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Proposal status: Proposed (under way)
Proposed by: b-unicycling
Tagging: window:shape=*
Applies to: node way relation
Definition: Defining the basic shape of a window for 3D rendering and general mapping.

Draft started: 2022-01-11
RFC start: 2022-01-12


It is proposed to standardize the tagging of window shapes under the key window:shape=* and window:top:shape=* to avoid confusion with window:type=*.


Windows are generically rendered as rectangles. However, churches, castles, temples etc often feature more elaborate shapes of windows. In the long run, it would be beneficial to have those windows rendered closer to what they look like in real life. Also, for users interested in architectural characteristics of a building, the window shape plays a role in the aesthetic.

Terms like "Gothic" or "Romanesque" should be avoided in favour of simple geometrical terms, because they are probably more user friendly. Also, these terms could fall under the architecture=* tag and a building with "Gothic" shape windows could be Neo-Gothic or Tudor revival.

As the taginfo for window:shape and window:top:shape shows, some shapes like rectangular, circle and semicircle are already in use. However, fewer cases have these characteristics tagged as window:type. This should be reserved for sashed windows or French windows etc.

Some of these shapes can also be applied with doors.


For window shapes with rectangular bottom parts (also applies to doors)
Suggested tag Synonyms Image In use?
(presumed as default)
square Rectangular.png no
window:top:shape=semicircle Romanesque Rounded.png yes
window:top:shape=pointed Gothic Pointed.png no
window:top:shape=triangle Top-triangle.png no
window:top:shape=ogee onion-shaped Ogee.png no
window:top:shape=double-ogee double-onion-shaped Double-ogee.png no
Window shapes with non-rectangular bottom parts
Suggested tag Synonyms Image In use?
diamond Diamond.png yes
circle round Circle.png yes
pentagon five-sided no
hexagon six-sided Hexagonal.png no
octagon eight-sided Octagonal.png no
trefoil flower with 3 petals Trefoil 1 (PSF).png no
quatrefoil flower with 4 petals Quatrefoil-Architectural.png no
hexafoil flower with 6 petals no
octofoil flower with 8 petals no
dodecafoil flower with 12 petals no



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Please comment on the discussion page.