principal highway primary - Y
Via principal highway primary_link - N
Vias principal highway primary_link - Y
Circuito highway raceway - N
Circuitos highway raceway - Y
Residential highway residential - N
Residential highway residential - Y
Via highway road - N
Vias highway road - Y
Via secundari highway secondary - N
Vias secundari highway secondary - Y
Via secundari highway secondary_link - N
Vias secundari highway secondary_link - Y
Via de servicio highway service - N
Vias de servicio highway service - Y
Servicio de autostrata highway services - N
Servicios de autostrata highway services - Y
Scalon highway steps - N
Scalones highway steps - Y
Scalon o apertura de passage highway stile - N
Scalones o aperturas de passage highway stile - Y
Via tertiari highway tertiary - N
Vias tertiari highway tertiary - Y
Pista highway track - N
Pistas highway track - Y
Pista highway trail - N
Pistas highway trail - Y
Via national highway trunk - N
Vias national highway trunk - Y
Via national highway trunk_link - N
Vias nationas highway trunk_link - Y
Via non classificate highway unclassified - N
Vias non classificate highway unclassified - Y
Cammino de terra highway unsurfaced - N
Camminos de terra highway unsurfaced - Y
Area commercial landuse commercial - N
Areas commercial landuse commercial - Y
Ferma landuse farm - N
Fermas landuse farm - Y
Area militar landuse military - N
Areas militar landuse military - Y
Loco de vacantias al plagia leisure beach_resort - N
Locos de vacantias al plagia leisure beach_resort - Y
Terreno commun leisure common - N
Terrenos commun leisure common - Y
Area de pisca leisure fishing - N
Areas de pisca leisure fishing - Y
Jardin leisure garden - N
Jardines leisure garden - Y
Campo de golf leisure golf_course - N
Campos de golf leisure golf_course - Y
Patinatorio leisure ice_rink - N
Patinatorios leisure ice_rink - Y
Porto de yachts leisure marina - N
Portos de yachts leisure marina - Y
Minigolf leisure miniature_golf - N
Percursos de minigolf leisure miniature_golf - Y
Reserva natural leisure nature_reserve - N
Reservas natural leisure nature_reserve - Y
Parco leisure park - N
Parcos leisure park - Y
Campo sportive leisure pitch - N
Campos sportive leisure pitch - Y
Area de jocos leisure playground - N
Areas de jocos leisure playground - Y
Terreno de recreation leisure recreation_ground - N
Terrenos de recreation leisure recreation_ground - Y
Rampa de barca leisure slipway - N
Rampas de barca leisure slipway - Y
Centro sportive leisure sports_centre - N
Centros sportive leisure sports_centre - Y
Stadio leisure stadium - N
Stadios leisure stadium - Y
Piscina leisure swimming_pool - N
Piscinas leisure swimming_pool - Y
Pista de athletismo leisure track - N
Pistas de athletismo leisure track - Y
Parco aquatic leisure water_park - N
Parcos aquatic leisure water_park - Y
Baia natural bay - N
Baias natural bay - Y
Plagia natural beach - N
Plagias natural beach - Y
Capo natural cape - N
Capos natural cape - Y
Entrata de caverna natural cave_entrance - N
Entratas de caverna natural cave_entrance - Y
Precipitio natural cliff - N
Precipitios natural cliff - Y
Linea de costa natural coastline - N
Lineas de costa natural coastline - Y
Montania natural fell - N
Montanias natural fell - Y
Glaciero natural glacier - N
Glacieros natural glacier - Y
Landa natural heath - N
Landas natural heath - Y
Terra natural land - N
Terras natural land - Y
Palude natural marsh - N
Paludes natural marsh - Y
Landa natural moor - N
Landas natural moor - Y
Fango natural mud - N
Fangos natural mud - Y
Picco natural peak - N
Piccos natural peak - Y
Scolio natural reef - N
Scolios natural reef - Y
Cresta natural ridge - N
Crestas natural ridge - Y
Rocca natural rock - N
Roccas natural rock - Y
Detrito cadite natural scree - N
Detrito cadite natural scree - Y
Arbusto natural scrub - N
Arbustos natural scrub - Y
