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Tyler is a web tool which does tile stitching to provide a static map images service. It is written in python & Django.



There is a "demo" installation of the service running at https://tyler-demo.herokuapp.com (description)

Being labelled as "demo", it would not be advisable to use that as a permalinkable static map images service. This appears to be very much geared towards installing it yourself if you want to use it.

Example URL: https://tyler-demo.herokuapp.com/?greyscale=False&lat=51.5132&lon=-0.1032&zoom=11&width=800&height=400&tile_url=http://%5Babcd%5D.tile.stamen.com/watercolor/%7Bzoom%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D.jpg

The tile_url allows it to support (bring in tiles from) any web standard raster tile provider, meaning you have a very wide choice of styles.