User:EGEOS eea/Martigny settlements (Switzerland)

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This page describes a methodology to import the settlements data mapping during the Rapid Mapping activity, in OpenStreetMap dataset. The study area is Martigny in Switzerland. The OSM data were downloaded from OpenStreetMap and imported in the RM geodatabase through the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) developed and used by the Rapid Mapping Team. Then, the missing building footprints were edited in GIS platform and the collected data in the RM geodatabase was converted in osm.diff file.


This work is part of the framework Service Contract EEA/IDM/15/026/LOT 2 for Services supporting the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) implementation of cross-cutting activities for coordination of the In Situ component of the Copernicus Programme Services. In particular, given the wide use of OSM data throughout Copernicus Services and given the fact that these Services produce value-added open data often on the basis of OSM content, the focus was on a set-up cooperation and integration agreement between Copernicus Services and OSM.

Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) provides information for emergency response in relation to different types of disasters, including meteorological hazards, geophysical hazards, deliberate and accidental man-made disasters and other humanitarian disasters, as well as prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities.

In particular, Rapid Mapping Service consists of the provision of geospatial information within hours or days from the activation in support of emergency management activities immediately following a disaster.

The aim is to import settlements data extracted during the Rapid Mapping activity and share it with OSM community and Copernicus Service Providers.


In this section will be added the Licence documents or references about the Copernicus Project and OSM.

Data and Accuracy

The RM services consists of the on-demand and fast provision (hours-days) of geospatial information in support of emergency management activities immediately following disaster. The service is based on the acquisition, processing and analysis, in rapid mode, of satellite imagery and other geospatial raster and vector data sources, and social media when relevant. Therefore, each provided dataset has the precision and accuracy of satellite imagery used for the analysis. The very high resolution imagery at 0,3 and 1 metre resolution are used in case of analysis on settlements.

Data Preparation

The reference data used by the Rapid Mapping Team in case of an activation is downloaded from OSM dataset through the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) an open source solution for GIS data/metadata exchange, publishing and on-the-fly geoprocessing, developed by the RM team. If necessary, the OSM data are integrated during the analysis in order to obtain a complete reference dataset. After the RM geodatabase extraction, the editing phase was carried out in GIS in order to populate the RM geodatabase. As shown in the picture below (Fig 9), fFor the study area 194 features were collected:

  • 177 Residential Buildings;
  • 17 Non Residential Buildings.
Fig.1 - Buildings collected during the editing phase

OSM.diff file generation

In order to generate the OSM.diff file, a specific procedure was developed to compare the data extracted from the OSM database in the RM model and the data contained in the RM model itself at the end of the editing operations. The procedure writes the essential information for the correct formatting of the output in ".osc" format.

Unfortunately, since it is not possible to insert OSM tags within the RM model (indeed the attributes are different), for each new element has been assigned a default generic tag. In the case of settlements, each element has been generically classified as "building = yes". The tTable 3 shows the exact tag using during the generation of .osc format, for this case study.

Table 3. Comparison between RM subtype and OSM tag using during the OSM.diff file generation
11 - Residential building building = yes
12 - Non - residential buildings building = yes


  1. OpenStreetMap data download and Rapid Mapping Data Model Extraction from ETL rules
  2. Rapid Mapping Production
    1. Analysis phase
    2. Editing phase of RM geodatabase
  3. OSM.diff file generation
    1. Modified RM geodatabase re-imported into SDI database
    2. Procedure for comparing the two dataset
    3. Production of .osc format