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# Usage: perl < data.osm
# Copying:
#  Copyright 2007, Oliver White,
#  Licensed under GNU GPL v2 or later
#  No warranty etc.
use strict;
my %IgnoreTags = IgnoreTags();   # List of tag keys to ignore
my $Tagtype = '-';               # What object the parser is in
my %Tags;
my %Values;
my %Usage;

while(my $Line = <>){
  if($Line =~ m{<tag k=["'](.*?)["'] v=["'](.*?)["']\s*/>}){
    # Tag within an object
    my ($Name, $Value) = ($1, $2);
    if($Value ne ''){
      if(!$IgnoreTags{$Name}){      # Ignored tags
        #print STDERR "$Name = $Value\n";
  elsif($Line =~ m{<(node|segment|way) (.*)}){
    # Beginning of an object
    $Tagtype = substr($1,0,1);
  elsif($Line =~ m{<seg id=["'](\d+)["']\s*/>}){
    # Segment within a way
  elsif($Line =~ m{</(node|segment|way)}){
    # End of an item
    $Tagtype = '-';

my $Dir = "Output";
mkdir $Dir if(!-d $Dir);
open(OUT, ">$Dir/tags.txt");
foreach my $Tag(keys %Tags){
  printf OUT "%d %s\n", $Tags{$Tag}, $Tag;

  open(TAG, ">$Dir/tag_$Tag.txt");
  open(USAGE, ">$Dir/usage_$Tag.txt");
  foreach my $Value(keys(%{$Values{$Tag}})){
    printf TAG "%d %s\n", $Values{$Tag}->{$Value}, $Value;
    printf USAGE "%s %d %d\n", $Value, $Usage{$Tag}->{$Value}->{'n'}, $Usage{$Tag}->{$Value}->{'w'};

  close TAG; 
  close USAGE;
close OUT;

# Create a list of tags to ignore
sub IgnoreTags{
  my %Ignore;
  foreach my $Tag(
    'lat','lon','tagtype','id',  # Reserved words (all objects)
    'created_by', # Not relevant for rendering
    'ele',        # GPS metadata
    '',           # Tags without a name
    'from',       # Reserved word (segment)
    'to',         # Reserved word (segment)
    'visible',    # OSM internal metadata
    'timestamp',  # OSM internal metadata
    'user',       # OSM internal metadata
    'source',     # Not relevant for rendering
    'polyline',   # Reserved word (way)
    'time',       # GPS metadata?
    'editor',     # Not relevant for rendering
    'author',     # Not relevant for rendering
    'hdop',       # GPS metadata
    'pdop',       # GPS metadata
    'sat',        # GPS metadata
    'speed',      # GPS metadata
    'fix',        # GPS metadata
    'course',     # GPS metadata
    'class',      # depreciated
    'converted_by', # Some program
    $Ignore{$Tag} = 1;