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Ouah... l'exemple c'est une entreprise de mal-bouffe... ? Dont les clients tombent malade à cause de ces produits, trop gras, trop sucrés, non-équilibrés, non-sains,... Bourrés de produits chimiques, et/ou pour lesquels il a fallu déverser dans la terre, l'air, l'eau, de grosses quantités de chimie-toxique...

[ la planète est en train de crever... ! __ arrêtons le massacre ! ]


Wow... the example is a junk food company... ???? Whose customers get sick because of these products, too fat, too high in sugar, unbalanced, unhealthy,... Filled with chemicals, and/or for which large quantities of toxic-chemistry were poured into the soil, the air, the water...

[ the planet is dying... ! __ let's stop the disaster ! ]


—Preceding unsigned comment added by Tifroumi (talkcontribs) 16:13, 16 December 2021‎ (UTC)

@Tifroumi: The example was chosen not because of its reputation as a corporate citizen but rather because it's highly recognizable to an international audience (for better or worse), plausibly demonstrates how a brand might have a distinct operator, and has a distinct name depending on the language. This key is by no means limited to this one example. Feel free to add another example or two to demonstrate the versatility of this key. – Minh Nguyễn 💬 01:48, 18 December 2021 (UTC)