Proposal talk:Common name format in Republic of Srpska

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Proposal comments

You cannot vote out Cyrillic alphabet, name tag is regulated by OTG rule.

Constitution of Republika Srpska says:

Члан 7.8

Службени језици Републике Српске су: језик српског народа, језик бошњачког народа и језик хрватског народа. Службена писма су ћирилица и латиница. На подручјима гдје живе друге језичке групе у службеној употреби су и њихови језици и писма, на начин одређен законом.

Na osnovu člana 252. stav (1) tačke 7), a u vezi sa članom 153. Zakona o osnovama sigurnosti saobraćaja na cestama Bosne i Hercegovine ("Službeni glasnik BiH", broj 06/06), ministar komunikacija i prometa Bosne i Hercegovine, u suradnji sa nadležnim tijelima za unutrašnje poslove i saobraćaj, donosi:



Član 3. (Ispisivanje natpisa na znakovima) (1) Na saobraćajnim znakovima natpisi se ispisuju i latiničnim i ćiriličnim pismom, i to na taj način da natpisi budu ispisani PRVO ćiriličnim pismom u Republici Srpskoj, a latiničnim pismom u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Redoslijed pisama na natpisima na području Brčko Distrikta Bosne i Hercegovine utvrđuje nadležno tijelo za pitanje saobraćaja na području Brčko Distrikta Bosne i Hercegovine.

Voting on name format

Preliminary phase. The outcome of this vote has NO EFFECT on the recommended tagging practice. It merely serves to agree upon a tagging scheme to propose officially.

Please vote below with at most one positive (+1) and at most one negative (-1) vote for your most preferred and least preferred variant listed in the article, respectively. Add your signature with four tildes (~~~~). Comments are optional. Please only comment in this section if you wish to elaborate on the reasoning behind your vote. For general comments on the proposal as a whole, please start a new section on the discussion page.

Voting ends on 31st January 2021.

Votes for Latin only

Example: name=Banja Luka
-1 Miloradb (talk) 17:31, 5 December 2020 (UTC)

Votes for Cyrillic only

Example: name=Бања Лука

+1 Michalfabik (talk) 22:07, 10 November 2020 (UTC)
+1 Miloradb (talk) 17:30, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
+1 Badojo (talk) 19:15, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
+1 Skrebic (talk) 18:39, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
+1 Ambraspace (talk) 08:05, 28 January 2021 (UTC) - This reflects the situation the best. The traffic signs are in cyrillic, this is preferred by locals. However, every feature should also have English tag, so that foreigners can search the features and figure pronunciation. For example, OSMAnd mobile app has option to display features in local language or English (which I use when traveling to Greece).
-1 AlenM (talk) 16:01, 6 December 2020 (UTC)

0 Pedja (talk) 00:56, 6 December 2020 (UTC) - I strongly disagree with this voting idea. Name tag is not subject of voting but OTG rule. In Republika Srpska cyrilic aphabet is used officaly. You cannot vote it out of OSM.

Votes for Cyrillic / Latin

Example: name=Бања Лука / Banja Luka

-1 Ambraspace (talk) 08:05, 28 January 2021 (UTC) - I don't like duplicate names in name tag. It's very awkward.
0 Pedja (talk) 00:56, 6 December 2020 (UTC) - I strongly disagree with this voting idea. Name tag is not subject of voting but OTG rule. In Republika Srpska cyrilic aphabet is used officaly. You cannot vote it out of OSM.

Votes for Latin / Cyrillic

Example: name=Banja Luka / Бања Лука

-1 Michalfabik (talk) 22:07, 10 November 2020 (UTC)
-1 Skrebic (talk) 18:39, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
+1 Migara (talk) 21:09, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
+1 Eclipse28 (talk) 14:48, 25 January 2021 (UTC)

Votes for no name tag

-1 Badojo (talk) 19:15, 5 December 2020 (UTC)

+1 Cick0 (talk) 21:01, 5 December 2020 (UTC)

+1 AlenM (talk) 15:59, 6 December 2020 (UTC)