Talk:Key:edit group

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This is a draft page and this page is under construction as of December 2018. Will be updated over coming days.


The purpose of the key edit_group=* is to identify areas, and the objects within them which have been (fully) updated to a specified check_date. It should not be used for edits which are proposed or underway.

This key should only be used on areas, and not relations or multipolygons, nodes, ways, or objects with other tags.

The purpose is to aid the creation and maintenance of OpenStreetMap data and is to be used to identify the progress and status of the map in a particular area.

Existing edit_group=* keys, values, and areas should not be modified (except by the OSM editor who created the area).

If a user wishes to create a new edit_group area where there is an existing edit_group area, they may do so without modifying existing edit_group areas.

Existing edit_group areas may be deleted by another OSM mapper when and as appropriate, and only after being made redundant by a new edit_group area.

edit_group=* serves generally the same as check_date=*. For individual features check_date=* should instead be used.


To use edit_group=* create a single (contiguous) closed polygon / area. The shape does not need a high number of nodes, as it is to be used by OpenStreetMap editors.

The size of the edit_group area should reflect the density of the features mapped within it. As a general indication only, in urban areas an area of 0.25km2 to 1km2 would be a suitable edit_group area, while in rural or remote settings an area of 25km2 may be more appropriate. An edit_group area could reflect the division of street blocks, and follow road, river or other alignments.

This area should be assigned 4 keys, as follows:

edit_group=yes. Note that "yes" is the only valid tag for edit_group=*. edit_group=*in the format *Your OSM username*_*Locality, Town, Suburb or Area Name*_*User Title*_*User Sequence Number or Code* check_date=* in the format YYYY-MM-DD, and note=*in the format *object*, *object*, *object* in plain English.

Multiple related edit_group=* areas can and generally should be grouped with a multipolygon relation. For example the areas with the following related tags may be grouped in one multipolygon relation:

edit_group=coolcat_Alice Springs_Area around Todd Street Markets_AREA 1 edit_group=coolcat_Alice Springs_Area around Todd Street Markets_AREA 2 edit_group=coolcat_Alice Springs_Area around Todd Street Markets_AREA 3 Format edit_group=*

The following format should be used for this key:


1.) *Your Username*_

2.) *Locality, Town, Suburb or Area Name*_

3.) *User Title*_

4.) *User Sequence Number or Code*

Examples: edit_group=john4000_Gotham Village_South Gotham_A1 edit_group=maggie8_Broken Hill_Broken Hill Mine_north-west edit_group=coolcat_Alice Springs_Area around Todd Street Markets_AREA 2 Format of check_date=*

check_date=* is intended to document the last date, when an object as a whole or specific tags of the object were checked and verified. This tag may be used with all items where information is subject to change on a regular basis. The date should be specified using the ISO 8601 basic format YYYY-MM-DD.

Format of note=*

This tag should be used to detail the objects which have been completly edited and updated within the target area, separated by a comma ",".

Where an object is listed, such as "road geometry", all road geometry within the marked area must fully or 100% updated to the check_date provided. So that all roads are correctly aligned, and none are missing, as to the date provided. Ambiguous or confusing wording and terms should be avoided. This tag should use simple, clear English. You may use other osm tag values, so long as it is clear what objects within the area have be fully or 100% updated to the check_date.

Examples items to list:

Example items to list may include: road geometry, road names, road maxspeed, road surface, highway tag, driveways, addresses, buildings, fences, trees, public transport routes, footpaths, tracks, or etcetera as appropriate.