Proposal:No robot

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This map feature proposal has gain much resistance and has therefore been classified as rejected.

Proposal status: Canceled (inactive)
Proposed by: Xylome
Tagging: no_robot=all or list of keys seperated by a semicolon
Applies to: node,way,relation
Definition: lists of tag keys that should no be altered by automated (robot) scripts

Rendered as: none
Draft started: 2008-09-29
Proposed on: 2008-09-29
RFC start: 2008-08-29
Vote start: *
Vote end: *


Lately there have been automated edits by benign robot scripts which tried to correct spelling errors (mainly introduced by the problem of editing software (aka potlatch) not being able to enter german umlauts and sz-ligature). As the community on talk-de has mainly welcomed those changes, there was some concern about those automated spelling error changes.


This tag no_robot=* should be obeyed by all robot scripts, commanding them not to edit any of the keys on a node, way or relation no_robot=all or only some keys (e.g. no_robot=name; note) as a semicolon separated list.


Robot scripts are very powerful and could be very harmful. Changes done by them should be well documented and every script user should easily and fast be able to revert its changes. If the scripts are not only repairing obvious typos on keys or value-set they should be discussed first on an appropriate mailing list.


Please discuss on Talk:Proposed_features/no_robot


not open yet