Banco de sablo natural shoal - N
Bancos de sablo natural shoal - Y
Fontana natural spring - N
Fontanas natural spring - Y
Arbore natural tree - N
Arbores natural tree - Y
Vallea natural valley - N
Valleas natural valley - Y
Vulcano natural volcano - N
Vulcanos natural volcano - Y
Aqua natural water - N
Aquas natural water - Y
Terra humide natural wetland - N
Terras humide natural wetland - Y
Bosco natural wood - N
Boscos natural wood - Y
Citate place city - N
Citates place city - Y
Pais place country - N
Paises place country - Y
Contato place county - N
Contatos place county - Y
Ferma place farm - N
Fermas place farm - Y
Vico place hamlet - N
Vicos place hamlet - Y
Casa place house - N
Casas place house - Y
Casa place houses - N
Casas place houses - Y
Insula place island - N
Insulas place island - Y
Insuletta place islet - N
Insulettas place islet - Y
Localitate place locality - N
Localitates place locality - Y
Municipalitate place municipality - N
Municipalitates place municipality - Y
Region place region - N
Regiones place region - Y
Mar place sea - N
Mares place sea - Y
Stato place state - N
Statos place state - Y
Suburbio place suburb - N
Suburbios place suburb - Y
Urbe place town - N
Urbes place town - Y
Village place village - N
Villages place village - Y
Magazin de bibitas alcoholic shop alcohol - N
Magazines de bibitas alcoholic shop alcohol - Y
Magazin de arte shop art - N
Magazines de arte shop art - Y
Paneteria shop bakery - N
Paneterias shop bakery - Y
Salon de beltate shop beauty - N
Salones de beltate shop beauty - Y
Boteca de bibitas shop beverages - N
Botecas de bibitas shop beverages - Y
Magazin de bicyclettas shop bicycle - N
Magazines de bicyclettas shop bicycle - Y
Libreria shop books - N
Librerias shop books - Y
Macelleria shop butcher - N
Macellerias shop butcher - Y
Magazin de automobiles shop car - N
Magazines de automobiles shop car - Y
Partes de automobiles shop car_parts - N
Partes de automobiles shop car_parts - Y
Reparation de automobiles shop car_repair - N
Reparation de automobiles shop car_repair - Y
Magazin de tapetes shop carpet - N
Magazines de tapetes shop carpet - Y
Magazin de beneficentia shop charity - N
Magazines de beneficentia shop charity - Y
Pharmacia shop chemist - N
Pharmacias shop chemist - Y
Magazin de vestimentos shop clothes - N
Magazines de vestimentos shop clothes - Y
Magazin de computatores shop computer - N
Magazines de computatores shop computer - Y
Confecteria shop confectionery - N
Confecterias shop confectionery - Y
Magazin de quartiero shop convenience - N
Magazines de quartiero shop convenience - Y
Centro de photocopias shop copyshop - N
Centros de photocopias shop copyshop - Y
Grande magazin shop department_store - N
Grande magazines shop department_store - Y
Magazin de bricolage shop doityourself - N
Magazines de bricolage shop doityourself - Y
Lavanderia a sic shop dry_cleaning - N
Lavanderias a sic shop dry_cleaning - Y
Boteca de electronica shop electronics - N
Botecas de electronica shop electronics - Y
Agentia immobiliari shop estate_agent - N
Agentias immobiliari shop estate_agent - Y
Magazin agricole shop farm - N
Magazines agricole shop farm - Y
Boteca de moda shop fashion - N
Botecas de moda shop fashion - Y
Pischeria shop fish - N
Pischerias shop fish - Y
Florista shop florist - N
Floristas shop florist - Y
Magazin de alimentation shop food - N
Magazines de alimentation shop food - Y
Director de pompas funebre shop funeral_directors - N
Directores de pompas funebre shop funeral_directors - Y
Magazin de mobiles shop furniture - N
Magazines de mobiles shop furniture - Y
Jardineria shop garden_centre - N
Jardinerias shop garden_centre - Y
Magazin general shop general - N
Magazines general shop general - Y
Boteca de donos shop gift - N
Botecas de donos shop gift - Y
Verdurero shop greengrocer - N
Verdureros shop greengrocer - Y
Perruccheria shop hairdresser - N
