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About me

I'm Caroline, a Geography BA student at the Univerity of Manchester. I am in the process of putting together my undergraduate dissertation - a study of user-generated cartography, using OpenStreetMap as a case study, and focusing on the Manchester mapping community.


So far i have limited experience of mapping and have not yet contributed to the map. I have previously taken a university course in GIS, and am currently taking two mapping modules; one with a practical GIS element and the other concerned with Maps in Society. I am particularly interested in the open-source ethos of OSM, as well as the personal motivations which lead people to take part in Mapping parties, or contribute to the map in their spare time - essentially, I would like to know, why do people enjoy mapping?

Previous Events

State of the Map July 2008

Forthcoming Events

Manchester mapping party October 2008


I have started an OSM diary to inform the wider OSM community of my actions and plan to update it on a regular basis, I have invited people to share their motivations for taking part in OSM and mapping activities in general, and this has already generated some really useful information and ideas.

In the near future I would like to contact users in the Manchester area and ask them to share their experiences of and insights into the mapping community with me, and I also plan to attend the forthcoming Manchester mapping party to involve myself in the project more fully.