State Of The Map U.S. 2012/BIDS/Example

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Example SotM-US 2012 Bid

SotM-US 2012 Bid proposal for MyTown, MyState. To be held on the sixth or eighth weekend of Nonetober.


Three day event, Friday to Sunday for mappers, developers and data consumers.


  • Friday - Introduction day - Topics to get new attendees up to speed. Introductory level presentations, in longer time slots intended to present context and background material as well as an introduction to a bite-sized topic.
  • Saturday - Tools day - Topics that introduce, or update attendees on the tools that are used in OpenStreetMap. HOWTOs, Examples and Q&A will be featured in most talks. Some 200-level talks will build upon information delivered in Friday presentations.
  • Sunday - Data day - Topics around the OpenStreetMap data, from collecting to consuming. Surveys and editors, rendering and servers. Topics may build upon Friday presentations.

Organizing team

The organizing team has extensive event planning experience.

  • Team lead, A. Mapper, planned the moon landings
  • Assistant lead, A. Cartographer, has a fool proof plan
  • A. Coder, has an airtight alibi
  • Six more local mappers are in the same marching band and already have uniforms



MyTown has three full-service docks on the Mississippi and steamboats arrive from all points (upstream AND down) on a daily basis. MyTown is called the Gateway to the UpperLower and has unparalleled weekly stagecoach service.

Culture and Entertainment

MyState has the highest ratio of dance halls to sheriffs and MyTown is known for an extensive selection of saloons. Culture and entertainment will NOT be in short supply for attendees of SotM-US 2012.


The Megaplex Saloon, DanceHall, and Convention Center, is accustomed to hosting major events of the size of SotM-US. A new style Motor Hotel is under construction and scheduled for completion three months before our event. The addition of the motor hotel with capacity for up to twelve "cars" whatever they are, is over and above the traditional accommodation in the Saloon and Dance Hall. The Sheriff has also promised that the drunk tank will be available again for those who enjoyed his hospitality during The Roundup 2009. The Sheriff also sends this message, verbatim, "You know who you are, Mr. Fake-blank-blank, you saucy minx."

Net access

The docks aren't far away, and I'm sure that some of the fishers will allow you access to their nets if you help them clean the catch of the day.

Public transit

Yes, all of the public may use the fancy boardwalk, rather than walking in the dirt.

Local support

Foundation garments are available in the General Store. They have both sizes.