Perruccherias shop hairdresser - Y
Quincalieria shop hardware - N
Quincalierias shop hardware - Y
Hi-fi shop hifi - N
Hi-fi shop hifi - Y
Assecurantia office insurance - N
Assecurantias office insurance - Y
Joieleria shop jewelry - N
Joielerias shop jewelry - Y
Kiosque shop kiosk - N
Kiosques shop kiosk - Y
Lavanderia shop laundry - N
Lavanderias shop laundry - Y
Galeria mercante shop mall - N
Galerias mercante shop mall - Y
Boteca de telephonos mobile shop mobile_phone - N
Botecas de telephonos mobile shop mobile_phone - Y
Magazin de motocyclos shop motorcycle - N
Magazines de motocyclos shop motorcycle - Y
Magazin de musica shop music - N
Magazines de musica shop music - Y
Venditor de jornales shop newsagent - N
Venditores de jornales shop newsagent - Y
Optico shop optician - N
Opticos shop optician - Y
Boteca de alimentos organic shop organic - N
Botecas de alimentos organic shop organic - Y
Magazin de sport al aere libere shop outdoor - N
Magazines de sport al aere libere shop outdoor - Y
Boteca de animales shop pet - N
Botecas de animales shop pet - Y
Magazin de photographia shop photo - N
Magazines de photographia shop photo - Y
Salon shop salon - N
Salones shop salon - Y
Scarperia shop shoes - N
Scarperias shop shoes - Y
Centro commercial shop shopping_centre - N
Centros commercial shop shopping_centre - Y
Magazin de sport shop sports - N
Magazines de sport shop sports - Y
Papireria shop stationery - N
Papirerias shop stationery - Y
Supermercato shop supermarket - N
Supermercatos shop supermarket - Y
Magazin de joculos shop toys - N
Magazines de joculos shop toys - Y
Agentia de viages shop travel_agency - N
Agentias de viages shop travel_agency - Y
Magazin de video shop video - N
Magazines de video shop video - Y
Magazin de vinos shop wine - N
Magazines de vinos shop wine - Y
Cabana alpin tourism alpine_hut - N
Cabanas alpin tourism alpine_hut - Y
Obra de arte tourism artwork - N
Obras de arte tourism artwork - Y
Attraction tourism attraction - N
Attractiones tourism attraction - Y
Terreno de camping tourism camp_site - N
Terrenos de camping tourism camp_site - Y
Terreno pro caravanas tourism caravan_site - N
Terrenos pro caravanas tourism caravan_site - Y
Chalet tourism chalet - N
Chalets tourism chalet - Y
Albergo tourism guest_house - N
Albergos tourism guest_house - Y
Albergo tourism hostel - N
Albergos tourism hostel - Y
Hotel tourism hotel - N
Hoteles tourism hotel - Y
Information tourism information - N
Officios de information tourism information - Y
Motel tourism motel - N
Moteles tourism motel - Y
Museo tourism museum - N
Museos tourism museum - Y
Loco de picnic tourism picnic_site - N
Locos de picnic tourism picnic_site - Y
Parco de attractiones tourism theme_park - N
Parcos de attractiones tourism theme_park - Y
Puncto de vista tourism viewpoint - N
Punctos de vista tourism viewpoint - Y
Jardin zoologic tourism zoo - N
Jardines zoologic tourism zoo - Y
Cantier naval waterway boatyard - N
Cantieres naval waterway boatyard - Y
Canal waterway canal - N
Canales waterway canal - Y
Dica waterway dam - N
Dicas waterway dam - Y
Canal abandonate waterway derelict_canal - N
Canales abandonate waterway derelict_canal - Y
Fossato waterway ditch - N
Fossatos waterway ditch - Y
Dock waterway dock - N
Docks waterway dock - Y
Aquiero waterway drain - N
Aquieros waterway drain - Y
Rapidos waterway rapids - N
Rapidos waterway rapids - Y
Fluvio/Riviera waterway river - N
Fluvios/Rivieras waterway river - Y
Ripa de fluvio/riviera waterway riverbank - N
Ripas de fluvio/riviera waterway riverbank - Y
Rivo waterway stream - N
Rivos waterway stream - Y
Wadi waterway wadi - N
Wadis waterway wadi - Y
Puncto de aqua waterway water_point - N
Punctos de aqua waterway water_point - Y
Cascada waterway waterfall - N
Cascadas waterway waterfall - Y
Barrage waterway weir - N
Barrages waterway weir - Y